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posted by zanhar1
Snowing (Snow and Charming)
Law 1 of shipping; if it's kanuni, cannon it's shippable, and Snowing is probably the most canon couple in the show. Even if wewe hate them both it's hard not to ship them. Though I am one of those people who dislikes both Snow and Charming, I will admit to shipping them. After all, they have a child together and kwa all she's the product of true love. And also, Snow and Charming will always find each other.

Regina and Charming
I mostly ship this due to this picture

And that picture (that I couldn't find) of Charming lightly touching Regina's shoulder and smiling at her after she and Emma saved Storybrooke.
But I also ship them due to episode 20 of season 1, when David helped Gina with her car problems and then the dinner. Despite the fact that it was a last ditch effort to keep uphold the curse, it got pretty intense. And also that part where she has him locked in the cell after saving him from execution.

Captain swan (Hook and Emma)
Now I don't ship this at. All. It;s one of my very few NOTP's. But this isn't a hate makala so I'll state some upsides (in my opinion) to the ship. Hook and Emma just so happened to be tied for 5th on my juu five characters list. I must admit it was pretty sweet and touching when Hook told Emma she helped him songesha on from Milah.

Greg and Tamara
Law 3 of shipping; those who work together (or nefariously plot evil deeds together) do the sexy together...or at least do the couple thing. With law 3 in mind, we have Greg and Tamara. Plus they both had a common goal (to get rid of magic) and if I remember right shared a kiss.

Golden teacup (Gold and Chip)
Man he was kicking arse and takin' names when the cup went missing. He was devastated when he found out Regina kidnapped his Chip! So upset in fact, that he let Gina know that he knew that she knew that he knew who his Fairy Tale Land counter part is. And gosh, did wewe see his face when Belle murdered Chip!? DID YOU!?

Henry and Gretel
He went out of his way to find her, her real dad, and keep her in Stroybrooke. Plus she's one of the other few kids (named) around his age.

Henry and Hansel
Law 4 of shipping--if wewe ship one sibling with someone, wewe must ship the other too! Yes, I am pulling these laws out of my buttocks.

Golden Queen (Gold and Regina)
After how he ruined her life, I'm kind of weary to ship this. But wewe know what they say "YOSO, wewe only ship once!" (That's a like, wewe all ship lots of times!) It's shippable though, because he seems to like touching Regina's face...a lot.(it's kind of creepy). And the whole "You have to obey if I say please" is pretty freakin' kinky if wewe ask me.

Millian (Milah and Killian)
This one is kind of self explanatory. Hook really did upendo her, she ran away with him. He kept the drawing of her, even after her passing.

Gold and Milah
This one is also a bit harder for me to ship as she left poor Rumple. But one of my reasons to ship it is that she had Bae with him.

Darling moto (Wendy and Baelfire)
Wendy had sheltered him and gave him chakula out of the goodness of her moyo despite the fact that he was a complete stranger. An in return he did his best to protect her from Pan's shadow. And in the upcoming episode I could imagine he's going to do everything he can to keep her salama and reunite her with her brothers.

Aurora and Philip
Well for starts these two are your classic Disney partners. I think they are just adorable together when they are on screen. Not to mention she's having his kid.

Philip and Belle and Mulan
Fret not my good readers, this isn't me shipping a 3 way. I simply ship Mulan and Belle with Philip for the same exact reason. Both found out he was the Yaoguai and helped free him of that curse.

Regal Cricket (Gina and Archie)
Archie was literally the only person in Storybrooke who didn't hate Regina despite everything. He came to her and offered help and when she finally took up the offer he did his best to help her. I just think it would be a cute couple, Archie'd treat her nicely.

Swan Puppet (August and Emma)
He was part of operation cobra with Emma and did his best to keep her on the right track to breaking the curse. Though he did go about it in the wrong way, but that's another matter.

Regal Puppet (Regina and August)
In my personal opinion this is just one of those ships that looks good.

