Akame ga Kill! Ghost's Akame Ga Kill! RP

TheAdventGhost posted on Jan 06, 2022 at 06:46PM

Imperial Arms/Teigu
Form (Weapon or armor or mark.):
Trump Card:
last edited on Jan 06, 2022 at 06:57PM

Akame ga Kill! 2075 majibu

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Showing Replies 851-900 of 2075

zaidi ya mwaka mmoja uliopita TheAdventGhost said…
Katsuki: [Seriously..... I don't deserve her.... How in the hell did I become so lucky to have her as my lover?] *He thought to himself as he reciprocated the kiss, his arms wrapped around her*
zaidi ya mwaka mmoja uliopita LillyBlack said…
Kairi broke the kiss after a bit, resting her head on his shoulder and cuddling closer to him. "I think I have another round in me... If you'd want to go one more time?"
zaidi ya mwaka mmoja uliopita TheAdventGhost said…
Katsuki: Mm..... We could go one more time... Thankfully I've got a good amount of stamina in me.... That last one could've taken it out of me.... *He said as his hands ran through her hair* Though..... I want to try another angle this time... You bent over... While I take you from behind... [Just coming up with it in my head...] *With him coming up with the next round, his member was again erect and ready*
zaidi ya mwaka mmoja uliopita LillyBlack said…
"It's funny you say that.." Kairi went close to his ear again, "Because it seems like we were both coming up with the same thing..." She then stood up again, getting off of him. She gently took his hands, placing and feeling them on her body, "Then.. Why don't you bend me over hmm?"
zaidi ya mwaka mmoja uliopita TheAdventGhost said…
Katsuki: *He got up, his hands still feeling on her body* [So.... Should I just?] *His hands felt on her body. He then kept his left hand on her waist as he used a finger on his right hand to insert inside of her entrance* [In order to do that... I know....] *He continued to touch inside of her entrance, then his left hand feeling and massaging her breasts* [I want to do it, but I don't want to be over aggressive...] *He then nibbled on her earlobe, then speaking into her ear* I'll do what it takes to make that body of yours feel good....
zaidi ya mwaka mmoja uliopita LillyBlack said…
Kairi's hand went over his shoulders again and moaning with his finger going inside of her, as he can feel how wet she still is. "If you'll do what it takes, then I want you to bend me over... Don't worry, Katsu... I mean, we all like our own things, don't we..?"
zaidi ya mwaka mmoja uliopita TheAdventGhost said…
Katsuki: ...... [Then....] *He looked at her with determination* Alright.... *He then moved his left to hand to her back, his right hand on her waist. He applied the condom to his erect member, pushing her body forward while keeping her waist close to him and successfully bending her over* Then, I won't hold back.. *He said as he inserted his member into her entrance and beginning to thrust inside of her. His hands stayed on her waist for a bit, he moved himself even closer. His member beginning to go a bit deeper inside of her as he began to massage and play with her breasts again*
last edited zaidi ya mwaka mmoja uliopita
zaidi ya mwaka mmoja uliopita LillyBlack said…
As Katsuki bent her over, her hands fell against the bed. She moaned with each thrust, her moans getting louder as he went deeper inside of her. "K- Katsu.. You like when I take charge over you..... I guess you can say that I like the same....." Her hands were gripping onto the bed as he continued thrusting inside her, "But, I don't mind a little bit of aggressiveness either..... So do as you please.. I'm all yours... Just like how you're all mine, Katsu.."
zaidi ya mwaka mmoja uliopita TheAdventGhost said…
Katsuki: *He continued to thrust inside of her, as he did he began to touch on her nipples for a little bit. He then slid his hands back down her body* Alright..... *He then held her waist with both hands, he then slapped her butt as he continued thrusting inside of her* I'm giving this all I've got then.... Like I said, I'm gonna make that body of yours feel good..... Make it feel ecstasy....
zaidi ya mwaka mmoja uliopita LillyBlack said…
Kairi let out another moan the same moment as he slapped her butt, her head tilting back. "Y- Yes.. Katsu, keep going just like that then please.... Show me what ecstasy feels like again...." She said, her moans only getting louder and filling up the room.
last edited zaidi ya mwaka mmoja uliopita
zaidi ya mwaka mmoja uliopita TheAdventGhost said…
Katsuki: *As he slapped her butt again, he continued to thrust deeper inside of her, and he began to play with her nipples. His fingers moving all around her nipples. As her moans began to fill the room, it began to draw him closer to his climax* I'm getting pretty close Kairi.....
zaidi ya mwaka mmoja uliopita LillyBlack said…
Kairi was so lost in the pleasure at this point with him playing with her body that she couldn't even process any words anymore. She was getting closer to her climax as well, but her only response she was able to give Katsuki was a nod as she continued to moan. "I- I feel myself getting closer too.. If this goes on for any longer, I don't think I'll be able to last anymore.." She thought.
zaidi ya mwaka mmoja uliopita TheAdventGhost said…
Katsuki: *Not too long after she gave him the nod, it happened. He reached his climax, holding her breasts as he gave one more thrust that made his member start pulsing and releasing into the condom's protective barrier. Afterward, he removed his member from her entrance and throwing away the condom. He then laid himself on the bed next to her*That....... Calling that something isn't doing justice..... That was seriously incredible.....
zaidi ya mwaka mmoja uliopita LillyBlack said…
At the same time as him Kairi reached her climax, her moans starting to calm down. Her arms barely had any strength anymore from gripping the bed, causing her to lay flat against it. She turned her head to look at Katsuki beside her as she tried to catch her breath, "For sure.... It was-.... I....... Damn it, Katsu...." Even afterwards, Kairi struggled to say anything out loud. "And I thought you messed me up when you had your second dessert on the balcony...."
zaidi ya mwaka mmoja uliopita TheAdventGhost said…
Katsuki: *He smirked* Heh.... We as humans are just full of surprises..... Are we not? *He said kissing her forehead* Of course, I could really say that you are.... You definitely surprised me tonight Kairi....
zaidi ya mwaka mmoja uliopita LillyBlack said…
"Please, already thinking back to it now, it surprises even myself... A side of me only for you to see..." Kairi laid closer to him, "But, of course, I hope you meant that in a good way hmm?"
zaidi ya mwaka mmoja uliopita TheAdventGhost said…
Katsuki: Of course I meant it in a good way.... When we first did it, I thought it'd just be you and me making love all the time.... But...... Tonight.... Tonight went beyond that....
zaidi ya mwaka mmoja uliopita LillyBlack said…
"Hehe, well I'm glad you feel that way for it..." Kairi rested her head against his chest, "We made tonight even more special than it already was.."
zaidi ya mwaka mmoja uliopita TheAdventGhost said…
Katsuki: Mm... *His hands were going through her hair* That we did.... Dinner was amazing... Then being here with you... I couldn't ask for a better night.....
(I'll begin the transition to Ren.)
Ren: *He traveled the rooftops, beginning to make his way back to Isla's place*
zaidi ya mwaka mmoja uliopita LillyBlack said…
Kairi felt relaxed with Katsuki's hand going through her hair, "Neither could I... It could probably take us awhile to surpass a night like this...."

