The Phantom of the Opera THEY ARE MAKING A SEQUEL TO POTO!

Jareth_baby2010 posted on Dec 03, 2008 at 10:23PM

The Phantom of the Opera 362 majibu

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zaidi ya mwaka mmoja uliopita PhantomofPoker said…
What could be some speculation about what it would be? Opening dates have already been announced...could it be a better preview for it than the stupid one that was posted on the site?
zaidi ya mwaka mmoja uliopita Phantomess said…
I don't know. All I can think is they're going to make it really official
zaidi ya mwaka mmoja uliopita JustHuddy said…
Well, that's when tickets are going on sale...I guess that could be it?
zaidi ya mwaka mmoja uliopita Phantomess said…
*Twitch* It's a distinct possibility. I actually had a nightmare about LND last night! A bloody nightmare! This is not was I was thinking of in the context of "in sleep he sang to me/in dreams he came"!
zaidi ya mwaka mmoja uliopita JustHuddy said…
I think I had an LND dream once, but I can't really remember it...

(Though I did have a dream that my friend and I went to see Phantom with John Cudia...but in was in a school gym...and they changed it like crazy and cut out Raoul totally, so naturally I was pissed that I didn't get to see Sean's hawtness again. Then John was signing autographs...but I don't think I got one because my friend and I had to go to a parking garage for some reason...)

^ Ignore the ramblings.
zaidi ya mwaka mmoja uliopita Phantomess said…
lol. Oh, I've had my share of really strange Phantom dreams, believe me. I think the weirdest one was probably the Freddy Krueger one that Erik made a cameo in. Not really a nightmare, just strange. But yeah, I understand. :)
zaidi ya mwaka mmoja uliopita velvet_fox said…
Oh ho ho ho so I am no longer alone in having LND nightmares. Ahhh welcome to the club. :p
zaidi ya mwaka mmoja uliopita Phantomess said…
It was bad. That's twice now Lloyd Webber's given me nightmares! Seriously, you don't even want to KNOW about the one I had after I saw the 04 movie.....*shiver*
zaidi ya mwaka mmoja uliopita velvet_fox said…
Think yourself lucky it's only happened twice. I've had four, yes four dreams on the subject of LND. It's been plaguing me for months. To the point where I'm worried how badly it's all effecting me. :/

Awww I have a soft spot for the movie as it's the first Phantom related thing I ever saw. Ok GB's phantom sucked, Emmy was cringe worthy and PW was a robot, but despite all it's faults I still kind of adore it. :P
zaidi ya mwaka mmoja uliopita JustHuddy said…
I did have a dream that I saw ALW in some fast food place and I was just thinking "Why is he doing this sequel, he's so insane." But..that was it.

As of about two hours ago, I have decided I don't hate the movie as much as I hate the close-minded movie phans (doesn't apply to you, VF). *nod* I mean, I still hate Gerry and Emmy...and Patrick... (I know, I change my opinions every few seconds. *eye rolls at self*)
zaidi ya mwaka mmoja uliopita velvet_fox said…
Lolz thanks! Awwww shucks thanks for excusing me JH! x

And yep not so keen on the GB die lovers myself. :/
zaidi ya mwaka mmoja uliopita Phantomess said…
I can understand having a soft spot for the movie, I really can. I can even understand drooling over GB. I don't see it, personally, NOT my type, but whatever. Yeah, it's the closed-minded refuse to watch anything BUT the movie that kills me.
Either way, the dream after the movie wasn't SO much Gerik as it was this awful debacle of meeting ALW and there was LErik and it was just a mess.
Unfortunately most of my PotO dreams are increda-frustrating because 90% of the time for whatever reason I never get to actually TALK to Erik. Not really REALLY. *stops.* so I was going to type something else out relating to my PotO dreams, but then I realized that it sounded really REALLY insane/nerdy beyond all reason, so I stopped myself.
zaidi ya mwaka mmoja uliopita JustHuddy said…
So, I was on ALW's site, and I found more bot crap in letter form:

“It is 25 years since I commanded you to compose a (can’t read the damn font!) further (?) score completing the story of my life and work.

I have waited patiently to see and hear the result. Nothing has been forthcoming.

If you do not obey my commands and stage this musical spectacular by the spring of 2010, a disaster beyond your imagination will occur.”


*headdesk* Make it stop!
zaidi ya mwaka mmoja uliopita Phantomess said…
. . .

*opens mouth, no words are forthcoming*


zaidi ya mwaka mmoja uliopita Phantomess said…
"So it is to be war between us?"


