The Beatles Club
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posted by Rubyrings
Finding the Beatles turned out to be easier alisema than done.
“What is this place?” gasped Emma, as the four girls and one dog stepped out the kitchen’s other entrance into what they had expected to be another room au a hallway.
Instead, the space was filled with any number of doorways and paths, each one twisting off in a different direction. Some of these hallways separated later on into other hallways, and most of them had multiple doors in the sides. The girls hadn’t realized how mazelike the house was before, because the front entrance led pretty straightforwardly into the kitchen. But now they realized that the Beatles were as well-hidden inside this house as the house was well-hidden in the woods.
“Maybe we should have taken one of those awful women hostage and made her tell us where the Beatles are,” Jenna remarked.
Karen thought. “I wonder... when May alisema to put us in the other cellar – was that because the Beatles are already in the first one?” She looked at her fellow mashabiki hopefully, dark blue eyes shining.
“She did say that,” Susan recalled. “So should we go” her blue eyes swept the room, landing on a small doorway that led to a set of steps going downwards “that way?”
Emma nodded her agreement. “If that’s the wrong way, we’ll just come back and try another way. We have to start looking somewhere.”
Jenna nodded fiercely, black pigtails swinging. “I don’t want to leave Ringo in here a sekunde longer than I have to!”
The steps did lead to a lower level, but then the hallway mgawanyiko, baidisha again, leading in a dozen directions. Some of the entrances led to other rooms; some led to zaidi hallways that circled round to connect with other hallways. Where should the girls start looking? How were they going to make sure they didn’t look in the same place twice? In a place like this, it would be all too easy to just wander round in circles, never actually getting anywhere....
“What is this?!” cried Jenna angrily. “Those bloody women thought no one could find their house anyway; why did they have to make it so hard to find anything inside it?!”
And then Butch began to bark and strain on his leash.
“What is it?” whispered Susan. She wasn’t scared of Butch after spending this much time with him, but now that she had seen him in full attack mode she couldn’t help being a little nervous.
Jenna glanced down at her dog, who kept straining mbele and looking back at Jenna, definitely trying to tell her something....
“I think – he’s picked up the scent again!” she cried, amazed. “He’s been following Ringo's scent, and they must have taken him this way! Go on, boy,” she added, loosening her hold on Butch’s leash, “find the Beatles!”
So Butch led the way, weaving through halls and doorways in what the girls realized was actually the closest thing to a straight line in this place, until he came to a heavy-looking door and stopped, waiting expectantly.
“There,” breathed Emma, reaching out in an almost dreamlike state to touch the door. Was John waiting for her right behind this door? She was closer to him than she had ever been, even zaidi than at the Beatles concert....
“Is it locked?” Susan ventured, her moyo pounding wildly at the thought of being so close to meeting Paul.
“I don’t know,” Karen replied. “I don’t see a doorknob. All I see are these buttons.” She indicated a set of two small buttons, similar to elevator buttons, that sat on a panel just to the right of the doorway.
“Well, what are we waiting for?” demanded Jenna, who alone didn’t seem to need to savour the moment of being so close to the boys they loved. “Our boyfriends are in there!” She pushed past the other girls and pressed both buttons at the same time.
There was a loud rumbling noise, partly coming from the door, and also seeming to come from farther away, from the room inside, as the heavy door slid open.

While the Beatles didn’t know that they had been in their prison for over a siku and a half now, they were painfully aware that they had missed four meals.
“Anyone for bacon and eggs?” murmured Ringo, from where he, John, and George were sitting despondently on the floor, their heads in their arms.
George lifted his head the tiniest bit and nodded. “With sausage. And biscuits and tea.”
John didn’t even lift his head up. He might have fallen asleep if he hadn't muttered “With jelly on” in answer to George. The others didn’t blame him. There wasn’t much else to do in here.
“Stop it, wewe three,” snapped Paul, frustrated. He was leaning against the chain-link fence, still forcing himself to stand upright and try and figure out a way to open the thing. “Come on,” he muttered angrily as he gave the metal barrier another push. “Open!”
There was a loud rumble, and the chain-link started to roll upwards on itself, upwards towards the ceiling. Paul, who had still been leaning against the fence for support, stumbled and fell onto the cement floor, where he, George, and Ringo stared up at the retreating fence in amazement.
John finally lifted his head at the noise. “Ey, Paul,” he remarked, “why didn’t wewe just try that in the first place?”
Any response Paul might have aliyopewa was broken kwa a loud squeal.
“There they are!”
“We found them!”
