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posted by universalpowa
Title: Following Like Thunder

Rating: T (paranoia)

Type: Fanfiction/One Shot

Characters: Piper McLean, Annabeth Chase, Jason Grace, Leo Valdez...

Disclaimer: All characters are owned kwa (c) Rick Riordan.

[A/N- There was an error with this makala which I lack the skill and ability in which it gets cut off.

If wewe want to read the full version,
its in the comments.


And, somewhat metaphorically.
The Argo II was just beginning it’s construction.
Leo had been pleased with it’s progress so far- even if there was just a scrap of metal so far.
Or, at least, that’s what I thought whenever I look at it.
I seriously can’t see how a scrap of metal can look like what Leo describes as his new “masterpiece.”
Most of the other campers have been working for about two weeks, and most are already pretty ticked off at Leo and his new obsession about building.
I am one of those ticked people.
Jason won’t really talk to me anymore.
I’ve been cornering him after hours to hopefully just get a word from him, but he always slips from my fingers like a....flying boy.
Yeah, bad metaphor.
I finger my twisted braids.
“Piper!” Leo calls.
I sigh exasperated.
I walk into the workshop to see Leo Tangled up in the wires from the ceiling.
He’s hanging about six feet above the ground.
“How in the world did wewe get up there?”
“I don’t know, and I don’t care! Just get me down!”
“Nah, I’m good.”
“Beauty Queen-!”
“You just made the situation worse.” I reply, heading out of the workshop with Leo yelling after me.
“Lalalalalalalala.” I say, covering my ears. “I can’t hear you.”
“I’m sorry, can wewe say that again? I think I hear someone calling.”
I wandered around camp for a while, past the stables, and the cabins, and the campfire.
I sigh. I should probably go get Leo down, au he’ll never forgive me. Then again, he will probably forget the whole thing kwa tomorrow morning.
“Hey.” Jason greets me.
I jump. I didn’t hear him come.
“Sup.” I say.
Gods, that sounded so lame.
“I don’t know.” he answers. “A lot of things really.”
“I’m sorry for avoiding you.” he suddenly says, quickly.
“It’s okay. But Jason,” I put my hand on his shoulder. “Were friends. wewe trust me and Leo with everything.”
“Some things are better left off not being said.”
I shrug. Some things are.
“You gonna come for dinner?” Jason asks.
“Uh-huh. Sure.” I say.
Had it already gotten that late?
We walk to the mess hall together.
I see my siblings off to the side, closely watching for any romance action.
These children need jobs. au lives.
I glare at them, wishing I had a glare like Clarisse which was enough to steer off most campers.
Except maybe Jason au Annabeth.
Leo is a poor excuse. One time I think he almost peed himself.
au maybe he really did.
I just stayed clear of Clarisse in general- I really couldn’t find an excuse to go looking for her for no good reason unless I wanted to get dumped alone in the forest at night.
With all it’s secrets and who knows what.
I shudder at the thought.
My siblings keep giggling and goofing off as they watch me and Jason.
Jason clears his throat loudly.
I motion them to go, but they just hide in the trees and hide out of sight.
Jason is so oblivious.
He starts walking toward me, and I shrink back.
Not here.
Not in front of all my siblings!
“Piper I-”
“Gotta go!” I say, running off.
What made me chicken out?
“You wanted to go check on Leo.” I convince myself.
I find myself back at the workshop.
Leo is still hanging from the ceiling like an idiot.
His arms are crossed, and he looks pretty ticked off at me.
“Hey look! The big meanie came back. Gonna make fun of me some more, au help me.”
I roll my eyes and uneasily drag over a wooden ladder so I can hopefully untangle him from all the wires.
“Would wewe bother telling me HOW exactly wewe got up here?” I ask as I begin, with difficulty to separate Leo from the mass of Tangled wires.
“Not really, no.”
I untangle one wire, and drop it to the floor.
Slowly, I figure where each wire is and slowly unwind it.
There was a LOT of wires.
I probably missed dinner, but then again I didn’t want to go back to the pavilion.
Finally I saw a wire I couldn’t find the end to.
“Leo, where exactly does this go?”
He struggles to look.
“I can’t see.”
“I think it leads to your- eewww!”
He blushes in the dark light.