2 separate petitions demanding the halt of the sequel. And that's just from a very cursory google search. I am willing to wager there are plenty more of these out there!
Not to mention the fact that--well, do you really want to piss off a fanbase that idolizes someone who is primarily known for very nasty displays of anger when advice is not heeded, up to and including murder? A fanbase that is (or at least was when I became actively involved) filled with people who were "that kid" all through their childhoods and probably have devoted an inordinate amount of time on how to dispatch of unpleasant individuals in the most painful and discreet methods possible? Do you really want to rouse that group of people against you?
This is not a threat, Sir Webber, just a friendly word of advice. You're quite safe from me, I'm stuck stateside and still have enough grasp on my self-control to not wish to deal with all of the paperwork and the absolute boredom of prison. But I can assure you that there are incredibly devoted followers of Erik who only need that tiniest of provocation to completely snap, which you are providing in abundance. Persons who may be right in your back yard. Tread carefully and think this through. I shall not play daroga and warn you again!
zaidi ya mwaka mmoja uliopita Jareth_baby2010 said…
lol! I too have had phantom dreams. There was one dream I had while I fell asleep in math class. I was sitting in the boat that Erick took Christine away in and he was rowing it...It was really quiet...Then all of a sudden I heard a voice calling my math teacher *sigh* I have signed the one petition to stop this blasphemy. And it's so lame how they put that on the ALW site...The whole...phantom writing to ALW thing...SO LAME! I just wanna bi*** slap ALW around. I wonder what this important announcement is going to be from this "phantom" Ugh! I just wanna dig a hole somewhere, crawl in it, and cry...
zaidi ya mwaka mmoja uliopita Jareth_baby2010 said…
lol! I had one dream once when I was asleep in math class... where I was in the boat with Erick and he was rowing it and it was really quiet until I heard someone call my was my math teacher telling me to wake up. I signed the one petition to put this blasphemy to an end...Do you think it'll work? I'm hoping ALW will see these pettions and see why it is such a bad idea to make this sequel.
zaidi ya mwaka mmoja uliopita Jareth_baby2010 said…
lol! I had one dream once when I was asleep in math class... where I was in the boat with Erick and he was rowing it and it was really quiet until I heard someone call my was my math teacher telling me to wake up. I signed the one petition to put this blasphemy to an end...Do you think it'll work? I'm hoping ALW will see these pettions and see why it is such a bad idea to make this sequel.
zaidi ya mwaka mmoja uliopita Jareth_baby2010 said…
lol! I had one dream once when I was asleep in math class... where I was in the boat with Erick and he was rowing it and it was really quiet until I heard someone call my was my math teacher telling me to wake up. I signed the one petition to put this blasphemy to an end...Do you think it'll work? I'm hoping ALW will see these pettions and see why it is such a bad idea to make this sequel.
zaidi ya mwaka mmoja uliopita Phantomess said…
Well petitions didn't do shite for the movie, but it's still worth a shot. And posterity will have it recorded that we DID try.
Since everyone's sharing their PotO dreams, I'll share one of mine. My verrah first one that I can recall.
I was about 10 when I had this. And I dreamed that I was in the basement of my community theatre (not really that odd, since that's where our prop/costume closets were, as well as dressing rooms, makeup alley, and general loafing between scenes area) and there were all these people just kind of milling around, all dressed in shades of grey and in period costume from about 1900-1940, so dresses and suits mostly. And then the ALW version of Erik showed up and started randomly yelling and screaming, though I can't remember about what. But he obviously Was Not Happy. Well I threw my hand up to the safety position and ran out the back, because, well....angry Erik=bad news for me. But then I realized, wait...ERIK!!! So phangirl squee 1, common sense 0. So I go back in, and he's still standing on one of the chairs ranting, and I'm trying to shove through the crowd (hand still up, I'm not a TOTAL moron) to try and get close enough to talk to him. Well, everyone else is completely oblivious to the man in the mask having an epic tantrum, until he finally loses his shite and strangles the person closest to him. Well, THAT got some attention! The whole crowd starts running, like full on stampede, running. And I'm caught up going with them because there's no way I could fight against the flow and digging in my heels and stopping dead would get me trampled. Randomly, the basement now had allllll this huge space and I remember there being lots of split offs where the crowd slowly broke apart, some going one way, some going another, until it was just me and this kinda chubby older gentleman and I realized that I could slow down and try and figure out where I'd ended up. Well I started to slow down and glance behind and Erik was chasing us and looked REALLY pissed, so I decided maybe stopping now was not the best idea. So we ducked into the costume closet and the guy I was with went to slam the door and I tried to tell him that was NOT a good idea because it had this big full length mirror on the back of the door and I knew it wasn't held on there very good. But he was already in the process of slamming it shut, and it smashed, and a nice big chunk decapitated the guy since he was standing right in front of it. There wasn't any blood, but it was still a little bit of a shocker. Then Erik opened the door and saw this little girl and a dead body, and apparently felt bad about this because he started apologizing. A lot. And I was about to tell him that it was ok, and that I wasn't really upset, just startled, and why was he so mad anyway, but I woke up before I got to say anything to him. Which was really annoying!
zaidi ya mwaka mmoja uliopita JustHuddy said…
Er, I am the only one who just got another e-mail saying the exact same thing about October 8th... *tilts head to the side confusedly*