The door at the juu of the stairs had opened, too. The Beatles hadn’t seen this door songesha at all since their captors had left them on that fateful night, but it was open again now, and four girls were running down the stairs towards them. Not their captors – these were teenagers, four happy, excited teenagers, and George recognized one of them at once.
“Karen?” He knew she had warned him about the danger. He hadn't dreamed that she would go so far as to come find him....
“George!” Karen launched herself at him. She was even lovelier than he’d remembered, with her silky dark hair and her shining blue eyes and her movie-star features. “You’re okay...” Karen blinked those beautiful dark eyes at him, and George realized she was blinking back tears.
“I’m all right,” he told her. “Don’t cry – I’m just hungry, that’s all....”
Karen kissed him, and George wrapped his arms around her petite frame and kissed her back.
Ringo, too, had recognized one of the figures coming down the stairs. Not Jenna, but....
Butch gave a loud bark of joy and jumped up on Ringo, who had stood up but was quickly knocked over again kwa Butch’s sheer weight. In an instant, Butch was on juu of him, licking Ringo’s face all over with his tongue. Finally, he had found the person Jenna had told him to bring her zaidi than a week ago. Finally, he had done what his mistress wanted. Jenna would be so proud of him.
“Down, boy!” Jenna laughed. “What do wewe mean, kissing Ringo before I get to do it?” And she joined Butch, kissing Ringo all over his face, until Ringo pushed them both away and stood up, though with a bit of a laugh this time. Now that he wasn’t in hunting mode, Butch wasn’t nearly as frightening. And Jenna – Jenna, with her bold grin and sparkling green eyes, was positively beautiful. Although her shati was stained with – was that blood? Jenna was fearsome, there was no swali about that, but after Natalya it was hard to be afraid of her.
Emma raced right over to John, who was also just getting to his feet, and grabbed his hand in hers. “John!” she cried, and then immediately changed tack, turning her expression into something zaidi neutral, though she couldn’t help but keep beaming at him. “Don’t worry, I don’t want wewe to ask me out because of this....”
John stared a moment at this unfamiliar girl, with her charming brown-eyed smile (very like his own) and those pillowy curves that gave him the sudden urge to wrap, upangaji pamoja his arms around her and give her a squeeze. Why did her words sounded so familiar? A smile began to form on his lips as he remembered. “Are wewe that Emma what wrote to me?”
Emma’s eyes lit up, unable to suppress her thrill despite her reverse psychology. “You got it? wewe remembered?”
John looked at her blandly. “No.”
Emma smiled, gently wrapping her arms round John’s neck. “Don’t kiss me, John.”
And knowing exactly what she meant, John kissed her.
Susan stood frozen at the bottom of the stairs, staring at Paul, who was getting to his feet as these scenes played out around him. There he was, right in front of her! Last time, she hadn’t been able to speak to him... What should she do, what should she do?
Paul took a couple of steps toward Susan. “I remember you,” he said. “Weren’t wewe the one in the boot of our car back at our hotel when we first got there?”
Susan nodded shakily, hypnotized kwa those dreamy eyes. If Paul wasn’t happy at the memory....
Paul favoured her with a beautiful smile. “Thanks for coming.”
Susan’s moyo pounded. Say something! she told herself sternly. She had fought off a woman who meant harm to all of them today; surely she should be able to talk to Paul McCartney! All she had to do was say the words....
“I upendo you, Paul!” she blurted, then as he looked rather taken aback at the suddenness of this, she added, “I meant to tell wewe before. I upendo you,” she alisema again, and this time she managed to look right into his eyes, those gorgeous dreamy eyes, as she alisema this. Then, “And – Paul – what colour are your eyes?” She blushed.
Paul touched her hand and said, “Why don’t wewe keep looking until wewe figure it out? I can wait....”
“Can you, Paul?” came a new voice. “We haven’t eaten in I-don’t-know-how-long-it’s-been....”
Paul turned away from Susan reluctantly. “You’re right,” he told John, who had spoken. “We’ll just have to pick up where we left off another time,” he told Susan.
Susan’s moyo leapt. “Can we?”
The Beatles exchanged glances, as though having a silent conference. They hadn’t expected that the very mashabiki who greeted them on their arrival in the city would come and rescue them, but they had discussed their regret that they hadn’t accepted their advances in the first place now that they knew what the girlfriends they had chosen were really like. And here were four beautiful girls who cared about them and made them feel special. Four girls who were happy and loving and open and genuine – everything their former disastrous girlfriends hadn't been. Four girls who they didn't have to worry might not actually upendo them. These girls had proven themselves.
“Will wewe come see us in London?” asked Paul charmingly, lowering his long eyelashes.
