The Phantom of the Opera THEY ARE MAKING A SEQUEL TO POTO!

Jareth_baby2010 posted on Dec 03, 2008 at 10:23PM

The Phantom of the Opera 362 majibu

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zaidi ya mwaka mmoja uliopita Phantomess said…
Oh gawd! I would LOVE to see PK do LND. That would be a trip and a half! Gary "TOUCH ME" Maur could be interesting to see as well.
And as for Raoul, Byron Neese (sp?) the guy on the Canadian cast recording of POTO I can see as being kind of amusing as well. His voice always seemed to have sort of a Dudley Do-Right quality to it in my mind, so seeing that turned into a drunken bastard could be highly entertaining!
zaidi ya mwaka mmoja uliopita phantomphan24 said…

I really cried.

But the PhantomReviewer gave me a corpsy, virtural hug to make me feel better. :*)
zaidi ya mwaka mmoja uliopita Phangirl7 said…
Well, I admit when I first heard about this sequel, I was shocked and horrified. But overtime, I've learned to accept it. If I ever get the chance to see it, I would. Merely out of curiosity. Even though I still don't like it, I've learned to accept the fact that there is one.
zaidi ya mwaka mmoja uliopita phantomphan24 said…
Phantom of the Opera+Cats+Wicked=Phantom of the wicked cats.
zaidi ya mwaka mmoja uliopita Phantomess said…
WTF does that have to do with the price of tea in China?
Also, Animaniacs beat you to it by over a decade. Cats of Phantom Boulevard.
zaidi ya mwaka mmoja uliopita phantomphan24 said…
k...well 2 change the subject,has anybody seen Paranormal Activity 2??? I have *Cookies*
zaidi ya mwaka mmoja uliopita renrae said…
That has nothing to do with anything.

I just think having LND be done by the people who were really into all sides of the character would be pretty damn awesome.
zaidi ya mwaka mmoja uliopita JustHuddy said…
No offense, but this isn't a general chat thread so staying on topic would probably be appreciated by all...

Just sayin'.
zaidi ya mwaka mmoja uliopita phantomphan24 said…
zaidi ya mwaka mmoja uliopita TheSilverLining said…
I assume that this forum is kind of dead.... however I just need to vent.... in a poliete way.

Ok what bugs me the most is the change Raoul.... changing him into an abusive drunkard, that is not quite right in my book. I've seen his character trampled on sooooo many times and to see ALW convert to that kind of blasphemy.... it's so, so, I can't even express myself. Like so many said before, I am afraid that the so called sequeal will take away the beauty from the story. But, what do we know I guess.

Of course the damanage to the other character's is horrible too....

The music is not bad... just not quite right to for phantom.

Of course I think everybody knows that this a stunt so that ALW can make more money... but can't he do that with orignal musicals? I saw Whistle Down the Wind a long time ago (two years, I think) and it was good... cute, I would say.

EW, I am soooo digusted with this. Just no, I can't believe that this has happen.... but it did, so I guess I'll just be quiet.

On a side note... I think this musical so unfair towards Christine... I mean she was a naive confused girl in the first one but to put her through a similar situation is just cruel. Also, random thought that popped into my head... is just me or does Christine attract abusive men? In the first one there was the phantom who rough handeled her and now there's Raoul, the drunk. I guess never pick up guys at the opera.xD

*Hides away and puts on All I Ask of You to get bad image of the Raoul/Christine relationship out of her head.... ahhhhh, much better*

zaidi ya mwaka mmoja uliopita GarlicWreath said…
Plot is bad, characters raped, costumes nice. Music isn´t bad, but it can´t carry the bad book.
zaidi ya mwaka mmoja uliopita Phantomess said…
Ding Dong the sequel's dead!
It will be closing on the West End on August 28th, and the Broadway premiere has been postponed indefinitely (which sounds a lot like hell will freeze over and Satan will skate to work before it dims the Great White Way). Although the Aussie production is still puttering along for the moment, I don't forsee it lasting long.
So, let's see here...
Barely over a year and only two venues versus nearly a quarter of a century, multiple touring casts, venues on 5 continents, and a movie (though, the movie could have been better).
I think I feel a bit better now.