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posted by ninjacupcake88
So yeah... this is my single OCs (or just OCs that don't have crushes), and some info about them. For shipping purposes.

Full Name: Lucy Taylor Clements
Age: 17
Birthday: September 10th
Stereotype: The tomboy
Sexuality: Lesbian
Hair Color: Purple, blue and pink. Originally blonde.
Eye Color: Brown
Profession: Waitress.
Relationship Status: Single.
inayopendelewa Color: Purple
inayopendelewa Hobby: uandishi (poems and such)
inayopendelewa Song/Singer: blessthefall, no favourite song.
inayopendelewa Book/Author: The Golden Compass
inayopendelewa School Subject: None.
Personality: Moody, will fight wewe if wewe get her mad, tomboyish, hates anything girly, bitchy, hard to approach, overprotective and loyal to her friends, kind to those in need of her help
Brief Backstory: Lucy has been primarily raised kwa her dad, and recently her soon-to-be stepmom... who wants nothing zaidi but to turn Lucy into the exact opposite of what she is.
Picture: link (Drawn kwa smartone123)
Full Name: Zachary "Zack" McGregor
Age: 16
Birthday: April 2nd
Stereotype: The caring boy
Sexuality: Straight
Hair Color: Orangeish brown
Eye Color: Brown
Profession: Cashier, waiter
Relationship Status: Single.
inayopendelewa Color: Red
inayopendelewa Hobby: Cooking
inayopendelewa Song/Singer: None
inayopendelewa Book/Author: Percy Jackson series.
inayopendelewa School Subject: None.
Personality: Very kind and loving, sweet to everyone, outgoing, doesn't like cheaters au liars, dyslexic
Brief Backstory: Zack was raised with his three little siblings, his mother is often out supporting the family, au at least, trying to... as she loathes her job and has a small pay... leaving Zack to raise his siblings kwa himself, with the occasional help of Zack's grandparents. Zack hates his father due to him abandoning the family, and whenever someone brings up his father he'll instantly try to avoid the subject. Zack keeps most of his feelings bottled up and won't share them unless he's really close to someone, especially the feelings towards his father.
Picture: link (Drawn kwa smartone123)
Full Name: Nolan Joey Hunt
Age: 16
Birthday: December 3rd
Stereotype: The Skater
Sexuality: Straight
Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: Blue
Profession: Unemployed
Relationship Status: Single.
inayopendelewa Color: White
inayopendelewa Hobby: Skateboarding
inayopendelewa Song/Singer: Anything Dubstep
inayopendelewa Book/Author: He doesn't read.
inayopendelewa School Subject: None.
Personality: Conceited, shallow, mean, rude, selfish, outgoing, full of himself
Brief Backstory: Nolan's parents divorced when he was young, finding him to be with his dad and his brother with his mom. Because of this, he rarely sees his family.
Picture: link (Drawn kwa smartone123)
Full Name: Maylene Kelly Welch
Age: 14
Birthday: March 27th
Stereotype: The little girl
Sexuality: Single
Hair Color: Orange
Eye Color: Brown
Profession: Unemployed
Relationship Status: Single.
inayopendelewa Color: Yellow
inayopendelewa Hobby: Playing tag and hide and go seek.
inayopendelewa Song/Singer: Anyone she hears on the radio.
inayopendelewa Book/Author: No favourite book.
inayopendelewa School Subject: Recess.
Personality: VERY childish, friendly, sweet, talkative, loud, crybabyish, LOVES anything sugary and unhealthy, cheerful
Brief Backstory: Maylene was always extremely childish and never quite grew out of it, she loves uigizaji like a little kid and getting Candy and sweets, and everyone assumes she's a lot younger then she actually is.
Picture: link (Drawn kwa smartone123)
Full Name: Amanda "Mandy" Rebecca Sullivan
Age: 17
Birthday: February 28th
Stereotype: The girl who no one talks to
Sexuality: Asexual (not physically attracted to anyone, only emotionally attracted)
Hair Color: Reddish Pink, originally orange.
Eye Color: Black
Profession: Unemployed.