“And sit in when we record our new songs?” added John with his wonderful smile.
“And help us make our krisimasi broadcast for all the rest of our fans?” added George, with a smaller but equally charming smile that showed his sharp canines.
“And come to America with us when we go?” added Ringo, blue eyes wide and hopeful.
All four alisema at once, “Will wewe be our new girlfriends?”
kwa this point, there was not a dry eye on any of the four fans. “Yes!” they cried tearfully. “Yes, yes, yes!”
The eight began to make their way out of the gloomy cellar, each girl clutching the arm of her chosen Beatle. “Is that blood on your clothes?” Ringo decided to ask, looking from Jenna's bloodstained white shirt, to the sprinkling of blood on Emma's sweater, to the red splatters on Susan's shoes and socks.
Karen glanced down sharply at her own outfit. Because she was wearing red, the blood didn’t onyesha up too much, although she wasn’t sure if that was a good thing, because that would make it much harder to get out later. “Ugh,” Karen muttered in response. “That'll never come out.”
“Hang on.” George was starting to put two and two together. “Is that their blood?”
Ringo’s eyes were huge. “Did wewe kill them?”
Karen gave a small shrug. “Let’s say they sort of – brought it on themselves,” she replied.
“They fought us,” Jenna supplied. “They lost.”
The Beatles did not press the issue. Somehow they found that they weren’t too cut up about the news that their ex-girlfriends were dead.
“Where are we going now?” asked Emma, as they left the house and stepped out into the cool, refreshing air. “Maybe wewe should go back and have a rest.”
John grinned at her. “What do wewe say we all have our first tarehe right now?”
“Yes!” cried the girls.
“Or should I say ‘don’t go on a tarehe with me’ for this one?” John added with a teasing grin at Emma, who laughed happily.
“Where are we going?” asked Susan, smiling up at Paul.
“Out for lunch,” Paul replied readily. “I’m starving.”
posted by 80smusiclover1
It was exactly 9:00 pm when the tamasha came to an end. The Beatles then had a little autograph session with their mashabiki while Laura managed to find and collect three shamrocks, which she discovered at the back of the stage. They packed up their instruments afterwards. Mike said, "That was a bloody splendid gig, brother!" Paul replied, "Thank you! Yes, we had so much fun ourselves." George added, "Indeed, me mate. Indeed!" John, Ringo, and Laura nodded in agreement as Mike smiled in response. George said, "Well, Laura and I will be having a special meeting soon, so we'll see wewe all after about...
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posted by 80smusiclover1
Now that Saturday was in full swing, the group started off for St. Stephen's Green shortly after lunch time. When they made it and entered through the main gate, Ringo exclaimed, "Wow! This place is gorgeous!" Sparkie made a noise that sounded like he was saying, "Indeed, it is!" George replied, "Yes, I can see why this is a inayopendelewa park among those living here in the city. It's perfect for taking a break from all the hustle and bustle!" Laura remarked, "That's so true, daddy George. Maybe I'll be able to find some shamrocks while we are here as well!" George winked and said, "Certainly, Laura,...
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posted by 80smusiclover1
After finishing and paying for their banana, ndizi split, George and Laura resumed their mitaani, mtaa tour with Pattie now joining them. As they strolled along the sidewalk, George said, "Say, I just got a lovely idea, Pattie!" She replied, "Yes? What is it, George?" He continued, "Since I will be having a tamasha with me mates at St. Stephen's Green on March 5, which is a Saturday, Laura and I were thinking about taking a night walk there afterwards. What do ye say?" Pattie remarked, "Ooh, sounds great! I'd upendo to." George replied, "Wonderful! Our tamasha will be taking place at eight in the evening,...
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posted by 80smusiclover1
Pattie took a deep breath and began sharing what she had planned to tell George. She said, "Okay, so this may come as quite shocking to you, but it's the awful truth. wewe see, I've been trapped in a troubled relationship with my boyfriend for some time now. His name is Adam. Everything was fine at first. Until, for some reason, he started uigizaji up and neglecting me kwa a lack of visits even before this vacation of ours. As a matter of fact, after three days, he STILL hasn't returned to the hotel! I already wanted out with him, but no matter how much I try to, he always threatened to call my...
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posted by 80smusiclover1
A couple of hours later, the Beatles, Laura, and Mike were now on their way to Grafton Street. George was giving his daughter a shoulder ride during the walk and told her, "I've got a special surprise which I know you'll upendo while we are at the Street, Laura, darling!" She replied, "Ooh! Sounds very exciting, daddy George! I can hardly wait for that." George smiled and said, "I'm glad, my dear." Laura smiled back in response. kwa the time they made it there, the place was also bustling with the spirit of St. Patrick's Day. Almost all of the shops and restaurants were decorated with banners...