“Can wewe try to move? Maybe you’ll just-”
“I can’t.”
“That’s helpful.” I say sarcastically.
Slowly, there are only a few wires left.
Leo is still tied up from head to toe, but at least now he can wiggle his fingers.
Not much of an accomplishment.
“Leo, there is no way I’ll get through all these wires.”
He looked down.
“Well wewe can’t expect me to hang here all night!”
“I think you’ll hang just right.”
“No poetry please! It reminds me too much of prophecies.”
I tried not to giggle.
“That’s all wewe complain about?”
“Just get me down.”
I removed about ten zaidi wires, but there was still plenty to go.
And it was getting late.
“Can’t I just go ask Annabeth for help?”
“No! Then you’ll totally just forget the moment wewe see Jason.”
I hit his leg, the closest thing to me.
“Owwwwww....” he protested.
“Shut up so I can concentrate!” I snap. “It’s your fault that wewe got yourself into this mess anyways!”
I backtrack. “Why am I helping wewe anyways?”
“Because I’m your friend and your a nice person?”
“I’m not thinking some nice thoughts right now.”
“Yes I am.”
I get through another couple wires.
My fingers begin to feel sore, and my stomach grumbles from the lack of food.
I become irritated very fast after that, snapping at every single one of Leo’s comments.
“Ugh!” I yell. “I can’t do this!”
“Yes wewe can.” Leo says, being supportive.
My anger comes out at last.
I take out my kisu and it slices easily through all the wires.
The only problem is Leo goes crashing down from the ceiling.
He moans from below me.
“Leo! Are wewe all-AHH!!!”
I misplace my foot and step upon nothing.
Fortunately, I get a soft landing.
The only soft landing I get is on juu of Leo.
Unfortunately, the ladder falls on juu of me.
“Ow.” he mutters.
“It’s okay. Thanks kwa the way.”
“Can wewe get up?” he asks.
“There’s a one hundred pound ladder on juu of me. Not really.”
He groans. “Now were both stuck.”
“Maybe if I try to shove it off--” I say, and attempt to songesha the ladder.
It’s stuck against the wall.
I curse.
“I can’t songesha this stupid ladder!”
He just struggles to move.
“Oww..your hurting my ribs.”
“I’m sorry, would wewe like me to move?”
“Yes. That would be very nice.”
“Well then your out of luck. I’M STUCK!”
“Yeah, I kind of realized that.”
We sit in silence.
Leo is squirming.
“Can’t move...”
“Neither can I! Deal with it!”
He sighs. “Are wewe sure wewe just can’t roll off of me?”
“Don’t wewe think I would have tried that already?”
“Just checking.”
I’m still on juu of Leo.
Finally, I kick the ladder. It begins to budge.
After about another ten million kicks later, and about a billion zaidi nudges from Leo below me, we managed to get it far enough off me that I can almost get up.
We are almost free.
Suddenly I hear footsteps.
“Shh!” I say. “Someone’s coming.”
We both stop moving.
The ladder groans and falls off.
Perfect timing as usual, Jason is opening the door.
“-no I already checked there. Check the woods again-”
He sees me and Leo.
I wedge the ladder off my foot blushing furiously and leap to my feet.
“Jason, it’s not what wewe think-”
“I know that I do think.” he says harshly, and turns away marching off angrily.
I help Leo up, and he is also looking confused and blushing.
“That was just really awkward.”
I nod. “But it was an accident.”
“We shall never speak of this again.”
I turn towards the door and Leo follows me.
“Um..No need to be a stalker Leo.”
“Hey, this was my fault too. I need to apologized for being the ceiling?”
“That’s not exactly apologizing.”
“Do wewe want to explain this alone au not?” he says glaring through me. “‘Cuz if not it’s all yours.”
I look down. “Fine. But I am NEVER helping to untangle wewe from ceiling wires EVER again.”
“I wouldn’t expect wewe to.”
We walked down to the beach, knowing that’s where Jason would be there.
According to Annabeth, all the demigods with problems would go down to the beach, pwani for a while.
She alisema Percy went there a lot.
The moon cast it’s pale silloutte across the calm waters as the waves lapped the shores.
Jason was there tossing pebbles across the smooth surface of the lake.
He didn’t see us coming, but then Leo tripped over a stone and went “Ooof!”
Jason whirled around, and glared at me through empty eyes.
I could see jealousy and hurt behind his piercing blue orbs.
There was also anger.
A lot of anger.
