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Cannibalism. It's very rare these days, not very often, do we see the event of people eating other humans, for the for strong hunger, au simply cautiously, of what it's like. But one man, Davis Madden, is a Cannibal, and he takes pride in it. He is a very horrorible man, and is very hungry. But because Cannibalism is most likely illegal, he is usually on the run. However he eventually made a pack of cannibals, lead kwa him. Now they are searching around, looking for unfortunate victims. They found their way into a small village.

Joining the night, they all had knives and hatchets, and they attacked. Sadly many unfortunate citizens, became there victims. Screams of terror quickly filled the air. Even children fell victims. One of the Cannibals ripped a guy's head off. Everyone was fleeing in terror. These Cannibals were insane. Davis was and a few other were picking them off. They were clearly VERY hungry, to have killed almost all those poor people.


All was quiet, but the was an lady still breathing. Davis approached her. He was about to kill her. But she revealed to be witch. And cursed him with a spell infecting him with Lycanthropy.


Davis and his men camped out in the area they took over. Davis soon began feeling quite strange. But kept trying to ignore it. The Cannibals were cooking and eating the bodies. A few were talking among each other. Again Davis was feeling a little strange. "Something wrong boss?" Asked one his men. Davis nodded.


The group found another village. And again spread fear towards the poor citizens. Cutting up the bodies, and picking off the fleeing children.

Davis entered into a home. A wife and her kids were hiding. While the farther was trying to fight Davis. But Davis cut through his stomach, and tore a huge hole though most of his body, the farther had a moment were he stood there, heavily breathing, then his corps fell down backwards, and he laid there motionless.

Many of the villagers were fighting back, and a few the Cannibals were killed. One of them had a kisu thrown onto his forehead. It was a very big battle this time. Even the cops arrived. And the officials were also fighting them off.

Davis was frantically looking around for the rest of the family, so he can 'finish' the job. But they were as quite as possible.

The woman lead her kids out the door. She watched them leave, but suddenly a small blade, appeared though her chest, Davis was revealed to have stabbed her from behind. He was revealed to be very strong, as he lifted the lady off the ground, using only the hand holding the knife, and threw her halfway across the room, Davis gave cruel smile, about what he did.

Davis entered outside, he saw the cops killed all his men. He became extremely angry, and he was swearing like a sailor. Suddenly he screamed in pain, falling to his knees and covering his face, he suddenly appeared to have glowing red eyes. And large, animal like, fangs were growing from his teeth.

The cops and villagers were hearing the screaming, and were looking at each other in confusion.

Davis was was quickly growing hair all over his body. He ripped off his clothes, and was quickly becoming wolflike. And huge claws had grown on his hands. Before long the transformation was finished, but it the Werewolf purposely wasn't shown, just the shadow, of a huge creature. Witch was growling at nothing in particular.

The cops and villagers suddenly heard a big howl. Similar to the one in Wolfman (one of my inayopendelewa parts of the movie). "What the hell was that?" A villager asked, nervously. "I'll go find out" alisema a cop getting his gun ready, secretly he was also nervous, everyone was.

The cop approached were the howl came from. In the darkness he saw glowing red eyes, and constant growling. The glowing eyes were focused straight on him, and they were cold looking. Suddenly a large shadowy figure leaped at him, and the guy was aggressively pulled to inside the area, and out of view.

Everyone heard horrible screams coming from the cop, and roars, followed kwa tearing sounds. The cop was thrown back to view, but was literary torn to the bone, the others looked away to keep from vomiting. The growling was loud enough for everyone to hear. Suddenly the creature ran at them with extreme speed. He pulled a guy out of view, and the ripping sounds, and screaming were heard again. The creature did this towards all the villagers. "SHOOT IT!" Cried a cop. And all the officials fired at will. But the large mbwa mwitu shaped creature was too fast for them. It leaped onto one of them, and the guy was being ripped to pieces kwa what seemed to be a huge, grayish, wolf. Which was only half viewable. The guy's body was a huge mess. But the others kept firing. The mbwa mwitu was ripping throw them. It literary ripped one of them in half. And another was grabbed kwa the creature and ripped into hundreds of pieces. The cops didn't stand the slightest chance. They were literary being ripped to pieces. And the mbwa mwitu still wasn't fully viewable. After a while there was only one left, he was on his knees, with a last effort he tried shooting it. But the mbwa mwitu ripped his head straight off. And the brutal battle was finished. Again the Werewolf let out a huge roar, but this one was zaidi similar, to that of any, normal wolf. It continued howling for a long time. Then looked around, and left.