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posted by 80smusiclover1
"Hello there, pretty lady! Mind if I have a little chat with ye?", asked George when he was finally at her table. The fact it was a Beatle who asked her that and in a straight manner gave her quite a surprise, though it was a pleasant one. She smiled at him and replied, "Why, certainly! Please have a seat." He then did so in a flash. George said, "Great! So, what is your name?" The lady said, "My name is Patricia Boyd, but wewe can just call me Pattie for short." George remarked, "That's a lovely name. Veddy nice to meet you, Pattie!" She replied, "Thank you. Nice to meet you, too. wewe must...
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posted by 80smusiclover1
inayofuata morning, George and Laura woke up feeling refreshed and went ahead of the others to the hotel's restaurant for breakfast. As they browsed the menu after getting their table, George said, "Wow. The chakula all looks so tasty, eh?" Laura replied, "Indeed, it does, daddy George." He continued, "What would wewe like to get, Laura, darling?" She said, "Hmm...I think I'll try the waffles with scrambled eggs and chicken sausages. I'll also get a glass of machungwa, chungwa juisi for my drink." George replied, "Okay, that sounds good. For myself, I'll get the bacon, mushroom, and cheese omelette with brewed coffee...
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posted by 80smusiclover1
The check-in process went smoothly for our Heroes kwa the time they made it to their hotel, which is located in downtown Dublin. They then relaxed in each of their rooms for the remainder of the afternoon once everything had been settled. Afterwards, at exactly 6:00 pm, they all met again in the lobby and proceeded to look for a restaurant. As they did so and after getting their orders, they started planning out their go-to list. George was studying his maps when he gasped with a pleasantly surprised tone upon seeing a certain place. Laura asked, "Yes, daddy George? What is it?" He replied while...
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posted by 80smusiclover1
"Wake up, Laura, darling! We're almost there!", alisema George as he gently shook his daughter, who decided to take a siesta in the middle of the ride. She slowly did so until her eyes opened wide upon seeing the Irish tricolor being flown on juu of the Dublin ferry port. At that moment, Laura exclaimed, "Yes! Now it's on to the real deal! Thanks for waking me up, daddy George." He replied, "You're veddy welcome, my dear." The group soon disembarked from the ferry and were greeted with the sound of local folk songs, which were playing as the port's in-house music. John said, "I can already feel...
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posted by 80smusiclover1
Mike was already inside the terminal and had been waiting for their ferry ride to Dublin when he heard a familiar voice saying, "Brother, we are here!" He then looked up and grinned as he saw Paul, his mates, and Laura coming towards him while carrying their bags and instruments. Mike said, "Hey, everybody! wewe made it just in time, I'll say." George replied, "We certainly did, mate. So, what time is our ride?" Mike looked at his watch and replied, "It will be at 1:00 pm." George remarked, "Great! In that case, we can still eat our packed lunch here." Mike replied, "Yep! And lovely to meet...
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posted by 80smusiclover1
It was now the first siku of March, and with St. Patrick's siku just around the corner, the Beatles and Laura were on their way to Liverpool for a ferry ride to Ireland. Just a siku after George turned twenty-three, they decided to spend the entirety of this mwezi there and hold two concerts during their trip. What's more, Paul's brother, Mike, will be joining them along! Laura said, "Daddy George, I wonder what adventures are in store for us in Ireland?" George replied, "You'll see for yourself when we get there, Laura, darling. I'm sure they'll be bloody exciting!" John, Paul, and Ringo nodded...
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posted by 80smusiclover1
February 1966

The mwaka had been off to a good start so far for George, Laura, and the other Beatles. As they await the time when they'll embark on new adventures together, the two (With the former now sporting a longer mop-top) were having lunch at a diner close to Hyde Park one siku during a mild winter week. This is no ordinary week, though, because George's twenty-third birthday is coming in four days! While waiting for their food, Laura said, "I'm so looking mbele to celebrating your birthday again, daddy George! It's gonna be spectacular!" He replied, "You and me both, Laura, darling!...
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posted by 80smusiclover1
One cool, breezy afternoon, George and Laura were relaxing in the yard of Kinfauns while enjoying the crisp autumn colors. While Laura played with her skipping rope, George strummed his ukulele as he whistled softly. Then, an idea popped out of his head, and he told his daughter, "Say, Laura, darling, it's been quite a while since we last hit the road. Let's have a new adventure tomorrow!" She replied with an excited tone, "Certainly, daddy George! I missed doing that, too. And this time, I think I'll bring both my rabbit and Corgi plushies along!" George said, "Sounds like a lovely idea, my...
