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posted by twilight-7
Two weeks later.

Edward’s POV

I watched over Kayla, waiting for another scream. Bad dreams, she was having. I couldn’t make them out, just flashes and flashes of colour and people’s faces. Always the same colour though, blood red. Her mouth opened in a whimper and then her eyes flew open. She wasn’t awake, still dreaming. Her hands reached out in front of her as she cried out.
“No, take me! Take me!”
I didn’t like seeing her like this. I couldn’t do anything for her. It wasn’t like I could chase the big bad monster away. It was a nightmare.
“Still having those nightmares?”
Rosalie stood in the doorway. She watched Kayla, a worried expression on her face. I smiled slightly. It was unusual to see Rosalie concerned for a human.
“I think she’s stressed,” I told her. “We’re just sat here, waiting for Mitchell to come. It’s taking its toll on her.”
“Yes,” she murmured. “It does sound like it. She is a very sacrificing person.”
Kayla mumbled something and turned on her side, facing Rosalie. Rosalie smiled as Kayla opened one eye.
“Edward?” she called out, sleepily.
“Yes?” I answered. I hurried around so I faced her.
“I had another nightmare,” she mumbled.
“I know, love,” I said, stroking her hair. “Do wewe want me to hold you?”
She nodded and I lifted her gently. She wrapped her arms around me and I sat down on the bed. She fell asleep almost instantly.
“You need to watch her,” Rosalie walked into my room. She stopped at my kitanda and placed a hand on Kayla’s cheek. “She’s fragile. This thing with Mitchell, it might permanently scar her if she survives it. Especially if she has to kill him.”
“I know,” I murmured, stroking her hair.
“But she might not,” she contradicted herself. “She might walk away from it and not bat an eyelid. So don’t ask her too many questions. If she wants to talk, she will.”
Rosalie lifted her hand and glided out of my room. I watched her go before returning to stare at Kayla. How would she react if she killed Mitchell?

Kayla’s POV

I opened my eyes and found myself still in Edward’s arms. I smiled and buried my head further into his chest.
“Are wewe okay?” he asked me, his voice tinted with worry. His hands flew up to begin stroking my hair.
“Fine,” I alisema and my stomach growled. “Hungry, I suppose.”
“You’ve been eating quite a lot,” he said.
“Are wewe trying to say I’m fat?” I sat up in his lap and stared at him with evil eyes.
“No,” he said, quickly. “Just making an observation.”
I slid off his lap and my feet landed on the floor but when I tried to walk I felt incredibly dizzy. I must have moved too fast. My balance wavered and Edward caught me.
“You were sleeping quite a while,” he said, his arm around my waist.
“I’m not surprised with all those nightmares,” I shuddered as I thought about them. It was always the same one. Someone was out to kill someone I loved. I didn’t know who the person was au who I was trying to protect only that I was really really scared. I didn’t want them to die. It was because of Mitchell. I was so fearful these days, knowing he could come at any moment. I was god damn near a break down. I was having all these mood swings, everyone but Edward tended to stay away from me.
I stretched and winced as my back hurt.
“I need to stop sleeping so long.” I rubbed my back. “It’s not doing me any good.”
Edward supported me downstairs and sat me down in the front room as he went to make me breakfast, au rather lunch since it was nearly one o’clock in the afternoon.
“Do wewe want bacon sandwiches again?” he asked me.
“Yes,” I said, eagerly. Edward made the best bacon ever, it was all I wanted to eat really. He alisema it was no different to anyone else’s but he was just being modest. I heard the sound of the bacon and smelt the oil when I felt my stomach heave. I clapped a hand to my mouth as I sped upstairs to the toilet. I was crouched over the toilet and bringing up last night’s chajio, chakula cha jioni when I felt Edward’s cool hands pulling my hair back.
“Kayla?” I heard his anxious voice. I would have answered him back but I was breathing deeply, trying to work out whether I would be sick again. When I was sure I would be salama to stand, I flushed the loo and went to the sink to rinse out my mouth.
“Kayla?” Edward alisema again.
“I’m fine,” I said, in between handfuls of water. “Really.”
He watched me as I washed my face. I was fine. The nausea passed probably because I’d thrown up. Edward handed me a towel and as I dried my head I listened to his thoughts.
I’m going to call Carlisle. This has gone far enough. She can’t take it anymore. I can’t take it anymore. He’s ruining her life and he isn’t even here yet…
His thoughts became angrier and I placed the towel on the sink.
“I’m fine,” I said, taking his hands. “I probably have a bug. Charlie was sick last week, remember?”
He nodded.
“No need to call Carlisle. I’ll be fine tomorrow. But now, I just want to sleep.”
He nodded again.
Weird, considering I’d just gotten out of kitanda but throwing up does make wewe tired. Takes all of your energy especially when wewe don’t really have any. Like me. I was low on energy since I hadn’t eaten yet. I suddenly wanted to go home. I knew I lived here at the Cullens with Edward, but I wanted to go nyumbani to Charlie. I felt like a little kid, wanting their daddy when they were ill but it was understandable right? Who didn’t want their parents when they were sick?
“I understand,” Edward said. He kissed my hands. “We’ll go now.”
“I’m in my nightwear,” I said, pointing at the camisole and shorts I was wearing.
“You’re just going to change into them when wewe get there.”
I shrugged. It made sense. He lifted me into his arms, despite my protests I could walk. He carried me to the karakana and placed me gently into the seat.
I felt absolutely fine apart from a little nauseous. I wrapped my arms around myself, holding tightly onto my stomach. As soon as Edward pulled up in front of Charlie’s house I was out and running inside. I didn’t go upstairs just ran straight for the sink in the jikoni were I was sick again. Apparently I hadn’t brought up everything.
Charlie rushed into the kitchen, with Edward on his heels.
“Do wewe have that bug, honey?” Charlie said, stroking my hair.
I nodded meekly as I wiped my mouth with piece of jikoni towel.
“You go on upstairs to bed,” he said, patting my back. “I’ll have Edward bring wewe up a glass of water and we’ll see if wewe can keep down some chicken supu later.”
I nodded again and practically crawled up the stairs, the sickness finally setting in. Once in my bed, I brought the blankets right up over my head and fell asleep.

