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LION KING 4 - If aliyopewa a chance

The sun was rising above the skyline shining all over the kingdom.
Simba was watching over the Pride lands from the summit of the Pride Rock with a very solemn expression. Nala came inayofuata to him having the same solemn look. Something was going on.
Kovu came out of the cave taking a deep breath. Simba turned around and told him:
“It is time.“
Kiara appeared at the entrance of the cave with tears in her eyes:
“It’s time for wewe to take your place in the mduara, duara of life! “
Meanwhile, the lionesses came out of the cave and set on both sides of the rock. Nala urged them to go, looking confident at the summit of the Pride Rock. Kiara and Kovu walked proudly among the lionesses that were bowing their heads while they moving besides them. They stopped on the summit, took a last look back and their young, powerful roars were heard kwa all the creatures in the Pride lands. They looked back again but now Simba and Nala were not there anymore. They have understood that now, it’s their job to rule and protect the Pride lands.
The first siku of Kovu and Kiara as king and Queen passed really quickly, but from the night on, the things were going to change dramatically.
At night Kovu had a dream, a dream that will mark him forever:
The Pride lands were in fire, he was surrounded kwa giant flames having no escape way. Then, a huge mti has been struck kwa a lightening and was about to fall on Kovu but a lion has jumped from nowhere and pushed Kovu away from the tree. Kovu saw his legs and he thought that the lion was Scar. “Scar?” he asked. Kovu looked better at that lion that seemed familiar: he had Kovu’s eyes and mane but he was bigger and had different features. The rogue said: “ Kovu… my son… it’s me, Giza, don’t wewe remember? “ He wasn’t Scar. Kovu felt a shiver passing trough his body. He had only one image of his father, his real father: Kovu saw him falling in a flooded gorge when he was still an infant. “F-father? he said. “Have wewe forgotten me, my son? Why? How?” There was no time for chatting, the flames were surrounding them. They rushed to the Pride Rock, Kovu’s father managed to get in the cave, to salama place but Kovu just couldn’t get there because the flames blocked the main entrance. There was one zaidi way to get in but zaidi difficult. Kovu had to kuvuka, msalaba over some rocks to get in. He stepped on an instable rock that fell down and Kovu ended up hanging on a bigger rock above the fire. Suddenly he started hearing a voice saying: “How could wewe forget me, Kovu? How could you? wewe have considered Scar as your father but wewe have forgotten that wewe have a real father, Kovu…Why?”
Then Giza, grabbed his paws just like Scar did to Mufasa and said: “I’m still part of you! “ then, he threw his son into the fire…
Kovu suddenly woke up, his body was trembling, he was really scared. He lifted up and went to have a drink. Kiara noticed that something’s wrong. She went to find him. Kovu looked in the water and saw that a half of him is black.
“Oh, no. It was true…”
“ Kovu! ” He looked back and saw Kiara coming to him.
“ Kiara, I got to talk to you.”
“At midnight? Kovu, what’s wrong? “
“ Kiara, it was a misunderstanding, I can’t be king. I’m not…I’ll never be…”
“ Kovu, what do wewe mean?”
“I mean that I’m no good to be king. I’ll never be your father. I feel that a part of me is still darkened, unknown, uncontrollable…”
“No, Kovu. wewe don’t have to be someone else to be a good king. My father couldn’t be his father either! And he has been a great king! Just be yourself, Kovu…”
“Kiara, it’s not the same thing. I’m afraid, I’m so afraid that one siku something awful it’s going to happen…because of me…”
“Don’t say that! You’ll be a great king, my love. I promise you!”
They lovely nuzzled and went back to sleep. At long distance, Giza, the one in Kovu’s dream was alive, ready to do anything to become king. He was watching everything from the peak of a rock. He smiled and said:
“Now we’ve got his attention. Just like we’ve always planned, Zira. I don’t need anybody else to help me. With your help, I will avenge you! And I will avenge me too.” He laughed evilly and leaved.