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After a satisfying meal, the Beatles and Laura returned to the park in about five dakika before the start of the concert. As they went up the stage, John looked at his watch again and said, "We're just in time, mates!" Ringo replied, "Splendid! I think I can sense the mashabiki cheering for us now." And sure enough, he was right. Not only that, but they were chanting their names, too! Paul exclaimed, "Hello, Beatle people! Are wewe ready to have some fun?" They all responded with a loud, "YEAH, YEAH, YEAH!" With that, the tamasha officially kicked off. Everyone was having a rockin' good time as...
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It was already evening kwa the time the group made it back to the town square. George said, "I think we still have enough time for chajio, chakula cha jioni before our concert. Anyways, it's only thirty dakika past six." Laura replied, "Yes, daddy George. That hike I had has made me hungry!" George remarked, "I bet it has, Laura, darling." John, Paul, and Ringo agreed. As they passed kwa the visitor center, the former dentist's sister had just completed her work for today when she saw them all smiles. Laura said, "Hello again, madame!" She replied, "Hi, young lady! I see you've found the geyser and got your companions...
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"Wake up, me mates! We're here.", exclaimed George as Laura finally reached the site of the geyser. Surrounding them was a wide view of the English Channel and the Needles lighthouse and rock formations. After the lads came down from Laura's beret, Paul said, "That was a long, refreshing nap we had!" Ringo replied, "Sure is! I felt rested." John nodded in agreement. Laura said, "I'm glad wewe slept well, uncles." George added, "Yes. I am, too." Soon, it was exactly five o'clock, and at that moment, the ground began to shake for ten sekunde until the geyser released itself! Laura exclaimed, "Yeah!...
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posted by 80smusiclover1
Shortly after paying for their lunch, George had a fun idea. He asked his brothers, "Say, would wewe like to go on a joyride around downtown London with me and Laura?" Peter said, "Ooh, that sounds exciting! Sure!" Harry added, "Yes! We'll be using your car, eh?" George replied, "That's right! You're going to have a blast while riding it. Me daughter and mates always do." Laura added, "Indeed, daddy George!" John, Paul, and Ringo nodded in agreement. Peter remarked, "How splendid!" "And with that big victory wewe had against that Terence coward, I think we ought to call wewe 'George the Great'!",...
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December 25, 1964

Now that krisimasi is officially here, George and Laura drove back to the Studios to meet with the other Beatles again. George exclaimed as they entered the recording room, "Merry Christmas, mates!" Laura added, "Merry Christmas, uncles!" They replied in unison, "Merry Christmas, Geo! Merry Christmas, Laura!" After getting settled, the lads began broadcasting their sekunde message. It was filled with warm wishes for the mashabiki and holiday-themed jokes. Even Sparkie had a brief stint when he squealed happily during Ringo's part! Once the message concluded, Laura clapped and remarked,...
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posted by 80smusiclover1
December 24, 1964

The inayofuata day, Laura woke up to the sound of her father's imba as he strummed his ukulele. After using the bathroom, she proceeded to the meza, jedwali where breakfast was ready and waiting. George said, "Good morning, Laura! How was your sleep?" Laura replied, "Good morning, daddy George! It was great. Thanks for asking!" George responded, "You're welcome, darling! I'm glad wewe slept well." She took a sip of her chai and remarked, "Yum! Is this peppermint flavor? I upendo it!" George replied, "Yes, it is! I thought it would go well with our krisimasi Eve breakfast." Laura said, "Nice....
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posted by 80smusiclover1
"So, what do wewe think, darling?", asked George as he and his mates finished rehearsing their message. Laura replied, "Well, it was fun and hilarious at the same time! I think wewe all did a fantastic job." George said, "Why, thank you, love! I'm glad wewe like it." The other Beatles smiled and nodded in agreement. Laura winked in return. John remarked, "Okay! This rehearsal was a success. Are ye ready to go and grab some lunch?" Ringo replied, "You bet we are! All that speaking has made me hungry." It was snowing again when they left the Studios and went to look for a place to eat. While walking, George gave Laura yet another ride on his shoulders as they stuck their tongues out to catch some snowflakes. John, Paul, and Ringo did the same. The group then found a diner offering holiday-themed meals and beverages and had a delicious lunch there. Afterwards, the rest of the siku was spent with window shopping in one of the city's krisimasi marketplaces.