zaidi ya mwaka mmoja uliopita TGITPC said…
Ugh, it's those stupid Twitter updates! They make me gag.
zaidi ya mwaka mmoja uliopita Phantomess said…
No kidding.
I bitched out the Twitter bot, but got no reply. Surprise surprise. I'm probably blocked by now for calling it on it's inability to make any damn sense.
zaidi ya mwaka mmoja uliopita JustHuddy said…
laugh're our last hope.

(rjdaae @ LJ)'re our last hope. (rjdaae @ LJ)
zaidi ya mwaka mmoja uliopita TGITPC said…
Aha, that's great!
zaidi ya mwaka mmoja uliopita Phantomess said…
zaidi ya mwaka mmoja uliopita velvet_fox said…
No no Kanye's got it wrong. It isn't "one of the worst sequels" it is THE WORST sequel of all time.

There is nothing so atrocious.
zaidi ya mwaka mmoja uliopita Phantomess said…
Ok, so the LND mailing list just settled the dispute as to just what this earth shattering announcement Oct 8th will be. Apparently it is the official(!) unveiling of LND. ALW is going to yap at the assembled throng, they're going to trot out the cast like show ponies to do musical numbers and tricks for the crowd, and what's left of my hopes and dreams will shrivel and die! Apparently this nonsense is to be held at 11 a.m. (well, p.m. seemed like a very good guess at the time. Should have known the lout wouldn't be able to homage the novel even half-assed) in the West End. If you live in the London area there's a raffle thingy you can enter to try to win a ticket to this nonsense.
Please, if we do have any Brits on here that can get to London. Throw a tomatoe at Webber for me! A nice, horrible, squishy rotten one. Preferrably with maggots and ick growing inside of it!
zaidi ya mwaka mmoja uliopita velvet_fox said…
Urgh. I'm a Brit, but I'm not going to touch this malarkey with a barge pole.
zaidi ya mwaka mmoja uliopita JustHuddy said…
I was just going to post that...

Wow...all my fandoms just seem to be crumbling down at the moment.
zaidi ya mwaka mmoja uliopita velvet_fox said…
Oh JH! :( *hugs* what else is crumbling? Huddy's doing ok and all.
zaidi ya mwaka mmoja uliopita JustHuddy said…
Well, there's JMo leaving...*sniff* But you're right, at least Huddy's doing okay...

Then as far as Les Mis, there's the new movie comming out in 2010 that I'm convinced is going to be awful.

At least nothing's happening with Rent...

On a lighter note... *pokes image* *giggle*

last edited zaidi ya mwaka mmoja uliopita
 Well, there's JMo leaving...*sniff* But you're right, at least Huddy's doing okay... Then as far
zaidi ya mwaka mmoja uliopita velvet_fox said…
LMAO. OMFG. I choose the recommended option! That's made my day! :D

JMo leaving might only be a temporary thing though. :/ I hope it is.

Btw who's in your icon? Is it something to do with Rent? Cos it looks sweet.
zaidi ya mwaka mmoja uliopita JustHuddy said…
Yeah, it's Maureen and Joanne from Rent. ♥
zaidi ya mwaka mmoja uliopita Phantomess said…
Love Never Dies....
...But ALW should!