“What do wewe want?” Jason asked, all friendliness I had known in his voice disappeared.
“We came to explain-” I started to say, but I was interrupted.
“You don’t have to.” Jason said, hurt in his voice.
“Dude, are wewe serious? Ever had something mildly embarrassing happen, and then everyone else makes their own conclusions and they call wewe a weirdo? Well, whatever happened there was a COMPLETE accident. And it’s my fault.” Leo said, pushing sand with his foot absentmindedly.
Jason studied him. “How?”
“Are wewe going to listen?” I asked.
“I will let wewe explain. No zaidi than that.”
“Well, I was fooling around and got myself Tangled up in the wires in the ceiling. So I was like hanging there forever, and then Piper came and left, and then she came back to help me down, and basically she cut me free, fell off the ladder, used me as a nice comfy pillow-”
I stomped on his foot. Leo is NOT a pillow.
“-ow!-and then the ladder in finale, landed on juu of Piper. And that thing weighed like, A TON so then we couldn’t move. And finally, just before wewe arrived, we managed to finally remove te abnormally heavy ladder just as wewe showed up.”
Jason frowned. “Do wewe have any evidence?”
“Well, the ladder, the wires on the floor, and the wires that are cut still hanging from the ceiling. Hey! I could be a lawyer!”
I stomped on his foot again. Harder this time.
“Yeah, so I’m gonna go back to building, and go eat something. I’ve been stuck to the ceiling all day. I’m starving! I could eat a pegasus!”
“Leo, please. Really? A pegasus? And I’m a vegetarian.”
“Not you. Bye! Valdez has decided to LEAVE da building!”
He grinned and walked away, leaving me and Jason alone at the beach.
The moon was glowing across the shimmering water.
Jason looked up at me. “Is that true?”
“Except for the fact that Leo is comfy? Yes. He’s like landing on concrete. I would have preferred the floor any day.”
He cracked a smile.
“But Jason, wewe know Leo’s not that.....” I trailed off looking for the right word.
“Cool?” He suggested, a small grin on his face as if that amused him.
“And in Leo’s case, he;s not cool at all.” he finished.
I smiled too.
He was so close now- I could almost touch him.
“Piper I-”
“Jason. Just don’t.” I said, my moyo closing up.
He frowned. “I was just going to tell wewe there’s a wire sticking out of your hair.”
I blushed as he picked it out and tossed it aside.
A nymph waved her fist angrily at him a distance away in the woods before she vanished.
He smiled, the scar on his lip curving like the moon above us.
I turned to walk away.
“Oh, and Piper,” he said.
I turned. “What?”
“You’ve also got one stuck to your back.”
I turned in a mduara, duara trying to see it.
“No there’s-” I stopped.
He was running across the beach, pwani laughing at me.
“Gullible!” he yelled at me grinning like he was having the best time goofing off.
I let out a laugh. “Get back here Grace!”
“Gotta catch me first!” he laughed, and burst into full speed towards the Big House.
In a way, it was kind of ironic.
I always thought I was perfect for him.
But now I realized it was zaidi than that.
I was a part of him, no matter what happened in the Giant war.
He ran through the camp with me following close behind.
Lightning is always being followed.
I am thunder, forever trying to catch that ray of light.
I am am forever chasing him.
And in every lap, I am always behind him.
I am Thunder, always chasing after Lightning.
posted by unknownquestion
If there was another cliffhanger what would wewe do?
Instead of just asking that how about we create on that would drive us crazy.
For example to wewe Percabeth lovers what would happen if Annabeth steps out of the shadows and says,"Do wewe remember me?"
au to others the last sentence was, there was a ship heading towards camp.
I know if there was another cliff hanger i would burn the book au rip it to shreds. It's just ugh...
Oh and what if they got together (greeks and romans) then they goton the ship and were attacked *shakes head* We all either upendo au hate cliffies!
What is Percy doing at Camp Jupiter and why is everyone calling him the Son of Neptune? jiunge Percy and his new Roman demigod friends, Frank and Hazel, as they embark on a daring and mystical quest battling beasts, giants, and gods. Will Percy ever regain his memory, uncover the meaning of an Ancient Prophecy, and reunite with Annabeth? Only if he lives that long!