My dreams were plagued with small children. I was running after them, trying to keep them salama from an unknown danger. I didn’t know when it was coming au who it was, I just knew it was there. But these children just ignored me and ran amok. I screamed at them.
“Stay with me! I need to protect you!”
But they just giggled, their green eyes sparkling mischievously. Then as I watched their little faces light up with laughter they blurred and faded and I was looking at me. But I was different. I still had my black hair, my pale skin, my green eyes but there was a new addition to me. In the form of a bump sticking out of my torso. A huge bump as if I was about to drop. My hand lovingly caressed the bump and I smiled. But my smile faltered. My eyes dropped to the bump and both hands began to touch it as if something was wrong.
“Edward!” My voice was a strangled cry and Edward ran to my side. “My baby! I can’t feel my baby!”
I screamed. I couldn’t feel my baby. My baby wasn’t kicking me like she usually did. All the time she kicked me, just to let me know she was there. But she wasn’t now. I couldn’t feel her.
I felt hot hands grab my shoulders and my eyes flew open. I was staring up at Jacob who was gazing down at me worriedly.
“Jacob,” I cried and his arms enveloped my in a hug. “I had the worst nightmare.”
“I heard,” he said, his warm fingers stroking my back. “Your baby?”
“I thought I was pregnant,” I replied, sniffing. “In the dream I was and I couldn’t feel my baby and I was really scared. I thought she’d died.”
“I was having a girl.”
That was scary. So scary. My baby. Well, dream Kayla’s baby. I thought she’d died. I couldn’t feel her. au dream Kayla couldn’t feel her. So scary.
“Where is Edward?” I asked after a while of lying in Jacob’s hot arms.
“He’s went nyumbani to talk to Alice about something,” Jacob answered. “He alisema he wouldn’t be too long. That’s why I’m here.”
I nodded. Probably about Mitchell. I’d heard his thought earlier. He wasn’t too happy. He thought I was getting ill because of Mitchell. I knew I was ill because I had caught a bug off Charlie. Nothing more. He was worrying unnecessarily.
“Can wewe get me a drink Jacob?”
“Sure,” he let me go and walked towards the door. “Just water? Charlie alisema wewe were ill.”
“Yeah please,” I smiled.
He nodded and opened the door, light from the hallway spilling in and then going when he closed the door. I stretched and stood up, walking around to my wardrobe to look in the mirror. That dream had scared me. I now expected to see a gigantic baby bump sticking out of me. I laughed as I opened the door of my wardrobe and look in the mirror. See? I told myself. No baby bump. Although I was getting a little fat. I had to stop eating so much but I just seemed to be so hungry.
Maybe because of all those extra activities you’ve been doing, a little voice told me. I laughed. Yes. Extra activities. I couldn’t help it if I was attracted to my husband and he was all too willing. It wasn’t the worse thing in the world.
I poked at the fat on my belly and swore to cut down on the bacon sandwiches. I’d just have to resist the temptation even though they were my favourite chakula at the moment. I wasn’t immensely fat, just a little puppy fat. Enough to be noticed. I was usually quite slim but I’d gained enough weight that people would see it. I poked it again and I didn’t like how it felt. So caught up in my thoughts I hadn’t noticed the first time but now.
I poked it again, feeling how hard it was. That wasn’t good. I poked it again and again and panicked. I had some sort of tumour in my stomach. Oh God, oh God, oh God, oh God! I covered up my stomach as my panic reached breaking point. I ran down the stairs to the phone and dialled Rosalie’s number.
“Hello?” she answered.
“Rosalie, is Carlisle there?” I asked her. I would have called Edward but he would panic and I would panic even zaidi and then all hell would break loose and nothing would be done. I would be a sobbing mess while he paced frantically up and down coming up with other reasons as to why my stomach was hard.
“He’s at the hospital,” she answered. “Why?”
“No reason,” I replied, trying to sound casual. “Just fancied a chat with him. He alisema he would help Edward and I have a baby through sperm donors.”
“Oh right,” she said. “Well, his shift ends in an saa so wewe can call him then.”
“Bye.” I hung up before she could say anything else.
I would just go to the hospital and see Carlisle there. I ran back upstairs and pulled on a pair of shoes. As I was heading out Jacob had a glass of water in his hand.
“Where are wewe going?” he asked me.
“To see Carlisle,” I said. “He has some medicine for me.”
Before he could see I was lying I ran down the stairs and outside. I really shouldn’t run to the hospital, especially since I might have a tumour. I needed a car. Jacob was right behind.
“I’ll drive wewe then,” he said, dragging me to his Volkswagen rabbit. I didn’t protest. I climbed into the car and Jacob started the engine. “You should really be wearing a jacket.”
“I have my own space heater,” I said, rubbing my hands together and putting them in front of Jacob. “Why do I need a jacket?”
He shook his head and put his foot on the pedal, driving me to the hospital. I didn’t know what was worse. Waiting for Mitchell au knowing I might have a tumour.
posted by Bella_Cullen902