Relationship Status: Single.
inayopendelewa Color: Black
inayopendelewa Hobby: Singing, music, theatre, ballet, uandishi poetry and songs, playing guitar, gitaa
inayopendelewa Song/Singer: Anyone on Broadway.
inayopendelewa Book/Author: The Help kwa Kathryn Stockett
inayopendelewa School Subject: None.
Personality: Bitchy, rude, not afraid to hurt wewe if wewe get her mad, temperamental, angry, snobby, rarely gets along with people but when she does she does everything in her power to protect them and treat them right, has anger problems and often lashes out at people, cries a lot, sensitive, has trust issues, doesn't open up to people easily
Brief Backstory: Mandy is an orphan who switches from family to family, and has yet to find one that actually treats her like family. She was molested kwa her foster-brother at age 10, and has developed a sense of post-traumatic stress disorder and anger and trust issues because of it. Since then, she's had a fear of people getting close to her
Picture: link (Drawn kwa RawrMonster123)
Full Name: Hazel Ashley Snow
Age: 16
Birthday: May 15th
Stereotype: The bad twin
Sexuality: Straight
Hair Color: Black and pink, originally just black
Eye Color: Black
Profession: Unemployed.
Relationship Status: Single.
inayopendelewa Color: Black
inayopendelewa Hobby: Writing
inayopendelewa Song/Singer: Sleeping With Sirens and Pierce the Veil, Low kwa Sleeping With Sirens
inayopendelewa Book/Author: None.
inayopendelewa School Subject: Creative Writing/English
Personality: She's loyal, nice to wewe if your nice to her, rude, temperamental, and bitchy, strong, overreacts easily, sick of expectations for her, very sensitive (although she's good at hiding it), great liar, gets upset easily, depressed
Brief Backstory: While her twin, Shayla, was the perfect daughter... Hazel found herself as the opposite; the daughter her parents never wanted ( they only wanted one child, and Shayla was it) and Hazel fell into a depression and started turning to things such as drugs and cutting herself, and things only kept getting worse.
Picture: link (Hazel is the one with pink in her hair)
Full Name: Shayla Alison Snow
Age: 16
Birthday: May 15th
Stereotype: The good twin
Sexuality: Lesbian
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Black
Profession: Unemployed.
Relationship Status: Single.
inayopendelewa Color: Red
inayopendelewa Hobby: Yoga
inayopendelewa Song/Singer: Rihanna, Take a Bow kwa Rihanna
inayopendelewa Book/Author: None.
inayopendelewa School Subject: Gym
Personality: Fun, nice, gets embarrassed easily, a little awkward when wewe first meet her, loyal, shallow, full of herself, outgoing, people-pleaser, goody-two-shoes
Brief Backstory: Shayla and her identical twin, Hazel were raised under the care of their parents and their grandmother. Shayla was always the perfect child who never did anything wrong... but is too afraid of disappointing her parents to admit that she's a lesbian.
Picture: link (Hazel is the one with pink in her hair)
Full Name: Amy Sarah Doyle
Age: 15
Birthday: July 13th
Stereotype: The gamer
Sexuality: Straight
Hair Color: Pink, originally light blonde
Eye Color: Black
Profession: Unemployed.
Relationship Status: Single.
inayopendelewa Color: Pink
inayopendelewa Hobby: Gaming
inayopendelewa Song/Singer: None really.
inayopendelewa Book/Author: Looking For Alaska kwa John Green.
inayopendelewa School Subject: Computer
Personality: Happy, sweet, awkward around people, shy, weird, constantly does stupid things, nerdy as she ADORES videogames and anime, massive anime-fangirl, gets sensitive when people bring up wheelchair story au her mother, extremely against drinking
Brief Backstory: Amy was in a car crash at age ten (the car that hit her was a drunken teenager), which left her mother dead, and Amy permanently wheelchair-bound... she doesn't like talking about her wheelchair, au anything related to it... but tries to live her days to the fullest, even with her accident and her mother's death.