Nothing was too different about about Isla's place, however there were now two men standing out in the front, almost like they were protecting it. Isla then walked out, "Kairi's sudden appearance brought a little too much attention to this spot... So we might have to end up changing it..."
last edited zaidi ya mwaka mmoja uliopita
zaidi ya mwaka mmoja uliopita TheAdventGhost said…
Katsuki: *His eyes began to get drowsy* You're right on that..... *He closed his eyes* This was.... Definitely a night..... I won't forget..... *He said, as he then fell asleep*

Ren: *As he looked at Isla coming out and seeing the two men, he kept himself hidden* ......[Guards protecting the place.... She's moved from side to side... Place to place... With what happened last night.... I don't doubt she's ready to make a move somewhere else..]
zaidi ya mwaka mmoja uliopita LillyBlack said…
Kairi giggled lightly as he fell asleep during his sentence. "I won't forget it either..." She whispered, then kissing his forehead. "Goodnight, Katsu..." Soon enough, Kairi fell asleep with him.

"Good thing I already planned to switch locations, but not at such a short notice.... So, I guess these little guys will come in handy for me.." Isla kneeled down, and as she did a cat-like danger beast with long ears came running up to her. She began to pet it, "These little guys always comes in pairs of two. They have a small ring on their back which represents their portal.. Something goes through it and it'll come out the portal of their partner.... These small beasts are essentially my plan to transport everything without hassle, although it'll take some time.." Isla then stood up again, "You two make sure this little guy stays safe and I'll check on the others I have set up.. Besides, I'll probably have to watch my own tail too..."
zaidi ya mwaka mmoja uliopita TheAdventGhost said…
Ren: A Danger Beast with the concept of spatial travel..... She mentioned she has others..... That would explain how she's been able to move so easily..... But the real question.... Why?! She has others and that must be for a reason... I'll need to pursue her as long as I can.... Hopefully I can do this without having to leaving a trail of bodies....]
zaidi ya mwaka mmoja uliopita LillyBlack said…
"Alright, off I go, I'm trusting you two..." Isla said, before heading off to check the others.
Isla's eyes wandered to the roofs of the buildings shes passed, but of course there's no one there. "I don't have much of a good feeling about this.. Almost feels like someone is onto me.. Perhaps I could lure them out...?" Isla thought. "That's if my hunch is correct.."
She made it to the next spot where there were two other of the little danger beasts. But surprisingly, there seemed to be nothing else with them. "Ok, good you guys are safe..." Isla kneeled down, "I can't really take you guys that far from your partner hm..? Otherwise the portals wouldn't really work well and my stuff would just get stuck in space...." She started petting them again, "We're going out pretty far which is why I need multiple of you..... Kairi bringing me attention was nice, but, I'm not too ready for that yet..." Isla then smirked, "Although, at least one person would be nice to play with...." She tried saying loud enough to see if she could bring out Ren.
zaidi ya mwaka mmoja uliopita TheAdventGhost said…
Ren: [Damn it, did she catch on....... No maybe she didn't... She could just be trying to bait it.... I'll need to keep her guessing.....] *He kept himself still and quiet*
last edited zaidi ya mwaka mmoja uliopita
zaidi ya mwaka mmoja uliopita LillyBlack said…
Isla's smirk slowly turned into a pout as her only response was silence, "I guess there really isn't anybody there... Unless, they're playing smart with me..."
Although it wasn't Ren, someone else jumped behind Isla from the rooftops. "Isla!" They called.
Isla was completely startled, about to reach into her pocket until she realized who it was, "Oh it's just you, Satoru..."
Satoru grinned, "Sorry, did I scare you? Seemed like you were expecting someone else.." He then looked down to the danger beasts, "We're moving locations already?"