*grumble grumble, goes back to celebrating the Leroux anniversary*
zaidi ya mwaka mmoja uliopita phantomphan24 said…
This is sad....... really really sad..... I can't believe he's doing this......I really WOULDEN'T be suprised if phantom went off Brodway, that will show ALW won't it?! So everyone get a ticket to LND for the first preformence and when ALW makes his announcments........ WE CAN BOO HIM OFF THE STAGE!!!!!!!!!!!!
zaidi ya mwaka mmoja uliopita phantomphan24 said…
zaidi ya mwaka mmoja uliopita phantomphan24 said…
I totally agree, Phantomess........u made me fell better couse i hadent at the comment above me!
zaidi ya mwaka mmoja uliopita Phantomess said…
I had the most horrible daroga-putting-things-together moment of "OMG we are all F**KED!" today.
I was on break at work and reading my copy of Leroux for the gamillionth time. And, well, y'know that part where the Persian realizes WHY 11 o'clock? Yeah, well I just had this crystal clear image in my mind of some uber psychotic phan (y'know the kind that makes ME look like the poster child for well adjusted and socially compliant) pulling a straight up Erik the g-d damned terrorist moment and taking out not only ALW, but "many members of the human race" who at that very moment would be "applauding a poor piece". It wouldn't be hard to put together. And that's the scary thing. And I can already see the anonymous note sent to the London Times reading simply "He chose the grasshopper."
Now, it is entirely possible that this will not occur. It would take someone pretty damned messed up to pull this. And maybe I'm the only one twisted enough to even think of this scenario. But I can't be sure of that.
Yeah....I sound completely paranoid and insane now....
Maybe I should not watch V for Vendetta again for a lil bit....
zaidi ya mwaka mmoja uliopita phantomphan24 said…
I sure hope they don't put the Persain in LND, couse he wasnt in the first one and it whould totaly make the story line even more whack....I mean,couse what if he talks about how he saved the phantom? People who hadent seen the leroux version,or read the book whould be like " Whats goin on here??? This is confusing!"
zaidi ya mwaka mmoja uliopita JustHuddy said…
*whines* It's talking in Latin again...

Ego quod nunc de auctore meo audivi vobis brevi tempore referam. The Phantom.

EDIT: The best translation I could get was "I and now about person responsible meo I heard you short transitory to recount. The Phantom."


Someone on said: "I now want from my authority in a short time (or in a few words) to hear you reply.."

Completely unrelated: That awesome "Lady, either kiss him or leave" Huddy scene pretty much made me forget about JMo. ;)
last edited zaidi ya mwaka mmoja uliopita
zaidi ya mwaka mmoja uliopita phantomphan24 said…
I'm going to say one thing.......... I HATE ALW FOR DOING THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!
zaidi ya mwaka mmoja uliopita velvet_fox said…
"Ego quod nunc de auctore meo audivi vobis brevi tempore referam. The Phantom."
My reply. F**k off phony twitter phantom.

Completely unrelated: DUDE. DUDE. Cuddy is gonna miss him!! Btw I love how House can talk so easily about his hallucination to her, that is so promising awesome developments in their relationship making House more open and all.
last edited zaidi ya mwaka mmoja uliopita
zaidi ya mwaka mmoja uliopita Phantomess said…
I've already yelled at the TwitterBot once before. I'm still not entirely convinced the bot isn't ALW having an epic fail at awesome. Either way the last time I bitched out the bot I got no reply, so I kind of give up at this point.
zaidi ya mwaka mmoja uliopita phantomphan24 said…
yeah......... those phantom updates suck........(sigh..) and realy suck when it says"if my commands are ignored, a disaster beonde your imaganation will acorre..........
zaidi ya mwaka mmoja uliopita JustHuddy said…
Still unrelated: Yes, it was so awesome! Let's hope we get the real smex soon.

*tries to think of something on topic*

Oh, yeah! September 8th: I am appalled at the lack of Latin education. I am therefore translating future messages into English. The Phantom.

How quickly we forget, ErikBot...
zaidi ya mwaka mmoja uliopita JustHuddy said…
Nice to know absolutely nothing happens here when I flip out and leave for...five days. ;)

New Twitter Updates:

I am encouraged by my composer's work. The Phantom

Opus auctoris mei multum mihi placet. The Phantom.

...okay, whatever.
zaidi ya mwaka mmoja uliopita velvet_fox said…
Oh well I'm glad someone's f**king encouraged, makes one in the universe (well two if you count ALW).
zaidi ya mwaka mmoja uliopita JustHuddy said…
Tickets go on sale today. Woohoo. -.-
zaidi ya mwaka mmoja uliopita velvet_fox said…
Oh JH that "woohoo" was rather subdued. :p Isn't this TEH BESTEST NEWS EVAR!?