Picture: link
Full Name: Cyrus Campbell
Age: 15
Birthday: August 22nd
Stereotype: The surfer
Sexuality: Straight
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Brown
Profession: Lifeguard, does surfing competitions
Relationship Status: Single.
inayopendelewa Color: Black
inayopendelewa Hobby: Surfing
inayopendelewa Song/Singer: Without wewe kwa David Guetta.
inayopendelewa Book/Author: None.
inayopendelewa School Subject: Gym
Personality: Had OCD and wants everything to be organized and clean, relaxed, not very bright, outgoing, loves parties, typical surfer dude
Brief Backstory: Pretty normal life, got involved in surfing at a young age and has been doing it ever since.
Picture: link
Full Name: Ryker Alec Everett
Age: 16
Birthday: January 16th
Stereotype: The poet
Sexuality: Single
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Tannish
Profession: Songwriter/poet
Relationship Status: Single.
inayopendelewa Color: Black
inayopendelewa Hobby: kusoma Shakespeare.
inayopendelewa Song/Singer: Queen, Bohemian Rhapsody.
inayopendelewa Book/Author: Othello kwa William Shakespeare
inayopendelewa School Subject: Artsy, kind, loyal, protective, not very talkative, loves to quote Shakespeare and recite poems.
Brief Backstory: When his father and mother first started fighting and divorced, Ryker njiwa into uandishi his feelings in the form of poems... and has been doing so ever since.
Picture: link (Drawn kwa twitdrama)
Full Name: Sylvia "Silvy" Jeanine Beaufort
Age: 14
Birthday: August 8th
Stereotype: The pranker
Sexuality: Bicurious
Hair Color: Purple. originally brown.
Eye Color: Blue
Profession: Unemployed
Relationship Status: Single.
inayopendelewa Color: Rainbow, au just dark purple
inayopendelewa Hobby: Pranking.
inayopendelewa Song/Singer: Superbass kwa Nicki Minaj, and favourite singer is Ke$ha
inayopendelewa Book/Author: She doesn't read.
inayopendelewa School Subject: None.
Personality: Hyper, loving, sweet, excitable, cheerful, mischievous, daredevil, likes to play pranks on people, greedy, gets jealous easily, pouty when she doesn't get her way, spoiled
Brief Backstory: Has always been a bit of a burden to her parents as she loves causing as much trouble as possible, despite this, her family dealt with her and due to their richness, gave her everything she wanted, causing her to turn out very spoiled.
Picture: link

Full Name: Damon Fizzy
Age: 18
Birthday: Nov 8th
Sexuality: Straight.
Hair Color: Light brown
Eye Color: Brown
Profession: Youtuber
Relationship Status: In a relationship with Taylor mwepesi, teleka (or so he says)
inayopendelewa Color: Pride rainbow
inayopendelewa Hobby: Vlogging, meeting fans
inayopendelewa Song/Singer: Pierce the Veil, Sleeping With Sirens, Nevershoutnever, All Time Low
inayopendelewa Book/Author: None
inayopendelewa School Subject: None
Personality: Loving, kind to everyone, socially awkward, talks really quickly, obsessed with Taylor Swift, really low self-confidence, doesn't like the way he looks, hard on himself,
Brief Backstory: Damon's parents divorced when he was 2, so he was raised completely kwa his mom. He always had really low self confidence and never liked himself au the way he looked and eventually started developing anxiety and not wanting to leave the house because of it. He then made a Youtube channel with the goal of trying to make people smile and now has an internet following and a family known as the "fizzy family," where he and his mashabiki keep each other strong.
Picture: link
Full Name: violet Whitney Kemp
Age: 16
Birthday: March 5th
Stereotype: The mysterious girl
Sexuality: Lesbian
Hair Color: Red, originally orange
Eye Color: Red (due to her being a vampire)
Profession: Hunter for her vampire clan.
Relationship Status: Single.
inayopendelewa Color: Red
inayopendelewa Hobby: Playing violin
inayopendelewa Song/Singer: Sleeping With Sirens, Trophy Father's Trophy Son.
inayopendelewa Book/Author: Les Miserables kwa Victor Hugo
inayopendelewa School Subject: Band
Personality: Sensitive, doesn't talk much, mysterious, a little depressed, only seems to smile when she's playing music, has trust issues, hen wewe get to know her she's loyal, friendly, kind and curious
Brief Backstory: Got kicked out kwa her parents after admitting her sexuality to them, and was taken in kwa a clan of Wanyonya damu who changed her into one of them. She now lives with them as their hunter.