"THAT WAS FUCKIN AWSOME!" Davis cried, still as the creature. "Those damn fools didn't know what hit them" He continued. Davis's werewolf self, took one the bodies with, and ate it, because Werewolf au not, he was still Cannibal. Suddenly he started getting a strong scent of something. He followed the scent, to find a pack of other wolves. "Ah, what the hell" He thought. As he followed the pack, seeing if they were going to lead him anywhere. The werewolf was twice the size of the other wolves. But they didn't seem to care.


Stories of the creatures attack began being told kwa town's people. Basically, all over the world. Many people had trouble believing it exserly happened.

The werewolf continued following the fellow mbwa mwitu pack. He wasn't sure where they were heading. But he had a feeling it would be interesting.

"For the last time, I don't believe that there was a werewolf involved" alisema a fellow villager, named Mathew. "And I keep saying… The odds are getting higher and higher" alisema Mathew's best friend Tom. "All that was left was ripped up pieces and half eaten bodies... The only survival, was only alive for a few moments, he was ripped in half... He mentioned hearing an unnatural howl, and some giant mbwa mwitu like creature, violently attacked, without even having the chance to get fully looked at. At the meantime we need to be careful… That 'thing' could be anywhere kwa now" Tom continued. Mathew didn't answer.

The mbwa mwitu packed arrived at a lake, and drank from it. Davis's werewolf self, was still with them. And decided he may as well a drink also. At this point the werewolf was fully shown. He was huge, and a in some ways, appeared as if, a steroid version of the other wolves. Plus twice the size, and a dark gray fur. The other Mbwa mwitu loups and lighter gray fur, plus he had spooky red eyes, while the, other wolves, had blue ones. His claws where huge, and seemed like they could cut ANYTHING, and they pretty much could, particularly, body parts (as clearly shown in his attack, he doesn't just do it to human parts, if needed, the creature could easily rip a full grown grizzly bear, straight in half) . And his teeth were way different than any 'normal wolves. Near the front were large teeth, similar to the ones of a saber tooth tiger, only way smaller. But all other teeth, were still the same of, normal wolves. And the creature was very bloody, because of the earlier attack, towards those cops and villagers.

Mathew found himself staring at the sky, as he was Lost in thought. Several of the villagers went to enjoy hunting season. The werewolf saw them. And secretly followed them.

The hunters travelled deep into the forest. Completely unaware they were being followed. One man stayed behind. While the others went on ahead. He watched them leave. But shortly after, he was dragged out of view. When the werewolf, leaped at him, appearing only as a blur.

Tom led a large group of hunters out of the forest. Unfortunately for them. They were still, completely unaware, that a giant werewolf was following them. They spotted the mbwa mwitu pack from before. And started shooting them, considering, that was what they, where they for. The Mbwa mwitu loups began panicking. And even though a few were killed. Most escaped, much to the disappointment of Tom's crew. mbwa mwitu man Davis, saw this and was mad.

Tom's crew heard spooky growling from the forest, they were just outside of. Then it went away. There was a brief silence. Suddenly one of the hunters, was violently thrown into the forest, kwa a seemingly, unseen force. Witch quickly followed kwa horrible screams kwa him. Followed kwa large growls, and ripping sounds. Quickly after. Suddenly a guy had the creature grab his leg. The others tired saving. Him but the strength ended up ripping his whole leg off. Leaving the man screaming horribly, and quickly bleeding to death. Suddenly the group heard a large roar, The group shot into the forest, hoping to kill whatever was in it. After firing a great deal of bullets. They stopped firing. Suddenly Tom and two other guys were also thrown in.

When the three were inside the forest. The frantically looked around. But all was silent. Suddenly a large, spooky, and shadowy figure, appeared behind one of them, who was bit further from Tom and the other guy. The man who the werewolf was behind, hoard low growls, and quickly turned around. Only for the creatures large claw, to be shown, giving a scratch movement, (I'm referring to when, sinema onyesha close ups, as if the creature scratched the screen).

