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Hey, everyone. Now, we all have those moments where something comes and just plan pisses us off. So, I am going to talk about the things that piss me off the most.

Erasers - Now, we all know that erasers are made to erase a mistake wewe made on a paper, right. Well, no. Those things are useless. They only make things worse. No matter how hard wewe rub out the text, it is still there, and half the time, the eraser gets the led everywhere and makes a big black mess. What's worse is that eraser shreddings just go all over the fucking place. and, if your real unlucky, wewe may rip the paper and have to start all over again. No one want's these. Their a fucking pathetic invention. We'd have better luck just scribbling on the mistake and pretending it isn't there.

Litter Bugs - Now, these lazy fuckers just can't wait to throw away their garbage, so they decide to just throw their garbage on the ground. Hell, the garbage can is sometimes three fucking feet away, yet they still throw their garbage on the ground/ And, if wewe live near a busy road, I feel sorry for you, as these fuckers will dump their fucking garbage in your lawn. I actually had someone throw a cup of coffee, not even finished, onto my fucking car windshield. So, not only do I have to deal with them dumping garbage on the ground, but I also need to be worried of them throwing shit onto my car. What a bunch of lazy assholes.

Potato Chip Bags - Now, these bastards are sometimes a real bitch, kahaba to open. I just want to eat some chips goddamn it. Why the fuck does it have to be so hard to open them? Better have a pair of scissors near by. Oh, and what I really upendo is when wewe have a big bag and wewe think its got lots of chips, but when wewe open it, its mostly air. I'm not kidding. Half of the bag, au sometimes, most of it, is fucking air. You'd be better off buying a small bag. At least they are always filled with no annoying as air. What kind of sick joke is that to think there are loads of chips only to get air, which isn't as tasty to eat.

Bicyclists - Now, every time I am driving down the road, I always see some guy riding a bike on the fucking road, always getting in my way. And bikes can not go as fast as a car. And since I really don't want to commit vehicular murder, I got to wait until either him au I go a different direction, because, he won't use the fucking bike lane. So, what's the purpose of having them, if no fucking bicyclist will use them. If they want to ride a fucking bike, either stay on the bike lane, or, better yet, go the fucking park.

Dog Shit - Now, this is one thing I am sure we all experienced. Whenever there is a pile of shit on the ground just laying there waiting for wewe to step in it. No one likes it. wewe step on it and it smells fucking terrible and wewe track it everywhere, which really pisses me off. Hell, wewe aren't even salama in your own nyumbani if your dog isn't housebroken. He can shit inside the house to. It gets really annoying when wewe step in it on your barefeet. It gets stuck between your toes and its fucking sickening. I hate that shit. Fuck dog shit. It's a pain in the ass.

Cigarette Addicts - Now, these are zaidi annoying people. They work and get money which should be used for chakula au bills. What do they spend it on. Fucking cancer-sticks called cigarettes. They always buy fucking cigarettes before anything else. And, before wewe know it, in a day, they smoke it all up and go buy zaidi of it, instead or, I don't know, FUCKING FOOD! Worse, is that they always flick their cigarette butts into everything. The ground, the sewers, potted plants, cups and plates, and the fucking ocean. As if samaki really want your your used cigarette. And, if that wasn't bad enough, they care if wewe hate the smell of their fucking smoke. They'll fucking smoke it right up near you, forcing wewe to place your hands over your mouth gasping for clean air. Hell, they'll even smoke around kids. Ever heard of second-hand smoking, wewe selfish fucks.

Reality TV - Now, why do some of us watch TV? To get away from reality and find something that defies it... Real hard to when some of the programs based off fucking reality. No one wants to watch this shit unless your a stupid teenage girl who thinks that watching a bunch of immature idiots is entertaining. If wewe thinks that entertainment, go outside, and watch what stupid shit mbwa will do. And nothing is entertaining. Not a single reality TV program is good. All of them suck. They are about a bunch of idiots that do stupid shit every episode. I'd rather watch my dog eat his own shit, vomit it out, and then eat the vomited shit. Yeah, I went there. Disgusting, yes... but still better then reality TV

Flies - These fuckers belong in the fucking outdoors. not inside. wewe let one inside, and your fucked for life. Kinda hard when these fuckers seem to find a way to get in. Once there in, they never die off. They always fly around wewe and your food, making the most annoying sound ever. And when they touch you, it feels like a fucking nightmare, with them crawling on you. No one want that. My advice. Grab a fly swatter and get to work.

Parking Meters - Here;s an invention that was made to just eat your quarters like a fucking quarter eating monster. These fuckers are almost everywhere in big cities. They were made just to take your quarters. Seriously, what's the point. There is free parking in some places, but lets say wewe are in need of important business, like wewe need to go to the bank. wewe park your car and walk in. But, oh no, wewe got to wait in a fucking line before wewe can cash in your check. Then, wewe got to wait in a line just to sign the fucker. And after that, wewe got to wait in another fucking line. kwa that time, it's too late. wewe ran out the time on the parking meter, and now, wewe got a ticket. That's fucking bullshit.

Traffic Lights - These fucking things, while mandatory, always seem to get on my bad side. Every time I drive through a four way intersection, I always get stopped kwa a traffic light. I'm always waiting for it to turn green, and, after five minutes, which feels zaidi like an eternity, I finally drive, only to get stopped kwa another fucking light that is a few feet away. What the fuck? Oh, and don't wewe upendo it when wewe are waiting behind a slow punda line and kwa the time it's your turn to drive through, the light turns red and wewe got to wait all fucking over again. Yeah, its a pain in the fucking ass. No one wants that, its fucking annoying.

So, there wewe go. I may do zaidi if wewe guys want me too.Br, yeah, these things just piss me off. But, hey. that's only my opinion. What's Your Take
added by Windwakerguy430
added by Seanthehedgehog
End racism.
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added by Windwakerguy430
added by Seanthehedgehog
Source: Me
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Get on the plane. Fuck you, I'm getting in the plane!!
added by Seanthehedgehog
Source: me