Days were passing, Kovu started to grow up: his mane was getting bigger and thicker, his body became stronger and larger. Kiara grew up too but she was still fun loving and playful. Vitani suffered changes as well: from a fearless warrior, she turned into a pretty lioness. But things were not quite all right in the kingdom. Kovu was having a problem with controlling his anger.
One day, the lionesses were hunting. Kovu and Kiara were participating too, but Kiara has made a mistake: she touched a little stone with her rear paw. The antelopes heard the noise and ran away. The hunting party tried to catch them but it was too late. Kovu got really pissed off.
“ Kiara, what have I told you?”
“ I’m sorry. It was a mistake…I know…”
“ You’re sorry? We Lost them. Again.”
“ I’m sorry! It won’t happen again, I promise!”
“You know what? If wewe know you’re not a good hunter stop participating. All wewe do is making things worse!”
“Kovu! I’m trying to learn ok?”
“Since when? I tried to teach wewe since… ever!”
Vitani intervened :
“ Kovu, she alisema she’s sorry!”
“ Forget it! I’m out of here!”
Kiara has felt awful.
In his way out of there he realized what he did. “What am I doing? Why have I been so harsh? What’s wrong with me?.” He looked back and saw the lionesses that were coming home. Kovu saw Kiara among them being very upset.
“ Kiara…I don’t know what was wrong but… ’’
“ That’s ok. It was my fault for losing that herd…”
“I got to talk to you. Again. ”
Kiara followed him without saying a word.
“Kiara, do wewe remember what I‘ve told wewe once? I’m afraid I was right.”
“ Kovu, no..”
“Have wewe seen the way I talked to wewe earlier? I’m afraid that... I’m so afraid that one day…things can go worse than that.”
“No, I know wewe better than anyone and I know that wewe can’t be dangerous! It’s just not possible.”
Kovu looked very worried at her.
“Kiara, wewe don’t understand, I’m afraid that one siku the evil will take over me and I’ll have to leave the Pride lands. There will be an escapeless situation: I can’t expose wewe to the danger I will become but I can’t expose wewe to the dangers that come up if I leave.”
“Kovu, don’t say that! You’re the king wewe can’t go anywhere!”
This time, instead of making up and nuzzling, Kovu turned his head and leaved.
At night, he just couldn’t sleep thinking at what could he do but he heard a voice inside him saying: “Get out of here, Kovu, and never come back!” Before sunrise he went out but this time he didn’t go at the water hole. He was walking and just couldn’t stop without even knowing that he passed the border of the Pride lands He arrived to the gorge where he saw his mother dying. There was no way he could kuvuka, msalaba it but going trough it. kwa the moment he was on the bottom of it, he heard that voice again but this time it was clearer:
“How could wewe Kovu? How could wewe forget me?” Kovu looked up and saw his father sitting on an edge of the gorge.
“No, I didn’t forget you, I thought…I thought you’re dead!”
“If it weren’t for me wewe wouldn’t even have been born! wewe wouldn’t be alive! You‘ve forgotten me! wewe have forgotten me!”
“No… NO! NO! He roared to get rid of the voice that was haunting him. Then silence …until…
The barrage has broken and the water started gushing from between the logs flooding the gorge. Kovu has heard that frightening sound. Running was not an option, the flood was going to catch him anyway. He jumped higher than he could ever think it’s possible and grabbed a rock he tried to climb up, but it was too late: the flood struck him with all the power. Giza was watched everything. He was staying there looking at the water that taking Kovu away from the Pride lands…
Soon after Kovu’s departure, Kiara woke up and saw that the place inayofuata to her is empty.
She lifted up thinking that Kovu woke up earlier and went out. She came out of the cave and looked around but Kovu was nowhere. She went at the water hole, she went on the summit of the Pride Rock and still couldn’t see Kovu.
“No way…” She asked Vitani if she has seen him but no one saw him since the siku before. Kiara decided that they two should go to look for him.