The guys decapitated head, landed on Tom. Who obviously freaked out. Suddenly the werewolf leaped on the guy beside him, and within a few short moments, the werewolf ripped most of the man's insides out. Tom ran, but the creature leaped on him, and threw his jaws into the man's neck. Not killing him directly, but instead, something, possibly, even worse. "I infected wewe with my bite, I suppose wewe realize what this means" The Werewolf said, smiling evilly.

Tom began feeling intense pain, and started screaming.

"There's nothing to stop it, your awali self is no more"

Tom's eyes turned red and spooky, and fur, manyoya began growing onto him. He was becoming a werewolf.


The transformation didn't seem to take overly long. Tom quickly became a werewolf. But only the size of a REGULAR wolf, in fact he basically was one, except the teeth, were same as the other Davis's mbwa mwitu forms, teeth. Tom's werewolf unleashed a huge howl. Witch was heard kwa the rest of the hunter group.

Both Mbwa mwitu loups attacked the rest of the group. Davis was doing most damage. Running into the middle, ripping everyone in half. Tom's mbwa mwitu ran up towards a few, beheading two of them at once. And ripped one in half. Quite a few were escaping. Tom's mbwa mwitu was chasing them, as they unwarily lead the creature towards the village.

Tom's mbwa mwitu form, followed the survivals to the village, and began attacking it. Intensely scratching the crap, out of anyone that dares get in his way, au isn't fast enough.

Everyone was screaming and panicking. Tom's werewolf was still seeming angry for some reason, and continued intensely killing everyone. Briefly releashing small howls, every now and then. One poor guy, got his head ripped clean off. Another guy was picked up, and violently thrown on a sharp rock, which cut throw him, quickly killing him.

After a long while, Michael, and a bunch of guys, started getting rifles. And started firing at the werewolf. But the werewolf was dodging all the bullets. And started scratching their necks, quickly killing them.


The town was slowly starting to lose every single person, in it.

Many men were being decapitated (getting their heads ripped off, literary), au getting the hell scratched out of them. However, eventually, Michael managed to shot it down, because the werewolf was small, and an easy target.

Davis saw this, and growled angrily.


Michael didn't feel right about something. "What's wrong?" Asked a villager. "I don't know… Just feel like there might be a BIGGER one out there" Michael admitted. "What are you" The villager began, but was interrupted when horrorible screams where suddenly heard, a man fell down revealing a creature has ripped his entire spine area off, Again, that part was based off a sequence in Wolfman. Everyone screamed and began panicking.

Davis was attacking, revealing only as a fast moving blur. Ripping body parts off, faster than the speed of light.

Davis jumped out, fully revealing himself. Everyone saw the huge creatures gray fur, large teeth, red eyes and huge claws. It angrily released a scary, Supernatural roar, at the Villagers, a roar unlike ANYTHING of this earth.

The villagers fired their rifles, but Davis dodged the bullets. And within moments almost all villages were ripped in half.

Michael had no choice but to hide. As Davis ripped up all the other survivals.

Davis jumped on the last one, removing almost all the victims organs, in a matter of a moments. Then the beast ran into the distance, after thinking the deed was done.

Michael heard Davis release the howl from Wolfman. "God help us" Davis said, which is also from Wolfman.

Michael took almost the entire village, as they filled their rifles with dhahabu bullets and searched for Davis, to execute the creature, and make the world salama again, au at least from IT!

They searched for days, following the mtu-bweha trail had completely disappeared.

Davis was secretly watching them, he knew they wanted him, and he knew he had to act quickly.

Suddenly Michael and his men screamed as the werewolf they wanted leaped out of nowhere, quickly ripping threw them. Everyone opened fired like crazy. Davis dodged most of them, a few hit him, but he ignored the pain and continued his brutal attack. Davis decapitated three people at once.

Michael was scared as he was quickly becoming the only one left. There were only a dozen other villagers now.

Davis leaper on Michael, savagely roaring on his face and bite down on his neck. But eventually the other villagers where appear to gun down Michael. After heavily breathing, the large creature fell down, dead. The villages hushed Michael to a close hospital.


Doctors worked hard on Michael. Unfortunately for Michael suddenly revealed glowing red eyes. With intense strength, he grabbed a doctor kwa the throat and threw the poor guy across the room, intensely killing him.