Picture: link
Full Name: Trista Noralie Lockhart
Age: 17
Birthday: February 14th
Stereotype: The girl no one talks to.
Sexuality: Straight
Hair Color: Bleach blonde
Eye Color: Red due to her being a vampire
Profession: None
Relationship Status: Single
inayopendelewa Color: Dark red
inayopendelewa Hobby: Singing, dancing
inayopendelewa Song/Singer: Pierce the Veil au A siku to Remember, favourite song is All I Want kwa A siku To Remember
inayopendelewa Book/Author: The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo
inayopendelewa School Subject: None
Personality: Manipulative, sly, only does what benefits HERSELF, smart, cruel and cunning.
Brief Backstory: Can't reveal it yet, that would be spoilers for the Vampire story ;3
Picture: link
Full Name: Benjamin "Blair" Sam Newton
Age: 15
Birthday: May 10th
Stereotype: The transgendered guy
Sexuality: Gay
Hair Color: Purple, originally blond.
Eye Color: Reddish brown
Profession: Photographer
Relationship Status: Single.
inayopendelewa Color: Purple
inayopendelewa Hobby: Photography
inayopendelewa Song/Singer: Lady Gaga, Born This Way kwa Lady Gaga
inayopendelewa Book/Author: Divergent Series kwa Veronica Roth
inayopendelewa School Subject: Photography
Personality: VERY shy,
Brief Backstory: Benjamin was raised in a small town, and spent all his life wanting to become his alter-ego, a female named Blair. Over time, Benjamin began developing two personalities... one being Benjamin, the shy boy who is insecure with himself and his sexuality, the other being Blair, a girl who speaks her mind and isn't afraid to be herself. Upon transferring to a new school for high-school, Benjamin decided to unleash Blair upon the world... and has pretended to be her ever since, without anyone knowing he's actually a male...
Picture: link

Full Name: Valerie Kennedi Agnès
Age: 15
Birthday: October 9th
Stereotype: The girl who adores herself
Sexuality: Straight
Hair Color: Blonde
Eye Color: Dark Green
Profession: Unemployed
Relationship Status: Single
inayopendelewa Color: Pink, red, magenta
inayopendelewa Hobby: Sports, flirting, making boys happy
inayopendelewa Song/Singer: At The Ballet from the musical A Chorus Line
inayopendelewa Book/Author: The Host kwa Stephanie Meyer
inayopendelewa School Subject: Gym
Personality: Conceited, self-centered, absolutely adores herself, very kind, charming, high-class, likes to make people (especially boys) happy, VERY flirty, smooth-talker, romantic, sweet, competitive, wants to be zaidi normal and non-classy, has narcissistic personality disorder, likes getting dirty and goofing off
She's like the female Tamaki Suoh.
Brief Backstory: A rich girl from France, moved away due to her parents divorcing, and she went with her mother. She doesn't often see her father, and when she does, she's not interested in talking to him.
Picture: link
Full Name: Samantha Dianne Rose
Age: 16
Birthday: February 27th
Stereotype: The girl no one wants to be seen near
Sexuality: Bisexual
Hair Color: Light blue, naturally blonde
Eye Color: Purple
Profession: Unemployed
Relationship Status: Single, but crushing on Alora
inayopendelewa Color: Black and blue
inayopendelewa Hobby: Journalism, uandishi in her journal
inayopendelewa Song/Singer: Iron Maiden, favourite song is Lord of the Flies.
inayopendelewa Book/Author: Lord of the Flies kwa William Golding.
inayopendelewa School Subject: Journalism
Personality: Doesn't talk to others, crazy, hyperventilates a lot, has anxiety/panic attacks frequently, shy, angry/sad, rarely smiles, often lashes out on others when they try to help her
Brief Backstory: Samantha always had little voices in the back of her head, telling her what to do. Telling her she wasn't good enough, au that everyone hated her, and leading her to start to listen. She became upset and isolated, and started becoming crazy, causing people to actually start making fun of her, and when the voices in her head led her to assault a fellow teenager, her family knew there was something wrong. Samantha has since been getting treatment for schizophrenia, and being taught to ignore those voices... although sometimes they're the only people who understand.
