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posted by DemzRulez
House Season 1 Episode 19: Kids

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At a swim meet, a 12-year old diver, Mary, goes onto the board and makes her dive, but when she comes up one of the bystanders has collapsed. At Cameron's apartment, House pays a visit to ask her back but she refuses. Before they can get into it further, House is paged – there's an outbreak at the clinic. He returns to find the place crowded with patients and doctors – Cuddy suspect meningitis at the pool center and dragoons him into service. Mary has a rash and a sore neck, and her parents are out of town. House suspects something and brings Foreman...
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posted by DemzRulez
House Season 1 Episode 16: Heavy

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A 10-year old girl, Jessica, is at nyumbani and not feeling well as she's going off to school. That siku while exercising she complains of chest pains and collapses. As House is forced to decide which of his staff members he will fire, Jessica's case is referred to him and he's intrigued. They begun to run tests as House drops the news to his staff, and Jessica's mother disputes that Jessica's weight is the issue. Meanwhile House meets with an overweight woman, Lucille, suffering from heartburn who refuses to believe she's pregnant despite House's claims....
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“Sometimes, when a person has suffered extreme physical au psychological trauma (including massive stress), they will assume the fetal position au a similar position in which the back is curved forward, the legs are brought up as tightly against the abdomen as possible, the head is bowed as close to the abdomen as possible, and the arms are wrapped around the head to prevent further trauma.” (Wikipedia)

Fetal Position has been my favourite episode of House MD for a very long time now. I have an incredible bias towards the episode because it is one of the few episodes where Cuddy’s character...
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posted by housecuddy4ever
Ships of House
There are so many,and many zaidi are beginning to be discovered
I will orodha the ships,and tell wewe some stuff about them.
*Note:This a loooong orodha of 'Ships'....some of these ships aren't even real!But some people ship them,or might ship*

Twirteen(Twiggy the tree/13)
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Just a drabble for the ship mwezi fanfiction contest!

He jokes. She laughs.

He rants. She argues.

He denies it.

She denies it.

Wilson would tell wewe they’re still little kids, fighting just to see who would win.

Cameron would tell wewe they’re in love, and fighting’s just his way of inaonyesha it.

He would tell wewe upendo doesn’t exist, just the need for another.

But isn’t that the definition of love? The need for another?

She would tell wewe she may have had feelings for him once, but she’s not sure they exist anymore.

But is upendo something that ever leaves?

She would tell wewe she’s tired of...
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 Is House to blame for the actions of others?
Is House to blame for the actions of others?
After watching Wilson's moyo I noticed that the writer's left us with a deep thought about the swali of whether House is guilty as to the death of Amber. At first my reaction was God NO, House couldn't help that they got into a bus accident but then I noticed something zaidi that the writer's were trying to say.
A main theme through House is the way he treats people and how his actions may not directly cause the misery and he 'techinically" is not to blame for a deed done, but indirectly he has caused people pain.

The first example I could think of for this was at the end of the Volger...
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 Dr. Gregory House
Dr. Gregory House
Dr.Gregory House

“I teach wewe to lie, cheat, and steal, and as soon as my back's turned wewe wait in line?”

“Like I always say, there's no "I" in team. There's a "me" though, if wewe jumble it up.”

“So what's your plan? wewe take the big dark one, I'll take the little girl, and the Aussie will run like a scared wombat if things get tough.”

[Houses' patient has just collapsed] "This is exactly why I created nurses. Clean up on aisle three!”

"It's a basic truth of the human condition that everybody lies. The only variable is about what."

"You talk to God, you're religious; God talks...
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I'm talking of course about the lack of explanations aliyopewa for House's supposed attempt to kill Chase on the episode House Divided.

My first reaction to that scene was "what the hell?!?!". It has never been hinted that House either likes au dislikes Chase any different than any of the other ducklings (old au new), so why on earth would he ever want him dead? I thought it was really lame at the momment, and since I couldn't find a good explanation for it I decided to ignore it and pretend it never happened.

But weeks later, after watching Both Sides Now, I finally found an explanation that not...
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I figured the best way to express my thoughts on this makala would be to take it one point at a time. Note, because of the heated debates regarding screentime of certain characters, I feel all arguments regarding that matter have been hashed out already so I'm not going to maoni on those points because I don't feel like rehashing all those arguments again.

1. Too Much Thirteen
I'm not going to maoni on this.

2. House Seems to Have aliyopewa Up
I DISAGREE with this as well. House is a complex and multi-layered character. While he may revel in making other people miserable and irritating them,...
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Wilson stood at the side of the gurney where his friend lay, his lips slightly parted in an involuntary reaction of shock and horror as his mind tried to process the horrific words House had just spoken. He shook his head slightly, a part of his mind denying it still, refusing to believe that such an awful thing could have happened.

No...not to him...not to House...

House was studying his expression, his eyes wide and zaidi vulnerable than Wilson was used to seeing them, as he tried to gauge his friend's reaction. After a few brief moments, he averted his eyes in shame, swallowing...
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"Dreams are the answer to a swali that wewe have not asked yet". - X-Files

House MD is a onyesha famous for its special episodes, those that escape the strict formulaic structure of the show. 'Three Stories, No Reason, House's Head, Under My Skin' are among those episodes in which dream sequences au hallucinations are used in order for the audience to delve deeper into what our beloved Gregory House tries so desperately to hide from those close to him but foremost himself.