Kiara and Vitani walked side kwa side hoping that Kovu is somewhere around there. Giza saw them coming and rushed to them. He started uigizaji like he wanted to help Kovu while in fact he was the one that caused the flood.
“Help! Quick ! It’s… flood…Kovu! Kiara was so surprised to hear about Kovu from a stranger.
“ Kovu? What do wewe mean? Who are you?”
“Sorry for being rude, but my son is drowning! Down there! In the gorge! “Vitani has felt a painful blow. She knew that Kovu and her have the same father.
“Your son? Drowning?”
“There’s no time for memories now! Come with me!”
They ran to the gorge but it was too late. So they thought. Kiara still wasn’t realizing what was happening. kwa the moment Kiara and Vitani saw that the water has filled the deep gorge and it was still running they started to believe him. Giza was uigizaji like he really felt sorry about that.
“No, my son…I didn’t even talk to him…” Kiara was shocked, speechless. She didn’t know what to do: could she trust that stranger? But in the inayofuata moment she was going to convince herself: they were far away from the place where Kovu was. In these moments, the water was nervously bringing Kovu besides them. Kiara lowered her head and saw something that will mark her forever. The water turned Kovu so that Kiara could see all she needed to recognize him: his scar.
“Kovu? KOVU!” She started running along the edge. Vitani has followed her and so did Giza. They got to a place where the edge had a crack and walking around it was impossible because of some large rocks. Kiara was so desperate so she wanted to jump in but Vitani has stopped her. Kiara has burst in tears.
“KOVU! KOVU!!! NOOOOO! That’s not possible! No way…No…” The pain was too strong so she collapsed to the ground, sobbing.
For the first time in her life, tears have flowed from Vitani’s eyes. Giza couldn’t cry. Things were going just the way he planned…
Vitani and Giza helped Kiara to get home, keeping her between them.
“I don’t even know your name but I believe that you’re Kovu’s father I don’t know why… ”
“I’m sorry…I’m just a grieved father…How could this happen? Why did it… My name is Giza I came here to see my son but it seems like I’ll never see him again…did Kovu tell wewe about me?”
“So he has really forgotten me…”
“No! we didn’t…we didn’t even know you’re alive!”
“Why do wewe say “we”?”
“ Because…I’m his sister, Vitani. It seems like…I’m…I am…”
“My daughter? “ Giza smiled.
When they arrived at the Pride Rock there was a creepy silence. Giza and Vitani have taken Kiara into the cave. It was their duty to give the lionesses the terrible news. Giza has told them what happened:
“A huge misfortune has struck these lands. Because Kovu, my dear son, has been taken away from us too soon… He was a brave, strong king and he didn’t deserve such a death, but the force of nature was too strong and not even Kovu could face it. The water has taken him away from us and will never give him back... His name will reign forever, but is my duty, as his father to take his place and try to lead for his name!”
Even if she wasn’t awake at that moment, she couldn’t be awake, she was weak, dizzy, and she was feeling very bad, Kiara knew what was going on and kept crying inside her. In the morning after Kovu’s disappearance all the wanyama in the Pride lands have gathered around the Pride Rock to keep a silent moment for Kovu. Kiara couldn’t cry, she had no zaidi tears. She was lost. Somehow she was feeling guilty for what happened . She lifted her eyes to the sky and felt a power coming from above, from the great kings of the past that were encouraging her. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath. The wind started blowing easily caressing the other creatures of the Pride lands. The clouds were easily covering the sky, a storm was approaching and thunders could be heard soon. The lions have entered the cave and the wanyama leaved to hide from the rain…
Everybody thought Kovu was dead and he’s never coming back but the story is not ending here because Kovu was alive!
The water has taken him trough a waterfall, and set him in a heap of the woods that have been floating in the gorge, during the flood. The waterfall took him in the paradise he was going to meet later, in the jungle- Hakuna Matata!