Picture: link (The one with blue hair. Drawn kwa obssesedTDIgirl)
Full Name: Stephanie Jessica Alford
Age: 18
Sexuality: Lesbian
Hair Color: Crimson red, original color is orange.
Eye Color: Dark brown
Profession: Waitress
Relationship Status: Single.
inayopendelewa Color: Pride rainbow
inayopendelewa Hobby: She'd never admit it, but playing the piano.
inayopendelewa Song/Singer: The Depths kwa Of Mice & Men, favourite band is Of Mice & Men au Bring Me the Horizon.
inayopendelewa Book/Author: To Kill a Mockingbird kwa Harper Lee.
inayopendelewa School Subject: Detention
Personality: Rude, snobby, bitchy, rebellious, typical bad-girl, does drugs, drinks and smokes, dangerous, lives on the edge, uncaring, cruel, will do ANYTHING to win, ruthless, flirty (towards girls only. She's a lesbian)
Brief Backstory: Stephanie was always a bad-girl, from being sent to juvie when she was 13, to being the wild-devil child she is now. Her parents always had trouble managing her and keeping her from causing problems, which led to them eventually stopping loving her, causing her problems to become worse.
Picture: link (Drawn kwa twitdrama)
Full Name: Alexis Sonya Frost
Age: 15
Stereotype: The ditz
Sexuality: Bisexual
Hair Color: Light brown
Eye Color: Pale blue
Profession: Unemployed
Relationship Status: Single
inayopendelewa Color: Green
inayopendelewa Hobby: Doing crazy things
inayopendelewa Song/Singer: E.T kwa Katy Perry, favourite singer is Katy Perry au Miley Cyrus.
inayopendelewa Book/Author: Doesn't read.
inayopendelewa School Subject: Family Studies
Personality: Nice, friendly, kinda flirty, creative, fangirlish, impatient, wild, daredevil, loves danger extremely crazy, extremely ditsy, she's like Izzy and Lindsay mixed together.
Brief Backstory: Alexis was raised mainly kwa her 5 different sisters, who she adopted different traits from.
Picture: link (Drawn kwa Ares2002)

Full Name: Malinda Misty Bates
Age: 17
Birthday: December 1st
Stereotype: The guitarist
Sexuality: Straight
Hair Color: Dark brown, almost black
Eye Color: Blue
Profession: Bassist in the band "Amused and Confused."
Relationship Status: Single
inayopendelewa Color: Brown, blue au white.
inayopendelewa Hobby: Playing the bass, besi guitar
inayopendelewa Song/Singer: Fall Out Boy
inayopendelewa Book/Author: None
inayopendelewa School Subject: World Issues
Personality: Likes anime and manga, diva-ish, loves music, strong, independent, honest, loyal, kind, unflirty (if wewe try to flirt with her she'll brush wewe off)
Brief Backstory: Malinda's biggest inspiration in life was her brother, who was the only one who told her to follow her dreams of being a musician... but when he died, so did her dreams...
Picture: link (Drawn kwa Elkhat-Law)
Full Name: Andrew "Drew" Royce Hawkins
Age: 16
Birthday: April 10th
Stereotype: The neurotic boy
Sexuality: Gay, possibly bisexual, I don't know yet.
Hair Color: Dark brown.
Eye Color: Green
Profession: Waiter
Relationship Status: Single.
inayopendelewa Color: White
inayopendelewa Hobby: Making others happy.
inayopendelewa Song/Singer: None.
inayopendelewa Book/Author: None
inayopendelewa School Subject: Band
Personality: Kind, caring, romantic, nice to everyone, bashful, gets embarrassed very easily, musical, shy, nerdy in a cute way, apologizes for everything, nervous, a little neurotic (freaks out easily), paranoid
Brief Backstory: From a young age, Drew was always a little paranoid. He would constantly freak out at the tiniest things, and apologize over and over again even when nothing was his fault, this was because of his parents constant fighting over their different parenting styles, and now they're fighting over who gets custody of him.