The catalog also says the book is 544 pages

That is what was written inayofuata to The Son of Neptune in a scholastic catalog.
This tells us that Percy is being called the Son of Neptune, is Marafiki with Frank and Hazel, is going on a quest,...
continue reading...
posted by _Aphrodite_
Okay many of wewe guys have heard of the story Atlantis. Neptune went to sleep for many years, but he had 7 son, and they made their empire evil, so when Neptune woke up and seen what his son had done, he destroy Atlantis with a giant wave/earthquake.

Remember in the beginning of SoN Juno alisema the son of Neptune has been asleep for many months. Also in the SoN cover it looks like Atlantis sink/falling like in the stories. Also it strange how the atlantean called the god kwa his roman foramu like the Romans at camp jupiter.
It kinda connected, but we'll wait and see.
posted by MisterPerfect1
This PERFECT'S GTKMB (Get To Know Me Better). I advise everyone to this, so we can all get to know each other better.

To start things off, I upendo to write. I was born to write. If wewe have read some of my foramu posts wewe would understand. Oh, here's one:


I used to next-door-neighbors with Rick Riordan. He even gave me some tips on how to improve my writing. And now look at me.

(PERSONALITY): I can be very talkative. But only when I am around people I know. But other wise, I will be very quiet.

I am good at dancing, and I upendo chicken. (Yes, I am African-American). I am excellent artist. I am thirteen years old.

So there wewe have it! I might add zaidi to this. So...Thanks!
posted by halfblood963
(spoiler alert)

umm if wewe look at the camp halfblood wiki it says on percy jackson page that percy after carrying june he uses a river to kill medusas sisters and it takes away his achills curse and then june reveals shes juno and he meets frank hazel and reyna who some how knows his name and she takes him in just becuz he might be an enemy au recruit now i honestly think its true and i want someone to swali them about it though

it may au may not be true but before u guys say halfblood u wretched fool dont be like zeus check out camphalfblood wiki
posted by halfblood963
hello there and this is halfblood and i know franks dad how hazel and reyna au some other ppl are.

Frank son of ares because he looked like it and had a boar, au ngombe behind him he looked like clarisse the girl version

then theres this blonde and a girl with curly brown hair and it looks like a goddess with dogs
my guess is evil dude = blondie hazel = curly Frank= boar, au ngombe guy and Juno=Goddess

u can see them in the amazon video but imma go see Heroes of bye and ciao and maoni about what wewe think

P.S rick riordan alisema in the video that well find out the doors of death
posted by Perseus54321
                        Disappearing Boy
                         kwa Green Day

One night after working on the Argo II, I felt restless in the Athena cabin, kibanda so I took out my ipod and started listening to Disappearing...
continue reading...
posted by labyrinth75
Hi Labyrinth here with my first ever makala so hope wewe like it.

In Percy's mest up Life (Which we may want zaidi than our normal boring lives) theres always been someone with him and I'm not talking about Annabeth au Grover (Although they've been at his side since the beginning) I'm talking about us the readers.

We returned Zeus' precious Master Bolt with him in the Lightning Thief.
We searched for Grover with him and Annabeth in the Sea of Monsters.
We held up the Sky with are friend in The Titan's Curse.
We got Lost with him inside the Labyrinth during the Battle of the Labyrinth.
We stood by...
continue reading...
posted by halfblood963
have wewe heard the 7 are
poseidon and hades if u go on myth and mystery youll see an arrticle with a link and go on then see the contest and see the god if wewe win will have a son au daughter and theyre 7 and if wewe win the demigod will be from your hometown and this says kwa october 4 well know the 7

this is just wat i think onyesha your thought and percyt will not be one of the 7 cause u can pick poisedon in your hometown AND YOULL BE A CHARACTER MAYBE
added by NicoDiAngelo4
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added by NicoDiAngelo4
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added by NicoDiAngelo4
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added by NicoDiAngelo4
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added by NicoDiAngelo4
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