He was lying unconscious in that heap for days, weeks, but something wasn’t leaving him dye. He was the chosen one. He had to take his place in the mduara, duara of life.
Simba and Nala, after leaving the Pride lands came in the jungle with Timon and Pumbaa to enjoy their “retirement”. One morning, Simba went to have a drink. He yawned, stretched and sleepy, he went to the river. After drinking, he lifted his head and saw the woods brought kwa the water.
“Aw, woods again?” He went to take a closer look. First he’s seen nothing but woods and rocks. He wanted to go back but he saw something unusual: a lion’s tale was hanging out of the heap. Simba has moved away some sticks and saw Kovu.
“ Kovu?” That impulse was all he needed to wake him up. He suddenly opened his eyes, lifted his head, he looked around a little and asked:
“Where am I? What happened?”
“It seems like you’ve found Hakuna Matata. But not in the easiest way: look at yourself you’re hurt, weak, dirty…” Kovu looked in the river’s water and suddenly he remembered everything: the voice, the flood, his father…
“How long have I been here?”
“I don’t know, it’s been a few months since we’ve left from the Pride lands… But wait, I’m not the one that has to answer maswali here!”
“I’m not supposed to be here.” He came out of the heap and made a few steps trough the water.
“Wow, wow, wow. Where are wewe going in such a hurry? I mean: I found wewe almost dead among these sticks, wewe came back from the dead and now wewe got to go? Aren’t wewe going to tell me what happened? “Right after Simba finished the question, Nala came out of the bushes with Timon and Pumbaa:
“ Simba, I heard wewe talking…” She saw Kovu and looked at both of them questioningly.
“Great! Here is someone else that needs explanations.”
They went trough the jungle while Kovu was explaining them what happened except the part with the voice and his father. Timon said:
“Geez, I see your travel wasn’t easy at all.” Pumbaa had an idea:
“Maybe he should stay here to recover!” Then Timon said:
‘‘Hey, I know, maybe he should stay here to recover!” He jumped off Pumbaa
and moved a leaf so Kovu could see the same sight he has shown Simba saw a long time ago.
“Welcome to Hakuna Matata!”
“That is so beautiful but…”
“Beautiful, but wewe can’t stay here like that I mean: look at you! I know just the right place for you!” Timon jumped on Pumbaa and they started running, Kovu followed them.
“Hey, wait wait!”
“Come on!” They suddenly stopped when they arrived to the pwani of a pond in where a beautiful waterfall was flowing. Kovu didn’t see the pwani so he didn’t stop running and fell into the water. He quickly emerged and went to the shore, cleaned. Simba and Nala started laughing when they arrived. Kovu started laughing too.
Soon after Giza took Kovu’s place, another huge misfortune struck the Pride lands, a storm like no other before, a storm with no rain, but fire. The lightnings were striking the nyasi and the trees like they never did before. Everything around was burning, the wanyama were desperately running away from the unforgiving fire. The frightened lions managed to get to the Pride Rock. Finally, the rain started and the moto was out. Kiara came out of the cave and for the first time, she felt helpless.
“ Oh, no… This can’t be true… The grass, the trees…” She saw an exhausted mother swala, palahala with her baby looking around and running away “Everything…” Vitani followed Kiara out of the cave.
“It’s a disaster…” Kiara felt tears filling her eyes and flowing down her cheeks, her then she crouched to the ground crying.
Giza was watching everything from the rock at the cave entrance. In some ways, he was felling satisfied and avenged but in other ways he was felling bad for Kiara seeing her so fragile and grieved. He started to like her a little bit.
There was evening in the jungle and Kovu had to go to sleep too. Before going to bed, he stopped following the others. He was feeling bad because he has hidden some things from the former king.
“Simba!” Simba looked back at Kovu. “I got to tell wewe something.” Simba came in front of him. Nala looked back at them. Simba looked at her and nodded, Nala smiled and kept walking. Kovu walked away and Simba followed him. They stopped in a clearing, where they could see the stars.