Sorry i haven't wrote in a while it's just that i think people dont like my stories and i dont want to write things for no reason.

I just think it's better this way and i might start again but dont count on it. i know wewe guys are gonna be mad but i dont think that i'm gonna write anymore cause i'm not any good:(

Sorry again!!

If wewe want wewe can give me ideas that wewe have and ill make a story for wewe but thats 'bout the only way that i'll be uandishi stories.

 *~Sad and Sorry~*
*~Sad and Sorry~*
Last one for today. ^_^

Jasper's Pov

"What's wrong Alice?"

Alice looked as if she were faint au something.

"Nothing is of the matter, I mean...nothing is...well
nothing is wrong okay?"

I really can't trust her sometimes, so I went to Edward.

"Edward, what is Alice thinking?"

"Why would I want to help you?! wewe tortured me once already!"

"Please! Just tell me what she is thinking!"

"I don't think I should tell them au should I? If someone is controllong Esme, where is this person-"

"Someone is controlling ESME!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?" Edward shouted.

Then, everyone looked at Alice, Edward, and Esme's purple marking.
posted by Bella11700
She opened her eyes WIDE and said,"What?" in a tired voice. I could tell she didn't want to wake up at 6:00 in the morning but then again I couldn't sleep at all.
"We need to go. Now."I said.
I picked up my hand,put it as far away from me as possible and pointed two fingers at the suitcase and i brought my arm back to my chest. The suitcase flew rather fast across the floor.
I looked at Susan. She had the most horrified look on her face than ever. But she wasn't looking at me she was looking at the suitcase. I told her "No there are no strings. I figuired that out the hard way."I alisema now looking...
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posted by Bella11700
"Do yo really want to know?" I gulped. I hate getting yelled at. Even though she is 17 and im 18 it wouldn't make a diffrence if she was 5. ... Mabye. "I think wewe are nice ad kind and funny, well mabe not last night but-" she smiled at me and as soon as figured out i wasn't geting yelled at took a big breath. Meenwhile she got dressed ad went threw the little fridge that came with the hotel room.
Even the stove was littler than usual. I don't mean like a easy bake tanuri, joko but i couldn't deny it was.
She puled out a bag of ham and a few slices of cheese. She got a ag of mkate and started makin sandwiches....
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posted by AdaLove
I confuse Sunrise with
the Twilight
A Start Ends
an ending begins
She changed my life
my dead heartbeat
my frozen heart
She made them Hers
with her sweet flying heartbeat,
her honey gaze
she makes me upendo Her face
and the moonlight does not compare Her
I want her Forever
not to songesha on
to stay here, in the
Dead Moonlight
But I Can't
the sunrise came
and we have no choice back