Grappetto (Granny & Geppetto)
For one thing besides George (whom I don't ship with anyone because he's such a jerk that not even I can bring myself to make him shippable.

Leopold and Regina
I'm kind of weary to ship this as it was an unwanted marriage. But I think Leopold did try to make Regina happy, it was just on of those things that was doomed from the start.

Cora and Henry Sr
Well they were married and had Regina so, that explains itself.

Glass Queen(Sidney and Regina)
Classic unrequited upendo story. He did much for Regina (committed murder and treason, double crossed Emma, cheated at a political debate, etc.) And he loved her so much he had attempted to wish for her affections, only to have it blow up in his face.

Regina and Claude
She knows his name! *Squeal* SHE KNOWS HIS FREAKING NAME! She didn't have to memorized that she could just say 'hey guard No.1 come here' but no, she knows his name!

Blue and Tink
I think this was Law #2 of shipping; if you're enemies/rivals you're shippable.

Nova and Grumpy
This whole thing was adorable. He wasn't always Grumpy, he was once Dreamy. He took Nova to firefly hill, it was so cute. A dwarf and a fairy in love. Damn shame Blue had to cockblock it...just because things didn't work out with Tink...*grumbles unhappy nonsensical things*

Regal Fin (Gina and Ariel)[/u]
Can we all just pretend that Regina cockblocked Ariel and Eric so she could have Ariel to herself? Yes? Good, good.

Ariel and Eric
Dat ballroom scene! She swam far and wide to get to him (it was pretty sad that she never got to tell Eric how she felt, glad she's going to get the chance soon). She saved him from drowning, upendo at first site type of thing.

Red Cricket (Ruby & Archie)
Referencing back to minervadawn's makala I do agree with her in that there hasn't been much interaction with them, but the two nicest souls in
Storybrooke should stick together. And then there's the fact that Ruby was quick to jump to his defense when Gina was yelling at him.

Hook and Ariel
Clearly there is some history there, we just don't know it yet.

Mad Queen (Jefferson and Regina)
Despite the fact that Jeff is part of Gina's corruption I must admit that that was a hot couple. And that scene where they are hugging in fear of Sir. Whale's science was cute. And then there's the fact that they were apparently travel buddies at one point and he had helped her retrieve the apple in 'Apple as Red as Blood'. At one point I actually had a head kanuni, cannon that Regina had dated Jeff and Cora cockblocked it. :P

Fairy Hook (Tinkerbell and Hook)
Part of the Neverland character with a Neverland character thing. I'm curious to hear of their history together, clearly they have one.

Ashley and Tomas & Abigail & Frederick
I kind of looped these two together because I ship them with the same amount of minimal passion. I think they are your typical couples and they both have cute backgrounds but with some tragedy to them.

Regina and Snow
They just have so much dark history together. But despite it all, for whatever reason, they keep helping and sparing each others' lives. Gina as she was about to be executed (once as herself once in that disguise) and after her torture. And Snow as she was about to emerge through that portal and when she was begging Regina to kill her. And also Law 2.

Mad swan (Jefferson and Emma)
Mostly because he kidnapped her and I shall pretend that it was out of upendo and not some twisted scheme to get to Grace. It's still a weird ship though

Golden swan (Emma and Rumple)
The tension between these two is unbelievable. The fact that she owed him a favor. And they are kid of rivals so I call law 2!

Red Queen (Ruby and Gina)
Just because they are my two inayopendelewa characters.

Pan and Wendy/b]
Law 3 (again); Those who nefariously plot evil deeds together get shipped togather. Though most of the plotting was on Pan's behalf...and the fact that she betrayed him...oh well law 2 still stands strong.

[b]Dragon Queen (Regina and Maleficent)

"You're not going to kill me?" Mal
"No" Gina
"Why" Mal
"Because you're my only friend" Gina
If that's not enough I also ship them because Regina decided to lock her up (see other article, and the part about Belle and Gina).

Regursual (Regina and Ursula)
That mirror scene. Man, I've seen enough anime to know where that was headed!
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