Whoever has ever seen any zombie movie, knows that the disease always disrupts the brain functions. The same thing...
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posted by DemzRulez
House Season 1 Episode 22: Honeymoon

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House is occupied balancing spoons when Stacy shows up to get her husband, who needs a check-up due to abdominal pains, infantile regression, etc. Mark claims he's under stress and doesn't need help, House isn't too enthused about checking him out, and neither gets along with the other too well. But in the middle of a toast Mark collapses thanks to House drugging him to get him to the clinic.

The team go over Mark's case and House orders a battery of tests – Wilson suspects he's trying to look good for Stacy and get her back. Cameron begins to...
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posted by DemzRulez
House Season 1 Episode 7: Fidelity

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After a morning jog with his friend, a man named Ed returns nyumbani to find his spouse sick in bed. Elyce has remained there for days. At the hospital, Cameron tells House that the patient has been sleeping 18 hours a day, but the tests don't reveal anything.

House and his team go through the possibilities -- Depression? Parasites? House orders new blood work and another MRI. After zaidi testing, Elyce is told that there is no answer to her neurological problems. She goes into seizures.

House starts to suspect breast cancer. He also inquires about Elyce's...
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Okay so I’ve gotten multiple death threats telling me if I didn’t continue that I would have serious bodily harm done to me. =) So I’ve decided to continue. I don't really like this chapter but this is what I came up with during school. Anyways Here we go

    After getting herself composed and under control Lisa Cuddy lifted herself off her hard, cold, wooden floor. She slowly padded her way into her jikoni looking for that bottle of Pinot noir that her sister gave to her for New Years. She needed to relax and the only thing she could think of was to drink wine. She...
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Hi its me NOT bashing any ship and being totally objective!I just want to share my thoughts to what we have seen till now on season 5(till episode 6).
First of all lets take a step back to the finalle.Ok wewe know how I feel for that!But I was kind of hoping that the house/wilson fallout on season 5 will last way zaidi epis than season 5.All this fast make-up make me feel like that amber died for nothing.
Because apart from wilson uigizaji like a bitch, kahaba for 2-3 scenes of these 4 epis we didn't see anything extradinary...
Also 13,13,13.Too much screentime.In the premiere she DID have zaidi screentime...
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posted by Irene3691
The inayofuata day, Lisa feels much better and Lucas comes to visit her.
‘Hi!’ Says Cuddy opening the door.
‘Hi! How are wewe feeling ?’
‘Much better, thanks.’
‘I've brought something special to you.’ He gives her a box of chocolates and she takes it.
‘Wow, thank you, but Lucas, I’ve been sick, I can’t really eat chocolates...’
‘I know, I know, they are for when wewe feel better, that’s why I’ve also brought this.’ He gives her a rose and Lisa blushes a bit while she takes it. ‘Thanks.’ She smiles and gives him a quick kiss on his lips.
‘You're welcome.’ He approaches...
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Neighborhood Legend
Chapter 5: Halloween

    All in all, it has been a very stressful couple of weeks for Tom Wiltzer ever since he broke into The Mad Doctor’s apartment. If all went to plan, he and Pat probably would have had a grand tale to tell to every kid on Baker St. Well, they still probably have quite the tale to tell but Tom just wasn’t as enthusiastic about it as Patrick happened to be. To Pat, it was a heroic story of escapade that put him league with his older brother, Jack. To Tom however, it was a topic he wasn’t too comfortable discussing, mainly because...
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 The moment the entire episode was leading up to
The moment the entire episode was leading up to
I’m devastated like I’m sure many of wewe are, but I think season 7’s “Bombshells”, while not a typical House episode AT ALL, was amazingly written and a very cool chance for everyone involved in House MD to branch out a little bit. People are extremely mixed about this episode, some upendo it and some hate it and a great majority of that has to do with the very eloquent dream sequences that the onyesha decided to explore. This makala is going to attempt to break down each dream sequence and get at the message the writers were intending with each dream.

The basic idea of the dreams were...
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posted by DemzRulez
House Season 1 Episode 13: Cursed

Full Recap

In a dusty attic, a young boy, Gabriel trips as he gets together with some other boys for a club. They start playing with an Ouija board and when asked who will die in a year, it "spells" out Gabe's name. A week au so later, Gabe comes down with a fever then collapses. He's taken to the clinic where House suspects pneumonia, particularly since Gabe's parents are major donors to the clinic. Signs of a rash suggest something else and they suspect ticks au any sexual activity. It soon becomes clear that the father is a bit of a control freak and the parents...
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Everyone has known Greg House as the brilliant but misanthropic and narcissistic doctor who has anti-social behaviour and treats human life as a simple puzzle that needs to be solved disociating himself from any kind of human emotion with the exception of pain which ironically is the most human emotion. In this article, I'm going to try explain how House displays two opposing characteristics of his personality throughout the episode, his "divine" and his human side kwa paralleling House with John Milton's two main characters in "Paradise Lost".

House as "Satan"
"Paradise Lost" tells the story...
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