Picture: link
Full Name: Kadri Celik
Age: 16
Birthday: June 9th
Stereotype: The heartbreaker
Sexuality: Straight
Hair Color: Reddish brown
Eye Color: Brown
Profession: Dancer
Relationship Status: Single
inayopendelewa Color: Don't have one.
inayopendelewa Hobby: Dancing
inayopendelewa Song/Singer: Adele au Amy Winehouse, favourite song is Rolling in the Deep kwa Adele.
inayopendelewa Book/Author: The Hunger Games series kwa Suzanne Collins.
inayopendelewa School Subject: Drama
Personality: VERY Flirtatious (although she's not supposed to be), seductive, emotional, talented, beautiful, uses her looks to her advantage, fangirl-y, outgoing, rebellious against her parents, dreams of becoming a famous dancer (and she dances all the time) she's afraid of telling people though, cause she's scared she'll get laughed at
Brief Backstory: Kadri is actually Muslim, and is supposed to be against dating, but she's flirtatious, sexy, and loves to seduce men.
Picture: link
Full Name: Juliette Nadine Levy
Age: 14
Birthday: October 17th
Stereotype: One twin.
Sexuality: Straight
Hair Color: Pink, but originally brown
Eye Color: Blue
Profession: Competitive dancer with her sister.
Relationship Status: Single
inayopendelewa Color: Pink, white, red
inayopendelewa Hobby: Dancing, sewing, shopping
inayopendelewa Song/Singer: Coldplay au The Fray, favourite song is Fix wewe kwa Coldplay.
inayopendelewa Book/Author: Harry Potter series kwa J.K Rowling.
inayopendelewa School Subject: None
Personality: Friendly, bilingual (speaks both English and French fluently), smart, kind, loving, bookworm, overprotective, shy, clever
Brief Backstory: Her and Desiree are known as the "Dancing Levys," as they've both won several competitive dance contests, she's also a terrific figure-skater
Picture: link (The girl with long hair)
Full Name: Desiree Odette Levy
Age: 14
Birthday: October 17th
Stereotype: Twin two.
Sexuality: Straight
Hair Color: Pink, but originally brown
Eye Color: Green
Profession: Competitive dancer with her sister.
Relationship Status: Single
inayopendelewa Color: Pale green
inayopendelewa Hobby: Dancing, shopping
inayopendelewa Song/Singer: Maroon 5, favourite song is One zaidi Night kwa Maroon 5.
inayopendelewa Book/Author: Chronicles of Narnia Series kwa C.S Lewis.
inayopendelewa School Subject: None
Personality: Musical, friendly, bilingual (speaks both English and French fluently), kind, dumb (she's not like, really dumb, but she's not very smart either), funny, outgoing, lovable, hyper (Like, REALLY hyper)
Brief Backstory: Her and Juliette are known as the "Dancing Levys," as they've both won several competitive dance contests, she also is a lovely pianist
Picture: link (The girl with short hair)
Full Name: Skylar Missy Parsons
Age: 16
Birthday: November 30th
Stereotype: The model
Hair Color: Pink, originally blonde.
Eye Color: Blue
Profession: Model and actress
Relationship Status: Single
inayopendelewa Color: Pale green
inayopendelewa Hobby: Sketching
inayopendelewa Song/Singer: Demi Lovato, skyscraper, maghorofa kwa Demi Lovato
inayopendelewa Book/Author: The Hunger Games Series kwa Suzanne Collins.
inayopendelewa School Subject: Art/Drama
Personality: Manipulative, seductive, sly, emotional, sensitive, often portrayed as snobby and stuck up, misunderstood, has a lot of things about herself she doesn't tell people, wants someone to like her for her and not her body
Brief Backstory: Skylar was approached in a mall kwa a modeling company at age 12, she's been modeling and uigizaji ever since... but the risk sometimes outweighs the reward, that meaning that she does a lot of work to get her family money... and some of that work involves starving herself/making herself throw up to keep up her image and sometimes even prostitution.