P.S this time i tried as hard as i could!i work it from the morning!i hope wewe like it!it is a bit sad but it is the best i can do!
wewe are my life sence
before you, my life was
a story without tense
yOU are the sweetest dream,
my nigh't's lullaby,
my only dream.
my only heartbeat
Bels,your sweet gaze
Cuts like a kisu into the haze
I’d let wewe push me, make me frown
coz wewe are the most important thing
Your force of will now made unbound
YOUr chokoleti eyes,
can take me higher,
wewe are the rason for me
wewe are my light in the twilight
my light love

p.s : hujambo guys!i like very much uandishi but i don't be a good poet!don't be mean with me!i hope wewe like it!
posted by demilovatirocks
The Couples

Edward and Bella

Alice and Jasper

Emmett and Rosalie

Carlisle and Esme

Ashley and Kevin

Sonny and Joe

Selena and Nick

Lily and Mitchell

The first chapter will be ilitumwa soon.

please I know the trailor is long but it is finished.It had a lot of complications that I wanted to explain so wewe understood what was happening .Please tell me if wewe think it is good.
posted by demilovatirocks
These are the rest of the characters.

Lily Troscout a.k.a Lily Troscout

Jason Dolley,Jason Earle,and Mitchell Musso
Mitchell is with Lily.

David and Daniel Azel
Donna Azel is married to Chris Brown so she is Donna Brown.

Tiffany Thornton,Claire Thornton,and The Thornton Quints

Peter and Simon Azel

Ritchie and Marcia Thornton

The inayofuata one will be the family and friends.

I will make the inayofuata one really long.I wrote it in my book it is 3 pages but I am still not finished.

PLEASE COMMENT,RATE,AND GET PEOPLE TO READ AND DO THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i'm still at work so i'm going to put a story up from this computer. so if there are mistakes i'm really sorry because this computer don't tell me if i made one :D Enjoy

Bella's pov

“Bella, Bella” I heard Alice yell with joy while running towards me.
“I’m so glad that your staying here for a couple days now we can dress each other” she alisema smiling.
“Oh, wow, Alice. I can’t wait, i’m so overjoy” I alisema sarcastic while looking at Edward so he could save me.
“I think Bella would upendo to Alice” he alisema laughing. I just couldn’t believe he just did that to me.
I lowered my shield...
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posted by BiteMeCullen107
I could hear the TV on and I could smell the coffee. I wasn’t sure if I was dreaming au if I was just hallucinating over the fact that the man that has been stalking me, for what seems like my whole life, was in my apartment.
    I must be dreaming, my subconscious must have heard the TV on and brought that thought into my dream along with the coffee I made yesterday morning it must still be stuck in the air and did the same to my dream.
    I stretched my muscles, I was really stiff. It must have been because I got a lot of exercise yesterday at the...
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posted by Edward_lover101
Edward took me to Carlisle. He looked at me arm, took some x-rays and alisema it was a little brused from the blood being cut off, but I was going to be fine. Alice went to get my truck, i guess. The house felt empty. The only people that where here was Edward, Alice, Carlisle, And me. I guess the others where hunting au something. Edward took me back to my house. Charlie wouldn't be nyumbani until 7:00 p.m. It was 3:00 now. Edward took me up to my room. My copmuter was going nuts. I looked at my E-mails. Mostly frome my mother. But there was one from Jacob. I opend it. It said:

OH! Bella I'm soo...
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posted by Brown_x_Eyes
Emmett Cullen (born Emmett McCarty[4]) is Rosalie's husband, Carlisle and Esme's adopted son, and Edward, Alice, and Jasper's adoptive brother. Emmett is described as being tall, burly, extremely muscular, and, to most humans, the most intimidating of his adoptive siblings. He has slightly curly dark hair and dimpled cheeks.