Within sekunde Michael transformed. They other doctors tried to flee but where quickly killed. The last one tried running out of the room. But he was so scared he couldn't grip the handle.

From outside blood splattered over the doors window.

Michael's where smashed out of the room. inaonyesha to be a huge mbwa mwitu like creature. He released a howl. (If this was a movie, this would be run the werewolf jumps on the screen, and everything cuts to black).


I'll end with the lyrics to Disturbed, the Warrior, because in my opinion it's best as the stories theme song, seriously, lesson the song itself, your hopefully see what I mean.

I, AM, NOW!, an instrument of violence. I am a vessel of invincibility

I, CAN,NOT! leave this undecided, Stepping down to battle another day

RE,MEM,BER! me for all time this, Determination is a vital part of me SUR,RUEN,DER! now au be counted. With the endless masses that I will defeat

Come on bring it

Don't sing it

Better believe it

BROCKEN DOWN, till your hope has died Beat down till victory's mine STAND UP! and onyesha me some pride AND NOW! ARE READDDDY!

I'm the one with the warrior inside My dominance can't be denied Your entire world will turn Into a battlefield tonight As I look upon you, through the warrior's eyes now I can see the fear That will ensure my victory this TIMMMME!

I, CAN'T, BE! Told to compromise this, They'll never doubt the body lying at my feet

A, MOST, FORMIDE! Reminder, They will speak my name for eternity

I, HAVE, NO! need of any guidance, I am a weapon, powerful beyond belief

SEEN, THROUGH, THE! warrior's eyes, I, Never need to question, how to defeat you

Come on bring it

Don't sing it

Better believe it

BROKEN DOWN! till your hope has died BEATDOWN! Till victory's mine STAND UP! and onyesha me some pride AND NOW! ARE wewe READDDDDY!

I'm the one with the warrior inside My dominance can't be denied Your entire world will turn Into a battlefield tonight As I look upon you, through the warrior's eyes now I can see the fear That will ensure my victory this time

wewe can't hide now

I am the warrior

So decide now

How they'll remember you

Do not hide now

Act like a warrior

onyesha some pride now

Solidify your place in time

I'm the one with the warrior inside My dominance can't be denied Your entire world will turn Into a battlefield tonight As I look upon you, through the warrior's eyes now I can see the fear That will ensure my victory this time

I'm the one with the warrior inside The evidence can't be denied The entire world will stare Into this battlefield tonight As I stand before wewe with a warrior's moyo now I can feel the strength that will Ensure my victory this TIMEEE!
Ganondorf: Ha ha, no doubt my giant black guard killed Link. (Laughs)
Tetra: I honestly could care less about him
Ganondorf: Now, nothing can stop-
Link: There wewe are, wewe fuckign cheater
Ganondorf: Goddamn it, I have..... wait, what is that...... wewe hold the final triforce piece
Link: Yeah, so wha- (Ganondorf slaps Link)
GanondorF: I'll be taking that (Picks up Triforce piece) Yoink. Finally, I have all three pieces (Giant Triforce appears) Ha ha ha. I did it. I got the Triforce. I'm so happy, I'm actually not going to kill wewe all
Tetra: Really
Ganondorf: (Laughs) No, your all so fucked
Link: Hey,...
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In my opinion. Johnny was the best protagonist. He's so fun to use.. And he's actually quite relatable in most ways. Coarse. This also goes for Niko, but that's anouther story.
Anyway. After his once best friend, Billy Grey had finally Lost his mind and Johnny having had to put him down.
Johnny was in charge of the lost.. But he became a meth addict, and all that made him badass we're removed, because if it weren't I'm pretty sure Trevor and him would of been easily matched in a fight. But instead, Johnny was too gullible, and it cost him his life. And Trevor. Knowing they would...
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How odd is it to read a fanfic based off a commercial. Pretty odd. But if it's good, then I'm all for it... But, what if that fanfic has rape and incest... That's the Saving dakika Saves Money fanfic.
Seriously, how does rape come to mind when wewe write a fanfic based on a cellphone commercial. Well, fuck, someone did it, and, surprise, surprise, sur-fucking-prise, some one did, apparently.
So, it starts with our character, Brad, getting yelled at kwa his mother for wasting minutes. Well, so far it is accurate to the commercial. Soon, Brad gets pissed and throws his mother onto the floor. And...
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(I'd like to thank Canada24 for this recommendation)
Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha. It's just a joke. Just a Joke. JUST A FUCKING JOKE!!! Today's fanfic is Just a Joke.
Now, this is a Smosh fanfic. Now, I enjoy Smosh. It is a very funny internet series and I really enjoy it. But.... We get Just a Joke. From every chapter, I was fucking sick to my stomach.
So, this is a sjipfic of Ian and Anthony. And, it is not just sickening, but it is fucking boring. When the story isn't making wewe vomit, its making wewe fall to sleep. And, this is one of the stories I really didn't want to finish....
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Saten is trying to do tryouts for a play, the coach becomes frustrated with poor acts, Saten's rival sabotages performance and gets him cut.