“Beautiful night…” alisema Simba.
“ The great kings of the past, watching over us…so bad that I won’t get there…”
“What? Why do wewe say that?”
“I can’t be king…it was a misunderstanding I’m not I can’t…”
“What misunderstanding? Kovu, I know that sometimes wewe can feel that way but this doesn’t mean that wewe have to give up.”
“I feel…I feel that one part of me is still dark, unknown… one night I had a nightmare and someone told me that he is still part of me, and he wasn’t Scar…he was my real father. I’ve told Kiara what I feel, she encouraged me and told me that everything is alright but one siku I felt that the darken part is controlling me…I argued Kiara because of her hunting skills…bad…At night something inside me was saying “ Get out of here, Kovu, and never come back!” I went out and I couldn’t stop walking. I wanted to go trough the gorge but when I got there I heard my father’s voice again. All I remember is that I roared angry then the barrage broke and then…nothing…”
Simba listened carefully to Kovu and said:
“You know what I think, Kovu? I think that we two are similar in some ways. But wewe know that wewe have to go back home. wewe can’t leave the pride alone.”
“I can’t go back…not yet…”
“Teach me how to be a good king! I don’t want to disappoint anymore.” Simba looked at him and smiled.
“Kovu, wewe can’t be king, wewe can’t even live knowing that inside wewe there’s a darken part that will take over wewe someday. wewe must be the master of yourself! wewe have to put the past behind you. Let it go, Kovu. Give yourself a chance!” Kovu looked confident at Simba and then they went to bed.
In the Pride lands the lionesses were desperately looking for chakula and water. They came back at the Pride Rock very disappointed and exhausted. Giza was waiting for them in the cave.
“ So? Nothing? Again? “ Vitani looked frowning at him.
“Nothing. There’s nothing left out there. I’m afraid that we’ll have to leave one siku if we want to survive.”
“No. That’s not going to happen! I’m sure we’ll find something.” Vitani moved forward. Kiara entered in the cave after her and looked at Giza with a unique face that was expressing everything she was feeling: grief, disappointment, worries, anger… She had nothing to say, her eyes were saying everything…
Simba was trying to make Kovu forget his past and become the master of himself telling him some helpful stories of his own life. siku kwa day, Simba knew that Kovu was becoming stronger, wiser, he was almost ready to go. At dawn of a new day, Simba woke up earlier and went to the small, beautiful waterfall to have a drink and wait for Kovu and the others to wake up. Kovu has been the first one and went in the same place as Simba.
“’Morning, sleeper!” Kovu yawned, stretched and alisema
“Good morning!” Simba noticed something different at him.
“Kovu, come with me, I want to onyesha wewe something.” He was taking Kovu in the place that Rafiki brought Simba to onyesha him that Mufasa was alive, living in him, a long time ago, this time, on the shortcut.
“Kovu, look down there.” Kovu looked at Simba and then he easily approached to the magic water. Kovu saw that he didn’t have the scar on his eye anymore. The darkened half of him has gone. He saw himself cleared, purified, ready to be come a mighty king. Kovu couldn’t believe his eyes. He was so surprised kwa the change. He turned his head at Simba, he lifted up and came inayofuata to him with tears in his eyes, completely speechless. Kovu bowed his head in front of him. Simba stretched his paw and gave Kovu a big hug.
“It is time!” Kovu made a few steps away and turned his head again. Simba smiled. Kovu started moving faster, and soon he disappeared in the tall grass. Nala came inayofuata to Simba being very proud of him. They nuzzled passionately while the sun was rising above their heads. Kovu walked for a day, non stop, to get home. At sunset, his journey was close to the end. Before he could see the Pride lands he had a surprise. Something was moving in a tree. Rafiki was hanging on a branch.