Emmett was 20 and living in Gatlinburg, Tennessee, in 1935 when he was mauled kwa a bear. The injuries from the attack were severe and he was found kwa Rosalie, who had been hunting in the area at the time. Rosalie, who was reminded of her friend's baby having the same curls,...
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posted by CharmedVamp101
I led Liz down the stairs, even happier than before. I was positive that, if I was being honest with myself, that Liz was the real deal. I smiled at her, suddenly anxious. What if this freaked her out and she ran? I don't think I could live through that, but I did promise her, and I couldn't break my promise. I wanted her to know everything about me, absolutely everything, except the worst part of my life. Those horrible 10 years where I was really a monster, when I drank human blood. That memory keeps me from doing it again, that is why I've fought so hard to keep from that, not to mention...
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10. Beg him not to eat you.

9. Inform him that he seems to be the “depressed” Cullen.

8. Go up to him, look him in the eye and ask if he is hungry.

7. Spell his name with two “a”’s (Jaspar) and call him Jaspar Cullen. When he objects, saying his name is Jasper Hale, wave your hand at him and tell him all that blood must have gone to his brain.

6. Tell him only girls feel emotions. Then giggle and run away.

5. Dress up in a cape and fangs and leap out in front of him when he is least expecting it, proclaiming wewe have come to suck his blood.

4. Send out waves of lust and see how he reacts....
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10. Take her credit cards and shopping vouchers, hold them above your head and tell her to “jump for it”.

9. Tell her if she was just a few centimetres shorter she could legally be a midget.

8. Wear the trashiest possible clothing whenever wewe can.

7. Tie her up in a straightjacket. When she protests, tell her she needs to go back to the loony bin.

6. When wewe go into the sun with her, fall into a twitching heap on the ground and moan “I’m melting.”

5. Pelt her with cloves of garlic.

4. When she gets a vision, ask if her “spidey senses” are tingling.

3. Trip her up and ask if she saw it coming.

2. Ask her what wewe will be doing in five dakika every ten minutes.

And the Number One way to annoy Alice Cullen?

1. barua pepe her dozens of application forms for the position of speaker on psychic hotlines.

Source: link
posted by CharmedVamp101
I rushed into my apartment and took a nice hot kuoga to relax. I had to be careful though because I didn't want to get my cast wet. Then I got out and I had to get the perfect outfit for my tarehe tonight. It had been a long time since I'd thought au alisema that word. Date.
I put on a dress I designed and put together myself back in high school, which still fit. It was mid-thy length with a collar, alama that shaped the breasts and 2 spaghetti, tambi straps on both sides. It was deep violet. I also put on silver strappy high heels. I put some diamonds on, they were my grandmother's. I grabbed my silver clutch...
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posted by BuffyFaithFan1
"Wondering why your shield can't work Bella?" A girl's voice from the back room asked.
"Yeah! And who are you?" I asked. The two members going for the kill stopped and cleared out of the way as a girl walked up in a jean koti, jacket and black leather pants.
"Well, my name is Ili and I can totally block any body's power. Including yours!" Ili alisema and she walked toward me and the two Going-For-The-Kill members went back to what they were doing. They leaned in to there necks, and Ili grabbed my arms...
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posted by CullenLover1844
It’s been two months since I had the vision of Jasper escaping Maria. I had had a vision of Maria, too, and she wasn’t going to be happy about it…

Last time in my vision, they were heading for Dallas, Texas. I’m about twenty-five miles away from the location. They’ll beat me there. I stopped dead in my tracks. I just had a vision: Jasper leaving Peter and Charlotte, going on his own. He hasn’t figured out where yet, which annoys me.

I’ve learned I can only see visions of the decisions people make. I rolled my eyes. He’d better pick, and soon. I sighed.

I streaked into a clothing...
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I felt uncomfortable as I rode kwa on my Suzuki GSX 1300 R Hayabusa 2008 because I heard whispers from the guys start up and I got stared at kwa many people in the parking lot, basically all except for five people who only glanced in my direction once then went back to talking amoungst them selves. I could tell that they knew what I was immedtiately.
I had blocked my mind from the mind-reader, that was infact a student here, because I like my mind to be as private as possible. I could tell that they all asked him the same swali in their own minds, "What is she thinking". All he did was shake...
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posted by Cotay11
So, as Twilight mashabiki we all have one thing maybe zaidi but the movie was AWSOME and the book was AWESOME. My Marafiki have no taste in sinema au vitabu those Twilight stuff I can't stay away from. I read Twilight 5 times I didn't start new moon wet. The movie Edward was hoooooooooottttttt, but Emmet was very very hot U can bake kuki, vidakuzi on him ( I would eat those cookies)So would wewe eat those cookies.
YOu know what my friend Adriana I got her this awesome Chritmas preasent it is a Twilight shrit that I got a the Willowbrick Mall (Also Adriana is obsesed with Twlight)