Saten returns home, angry, Sword calls to him from a vent in the house where he was trapped chasing a dropped piece of Skittles candy, and if Saten gets him out he'll help in return.


BEDROOM / Sword had escaped.

Sword: I use to do characters and back before I met wewe guys (shows scrapbook) I was half of the most maarufu ventril-agrgah act in the world....
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Western films, sinema about the freedom of the uncharted west of America, where man could make their own rules. And the samurai film, sinema about warriors that fight and die with courage and honor. So what if some Hollywood smuck alisema “Let’s put them together”, and put them together they did. The story of a samurai in an old west setting is nothing new. Putting an outdated group like the samurai in an era where guns were prevalent to see how they can stand toe to toe with outlaws and gunslingers has been around since the 1971 film Red Sun, yet very few games were made of it. The only...
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QuikPiks are a side part of NikPiks that I do when I write makala that are much smarter than the usual and when I want to get a point out there quickly. So if I have a topic that I will spend less than an saa working and editing on, well, this is what to expect.

Let’s talk about Saints Row, preferably 2. Now for those who may not have played the franchise, wewe may think, “Saints Row? wewe mean that lame GTA rip off that just turned into pure insanity that everyone grew to hate”. But me, an intellectual, would tell you, “Of course not.” But it’s fair to think that. Saints Row did...
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wewe know what’s a setting that indie developers really seem to like? The cyberpunk genre. I’m not complaining, I upendo that stuff too. But I have like three games played that are cyberpunk, and I am pretty sure I have zaidi waiting to be played that are also taking place in that setting. And naturally, I thought I would review the one I played first on here before the others. And low and behold, it is one that many people have talked about before, VA-11 HALL-A, pronounced Valhalla.

VA-11 HALL-A is set in a cyberpunk world, where corporations decide the fate of humans, where everyone...
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Oh boy, we still got some Cultober to go through, everybody. au at the least, we’ve reached the ranking moment for these movies. I think we had a good haul this season. We had a few goodies, a few mehs, and some trash in the mix. But it was mostly a good first year. So let’s talk about the movies, talking about the worst ones and then making our way to the good ones, and what I recommend for ones viewing pleasure. Oh, and I will be rating this film on a ten outta ten scale, 5 points for how scary au spooky the film is and another 5 for how enjoyable it is. So there’s a chance I may like...
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Our protagonist.... named "Boy", because his parents never loved him, was looking through the assortment of treasure (And kwa treasure, I mean a bunch of garbage not even a homeless man would want) at a yard sale. Suddenly, he found a cartridge, katriji ya lying on the meza, jedwali written in black marker "Majora's Mask". Since Boy has not played Majora's Mask in ages, he decided to buy the game from the old man which looked 90% like a serial killer and 10% a pedophile.
"How much does this game cost?, alisema Boy.
The Old Man stroked his moustache, because he really liked to do that, and said, "Oh, it's free".
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Here’s another list, because twenty Lost games wasn’t enough. There was way too much games that were Lost for several reasons. You’d think that in this siku and age, it would be hard to lose a game with the level of internet access we have. But no, there are still hundreds of games out there, that never made it to consoles, and probably will stay that way. There was just way too much to leave out, I just had to make a sekunde list, continuing the discussion on Lost video games that were either eventually found, have some evidence of their existence, au are so obscure, wewe probably wouldn’t...
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Okay, let’s just get the most controversial opinion out of the way. Let’s talk about the biggest horror game franchise of this year, and maybe even of all time, also being the video game franchise that I… well… How do I put this… I don’t like Five Nights at Freddy’s
(And thus, Wind was never heard from again. They say his screams as the mashabiki tore him apart could still be heard in his house to this very day)
Yeah, just saying that I don’t like this game is like a black man at a Klan meeting. wewe don’t do it unless you're suicidal. So, why am I doing it then? Because somebody...
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Yet another fanfic about a onyesha I never had the chance to watch. Now, from what I know, this fanfic is based off of the hit anime, Sailor Moon... A onyesha in which I never got around to watching because I'm an idiot that never looks at maarufu stuff. Anyway, this fanfic here, named Rini's Horrible Death, is a huge piece of shit that I'm surprised I actually got through it without wanting to find the actul sorce for this fanfic and burn every bit of it. Lets begin, shall we?
So, the whole fanfic is about a character from the onyesha named Serena is getting fed up with Rini always getting in the way...
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What do wewe get when wewe take a beloved cartoon and mix it with some of the worst fanfics known to man... wewe get Dipper Goes to taco Bell
You can tell just from kusoma that title that this is stupid. This is a Gravity Falls fanfic, and a bad one at that. Now, let me start off kwa saying I have not had the luck to watch Gravity Falls. Of course, I am willing to give the onyesha a try, but, for the moment, I have no clue what the onyesha is, au who the characters are, so, if I make a mistake involving the show, then, don't get mad. Just remember, I have not watched this onyesha yet. Anyway, the fanfic...
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Saten: (a mwaka au two ago) Excuse me. I'm looking for the owner this business?