Picture: link
Full Name: Mia Madison Moran
Age: 15
Birthday: September 20th
Stereotype: The kind girl
Sexuality: Straight
Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: Pale blue-green
Profession: Works at a greenhouse
Relationship Status: Single.
inayopendelewa Color: Green, pink, red
inayopendelewa Hobby: Gardening
inayopendelewa Song/Singer: Lights, Drive My Soul au Siberia kwa Lights.
inayopendelewa Book/Author: The Lord Of the Rings series J. R. R. Tolkien.
inayopendelewa School Subject: English
Personality: Care-free, Kind, gentle, daring, unpopular, fun
Brief Backstory: Mia was born and raised kwa her parents, despite being gentle and kind, Mia has a sense for adventure and loves taking risks. She was faced with travesty when he older brother, her closest friend, was killed in a car crash. Despite the fact that she is kind to everyone, she isn't the most maarufu girl...
Picture link (Drawn kwa smartone123)
Full Name: Madelyn Alicia Acosta
Age: 16
Birthday: November 4th
Stereotype: The klutz
Sexuality: Straight
Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: Light brown
Profession: Tutoring
Relationship Status: Single
inayopendelewa Color: Orange
inayopendelewa Hobby: Sketching buildings
inayopendelewa Song/Singer: Clumsy kwa Fergie.
inayopendelewa Book/Author: Anything kwa Nicholas Sparks.
inayopendelewa School Subject: English, art, literature
Personality: VERY clumsy, fall in upendo VERY easily and usually with guys who play her, kind, good artist, smart, friendly,
Brief Backstory: Pretty normal life, family always loved and cared for her and guided her through tough times like heartbreaks and pain.
Picture: link (Drawn kwa sparkles3)
Full Name: Isaac Thomas
Age: 15
Birthday: May 27th
Stereotype: The nerd
Sexuality: Straight
Hair Color: Light brown
Eye Color: Black
Profession: Tutor
Relationship Status: Single
inayopendelewa Color: Black
inayopendelewa Hobby: Gaming
inayopendelewa Song/Singer: None
inayopendelewa Book/Author: Anything sci-fi.
inayopendelewa School Subject: Physics
Personality: Nerdy, loves videogames, anime, manga, math and science. Intelligent, shy, not very confident around girls, socially awkward and has trouble making friends
Brief Backstory: Fairly normal childhood, apart from the fact that he was always very socially awkward and had a hard time making friends
Picture: link
Full Name: Addison Jeanette-Mavis Ingram
Age: 16
Birthday: March 16th
Stereotype: The rich girl
Sexuality: Straight
Hair Color: Light brown
Eye Color: Light brown
Profession: Unemployed
Relationship Status: Single
inayopendelewa Color: White
inayopendelewa Hobby: None
inayopendelewa Song/Singer: Rihanna
inayopendelewa School Subject: None
Personality: Snobby, rude, manipulative, gets angry easily, stubborn VERY flirty (mainly just for her own benefit), can be nice to the right people, hates when things don't go her way.
Brief Backstory: Addison was raised in the "Ingram Household." Her entire life, she was treated as a princess and constantly acts like one around everyone she knows. Her father constantly remarries and divorces, causing her to have many stepmothers... all of which she refuses to get close to due to her closeness with her actual mother, and the small hope that one siku her parents will rekindle their flame of love.
Picture: link (Drawn kwa Elkhat-Law. Addison is the shortest one)
Full Name: Alexandra Hope Zimmerman
Age: 16
Birthday: November 21st
Stereotype: The cook
Sexuality: Straight
Hair Color: Dark brown
Eye Color: Black
Profession: Waitress, trying to become a chef
Relationship Status: Single
inayopendelewa Color: Brown
inayopendelewa Hobby: Cooking
inayopendelewa Song/Singer: One Direction, One Thing kwa 1D
inayopendelewa Book/Author: The Lucky One kwa Nicholas Sparks
inayopendelewa School Subject: Home-economics
Personality: Loves cooking and baking, but is terrible at it. Uses her cuteness to her advantage, kind, friendly, bad singer, sensitive to people's comments, a bit of a cry-baby
Brief Backstory: Raised kwa her mother after her parents divorced, her mother taught her to cook... which is now what she does in her spare time, though she's not very good at it...