“Kovu? Is that really you? Haha! I knew you’re not dead! Welcome back home! Hahaha” Kovu was happy to get home. Rafiki suddenly changed his happy face.
“What’s wrong?”
“The Pride lands had a lot to suffer in the time wewe were away!”
“The Pride lands are destroyed! Firestorm! Come with me!“ He jumped from mti to tree.
“Come on! Hurry!”
“Wait! Wait!” Kovu ran after Rafiki until he stopped in a taller tree. Kovu arrived to a higher rock so he could see the Pride lands. I was a dry, little vegetation land with very little water, a desert.
“That’s not possible…It can’t be true…”
“It is true! And it’s your mission to make it back! Every evening, Kiara walks along the gorge that wewe almost died in. That’s where you’ll find her! Good luck then! Heeheehee!” Kovu turned his head and didn’t see Rafiki anymore but he could hear him singing:
“Asante sana! Squash banana. Wewe nugu mimi apana!” Kovu smiled.
“Old Rafiki…” Kiara was at the flooded gorge looking hopeless at the water. She heard a voice behind her.
“Kiara?” She turned around and saw the one that she cried for all this time. It was Kovu. She couldn’t believe her eyes. He came closer.
“ Kiara, it’s me, Kovu.” She couldn’t say a word. She didn’t even know what to do: run to him crying au shouldn’t she believe him at all?
“ Kiara, don’t wewe recognize me?”
“Kovu? Kiara has felt hot tears rolling down her cheeks. She knew it was Kovu. She ran to him sobbing and hiding her head in his mane.
“That’s ok, Kiara, I’m here, that’s all that matters. We’ll get that criminal off the throne.” Kiara looked up at Kovu.
“This happened to me because of him! The flood was caused kwa him. Kiara, he wanted to kill me and become the king. Your father rescued me. If not for him I would be dead now. ” Kiara looked at him very surprised, but she never stopped believing him.
The clouds covered the sky and a heavy rain began. At the Pride Rock, the lionesses came back from hunt empty handed, wet and exhausted. Giza was waiting for them inside the cave. Kiara managed to sneak in with them.
“I can’t believe it! I mean, how bad a hunter can be? Not worse than you!” Vitani was very angry and reacted fast to his insult.
“Giza! I’ve told wewe already, there’s no food, very little water, it has been a hard decision but tomorrow morning, we will leave Pride Rock.”
“That’s not going to happen!”
“We are leaving either if wewe like it au not. If wewe want to dye, stay here!”
“You know what? This is my territory and I tell wewe when to go, I can kick wewe out of here at any moment!”
“This is not your territory this is Kovu’s territory and wewe aliiba it!” Giza roared angry and wanted to slap Vitani but from outside they heard an even zaidi powerful roar. A lightening showed Kovu’s silhouette at the entrance of the cave, ready to attack.
“If wewe want to hit her, then hit me first!”
“Ko-Kovu? No way, my son…is alive?”
“Alive! And he wants wewe to give back what wewe aliiba from him!”
“Kovu, I’m sure we can find a solution.”
“Why did wewe do this, Giza?” A moment of silence then Giza alisema forcefully:
“Because you’ve forgotten me!”
“I’ve told wewe already: I thought you’re dead!”
“They thought you’re dead too but they didn’t forget you!” He pointed to the lionesses.
“It’s not the same thing!”
“Because they loved me. I never loved you. And wewe never loved me either. wewe hated us when we were very young. wewe wanted to kill us when wewe slipped into that gorge.” Giza remembered an image: Kovu and Vitani were infants, their mother was hunting with Nuka and he had to stay with the two brothers. He’s taken the cubs to the gorge, planning to kill them. In his way there he was saying: “ I always have to stay with you, stupid babies, other ways, you’re chakula for vultures! I will take care of you! I will make wewe chakula for fish!” He was walking along the edge and stepped on an instable rock. He fell in the gorge in an instant. Vitani remembered this image too. She became very upset and started growling. Kovu and the lionesses were surrounding him.