Mare: Wait though there (points at Master Swords office)

Saten: (starting going in).

Master Sword: (hiding behind wall) Come on. Come on.

Saten: (walks in) Excuse me I-

Sword: (tackles him and start violently beating him up)... (stops).. Sorry. (pants). I thought wewe were the mafia.

Saten: N No I'm Saten Twist.

Sword: Who?

Saten: I've been asked to interview you.

Sword: Interview!?. (eyes narrow) Well. wewe can't interview a dead man now CAN YOU! (jumps out the four story window, and ends up going into ambulance, and he...
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So the punk scene, what a scene it is. Big mohawks, piercings, and a bad attitude that all those sinema and annoyed parents warned us about. But seriously, it’s not all that. Nowadays, punk has become nothing zaidi than a front for stores like Hot Topic to make a quick buck off of and unless your Green Day, most of your venues are a small bar if they’re lucky. What is the kind of thing punk is mistaken for, what is it really, and just what happened to it all? Well, that’s what I am here to talk about today. Sadly, don’t expect a huge analysis on this one. This is merely a myriad of thoughts...
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added by Seanthehedgehog

So let’s talk about Grand Theft Auto… Okay, this is not gonna be easy to discuss. I never really enjoyed the gameplay of IV au even V. I think it was too real, if that makes any sense. It felt weighted down, and just kinda dull for me. I like the characters, I like the story, and I like the witty humor and satire of the modern world, but man, was the gameplay not doing it for me. But then I went back and tired out some older GTA games from the past, and yeah, this is definitely what I prefered. And let’s start with one of my favorites, Vice City.
The story is simple if wewe watched...
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posted by Windwakerguy430
Hello, everyone, and welcome to another edition to Whatever Happened To... , where we look at gaming’s biggest flops, failures, and flub ups. And today, we’re all bitches! According to gaming’s biggest burnout, John Romero. And anyone who knows about worst games ever, knows exactly what we’re gonna be talking about. The N64 hype disaster, 2000s Daikatana.

Daikatana is an infamous game, for many reasons, and follows the story of feudal Japan in the future, rival clans, and the evil sword that is way lamer than Soul Edge, Daikatana. Before we talk about what a steaming pile of cow...
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Okay, let me just get this out of the way, right now. The Devilman run is one of the silliest things I think I've ever seen. I can't handle looking at this without laughing. It's the stupidest thing ever and I upendo it. But, that aside, let us discuss the Netflix original anime, Devilman: Crybaby, and why people have gotten so excited when talking about it.

Devilman: Crybaby is a ten episode Netflix original anime. Now, there haven't been much Netflix original animes. Including this one, there's about... three.... One of them being Neo Yokio. Oh, now that's true terror. Anyway, Devilman:...
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