Picture: link (Drawn kwa Elkhat-Law. Alexandra is the girl with a moyo pin in her hair)
Full Name: Arial "Aria" Frost
Age: 16
Birthday: Jan 2nd
Stereotype: The hardcore fangirl
Sexuality: Straight
Hair Color: Blonde
Eye Color: Blue
Profession: Professional fangirl
Relationship Status: Single
inayopendelewa Color: Rainbow
inayopendelewa Hobby: Blogging, tweeting, fangirling,
inayopendelewa Song/Singer: Marianas Trench
inayopendelewa Book/Author: Looking for Alaska kwa John Green
inayopendelewa School Subject: Speech/Debate
Personality: Fangirly, obsessive, active, crazy, mental, outgoing, chatterbox, never shuts up
Brief Backstory: Aria was raised in a house with her three older sisters, all who taught her to embrace and fall in upendo with so many different things, from this, Aria developed a bit of a stalkerish obsession with many things and people, mostly youtubers and band members.
link (drawn and adopted from RawrMonster123, number 5)
Full Name: Xavier Anthony Beville
Age: 15
Birthday: October 10th
Stereotype: bila mpangilio dude.
Sexuality: Gay
Hair Color: Blonde
Eye Color: Black
Profession: Student and procrastinator
Relationship Status: Single
inayopendelewa Color: Yellow
inayopendelewa Hobby: None
inayopendelewa Song/Singer: Panic At The Disco
inayopendelewa Book/Author: The Hobbit/Lord of the Rings kwa J.R.R Tolkien.
inayopendelewa School Subject: None
Personality: Random, hyper, vegetarian, animal lover, environmentalist, friendly, loves theatre, gullible and naive
Brief Backstory: I honestly haven't even begun to start uandishi his au Aylen's backstories...
Picture: link (as adopted from twitdrama)
Full Name: Andrea "Aylen" Isabelle Hale
Age: 16
Birthday: Sept 10th
Stereotype: The bookworm
Sexuality: Straight
Hair Color: Orange
Eye Color: Yellowish brown
Profession: Tutor
Relationship Status: Single
inayopendelewa Color: machungwa, chungwa au yellow
inayopendelewa Hobby: Reading
inayopendelewa Song/Singer: Vampire Weekend
inayopendelewa Book/Author: Anything really.
inayopendelewa School Subject: English
Personality: Smart, shy (but really talkative when wewe get to know her), innocent, likes shopping, singing, painting, videogaming, and reading. She's a massive bookworm and owns a huge collection of vitabu (including manga :3), her personality is very much based off Belle from Beauty and the Beast.
Brief Backstory: *points to Xavier*
Picture: link (as adopted from princess2109)
Full Name: Jordyn Hannah Knightly
Age: 16
Birthday: March 5th
Stereotype: The hipster
Sexuality: Bisexual
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Blue
Profession: Works at the school library.
Relationship Status: Single.
inayopendelewa Color: Red
inayopendelewa Hobby: Video-gaming, reading
inayopendelewa Song/Singer: Arctic Monkeys au The Black Keys
inayopendelewa Book/Author: Anything kwa Jane Austen.
inayopendelewa School Subject: Art, speech and debate
Personality: Loves muziki and bands, quiet, reserved, doesn't like talking to people a lot, bookworm, loves anything artsy, loves politics and debates, loves classic literature
Brief Backstory: Mother died when she was young, so she never really knew her... the only thing she has to remember her mom kwa is her hair clip. (she's new, the bio needs work)
Picture: link (Drawn kwa Terrathecat)
added by twitdrama
Source: me and rawr
added by ninjacupcake88
added by crazytdi21
Source: me
added by cupcakegirl31
Source: Me
added by Duncan-superfan
Source: Me<3
added by Elkhat-Law
added by RainbowOtakuX3
Source: Me XD
added by -neverending-
Source: all me
added by TDItwin
Source: me myself and i
added by PhoenixRoyale
Source: Amber & Art (c) Me.
added by Scene_Sean
Source: Well i drew this but i looked off a picture so...half me....
added by Lollipop97
Source: My scanner and me :3
added by Lolly4me2
Source: deviantART
added by TDI100
Source: moi
added by TDIfanJai499
Source: TDIfanJai499,or me.
added by TDIlover226
Source: Me
added by LadySpaz
Source: Me and I'm proud. u3u<3
added by hot-mess13
Source: me
added by obssesedTDIgirl