“Now you’re the vulnerable one! Trapped, escapeless! And I tell wewe so: “ Get out of here, Giza, and never come back!” Giza looked around, at the cave and said:
“If wewe say so…” He jumped from ukuta to ukuta without touching the ground. The lions snarled and came running out of the cave. They ran like this for quite sometime, easily surrounding Giza. He stopped at the gorge, he looked down, at the running water and then he saw that there has no escape way because the lionesses surrounded him. Kovu came in front of him growling. Giza looked at him and smiled.
“What are wewe going to do next, Kovu? Kill me? wewe can’t even hurt me!”
“You wanted to kill me and wewe failed! Why do wewe say that if I try to kill wewe I will fail too?”
“Because you’re not a murder, Kovu! All your life wewe have been trained to kill but wewe couldn’t do this! wewe were too weak! And you’re no better now!” Kovu gave him no answer.
“What are wewe thinking of now?”
“Get out of here, Giza, and never come back!”
“Oh, pathetic!” Giza jumped on Kovu, pushing him in the gorge. They both fell rolling down the ukuta and stopped on a cliff. Giza landed on Kovu. He pushed him away. There was a fight like no other before. Giza jumped on Kovu putting him to the ground, then Kovu, with his last drops of power pushed his father off the cliff. Giza ended up hanging on a rock above the flowing water.
“Kovu, my son, please, help me! Don’t let me dye like this!”
“Why should I help you? wewe don’t deserve my help. ”
“Please, Kovu, look inside yourself, I’m your father after all!, Give me a chance, Kovu!”
Kovu had such a big moyo so he showed his father mercy. He stretched his paw to his father. From the edge, Kiara couldn’t believe that Kovu wants to save his father.
“Kovu, no!”
But when Giza stretched his paw to reach Kovu’s paw, the rock he was hanging on dislocated and he fell in the water. He managed to stay at the surface while the water was taking him to a barrage. Giza wanted to climb on that tall heap of woods that was connecting the both sides of the gorge. He tried to climb but he was too heavy for the logs. They fell on Giza, striking him and keeping him underwater, so he drowned. The gorge has taken one zaidi life. Kovu felt sorry for his father even after everything he did.
Kovu sighed and easily climbed up. He smiled to Kiara and nuzzled her. So he did to Vitani.
“Kovu, what about the Pride lands?” Kiara pointed to the dry, waterless lands they were living in. Kovu smiled and showed her something that Simba showed him a long time ago. He moved away some dust on the ground and a little plant came out of there.
“What’s left behind can grow better than the generation before, if aliyopewa a chance.” They went to the Pride rock. When they arrived, he could see Nala among the lionesses. He looked up and saw Simba sitting on a higher rock inayofuata to Rafiki. Kovu was so surprised. He went to them smiling. Rafiki said:
“It is time!” Simba completed him:
“Take back what is yours!” Kovu bowed his head in front of them and gave them a big hug. He stepped on the Pride Rock, he looked behind then everybody looked at the sky and heard Mufasa’s voice saying:
“If aliyopewa a chance.” Kovu felt his body filling up with power and courage. He roared powerfully and bravely like he never did before. The lionesses roared as well. The Pride was finaly one. The Pride lands bloomed again after Kovu became king. One morning the wanyama knew that something is going on and gathered at the Pride Rock. Rafiki was holding in his arms the future of the pride. Kiara and Kovu had a son. He looked a little bit like Kovu but he had Kiara’s colors. Simba and Nala were two proud grandparents now. Rafiki presented the cub, having Kovu and Kiara inayofuata to him.

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Source: Disney / edited kwa me
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Lion King
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Source: Disney / edited kwa me
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Source: The Lion
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added by MarlenaLovett
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added by alinazeer
added by lilyZ
Source: Disney
added by lilyZ
Source: Disney
added by karlyluvsam
kwa ScarKrueger
Lion King
shabiki video