Isla nodded, "Something happened that changed up our plans while you were gone.." She explained. "But, it's ultimately better this way. Speeds up our plans.."
"You're honestly insane if you really think you're going to accomplish making your own Imperial Arm.." Satoru said.
"Eh?" Isla shot him with an annoyed look, "Watch out with what you say, you never know when someone's listening."
Satoru rolled his eyes, "Regardless, we have to be careful. Curiosity killed the cat, you know."
"And last time I checked, I'm not a cat." Isla said. "And as my assistant, I take that as an insult, I think you underestimate me. The one we have in progress now is going well, although I don't know how far we'll go with it..."
zaidi ya mwaka mmoja uliopita TheAdventGhost said…
Ren: [So, she's got her own little posse after all... But, he mentioned something really vital..... She's trying to make her own Imperial Arm.... Though, I'd have to agree with him... She's insane to think she'd be able to accomplish that...]
zaidi ya mwaka mmoja uliopita LillyBlack said…
Satoru had his hand over his face, "This isn't about underestimating you, Isla! You're taking on a project that hasn't been replicated since it's initial creation. Not to mention, you're only ONE person doing this. How do you plan to get any of the materials and information necessary to even get CLOSE to an Imperial Arm?"
"I have my ways, but I need to do more research.... Leaving the Empire's side years ago definitely has left me lackluster in information." Isla replied. "And seems Kairi has some sort of connection to the Emperor, so there's definitely no easy way in the Empire now...." Isla then wrapped her arms around Satoru, "But.... That's why I have you as my assistant, no?"
zaidi ya mwaka mmoja uliopita TheAdventGhost said…
Ren: [Use him to get to Katsu?!!! She's quite cunning.... Either I stop this here.... Or.........] *He closed his eyes* [No...... I can't let this go as far as Katsu... I'll take care of this...] *He then grew his dragon wings and flew down, emerging before them* Fat chance you'll get into the Empire at all... I'm not letting any of you get there!
zaidi ya mwaka mmoja uliopita LillyBlack said…
This time Isla wasn't startled by his appearance, but instead took immediate interest in Ren's dragon wings. She soon recognized who he was, "Oh.. You're the same guy from yesterday, aren't you?"
Satoru grew defensive, standing in front of Isla to protect her, "And I'm not letting you lay a single damn finger on her..."
"No no, Satoru, it's ok..." Isla gently pushed Satoru to the side as a smirk grew on her face again.
"So there really was someone on my tail after all.... And all it took was a simple threat to Empire to get you out of your little hiding spot, hm? But, I guess I shouldn't be surprised...."
zaidi ya mwaka mmoja uliopita TheAdventGhost said…
Ren: Of course not..... Just what in the hell are you planning? Why would you need to make an Imperial Arm.. Not to mention, getting the information from the Empire..... What are you up to?!!
zaidi ya mwaka mmoja uliopita LillyBlack said…
"That's not really any of your business, now is it? But I mean no harm, truly... Let's keep it as simple as pure curiosity....." Isla replied. "Not a single soul has been able to replicate the capabilities of an Imperial Arm... Their powers are almost limitless, doesn't that intrigue you? To be able to examine and use the abilities of one is one thing... To be able to make your own is another." Isla then eyed his dragon's wings, "I would assume even the form you take is on behalf of your Imperial Arm... Is it not?"
zaidi ya mwaka mmoja uliopita TheAdventGhost said…
Ren: .... Yeah, so what? Making an Imperial Arm isn't something I'm curious about... Especially since it's a power that I can't truly fathom.... I have one and use one, sure.... But there are some Imperial Arms in this world.... Powers beyond belief.... [Hell, even he may be stronger than me now....] Isla, what in the hell makes you so sure you can control that power?!!
zaidi ya mwaka mmoja uliopita LillyBlack said…
"That's the thing I probably wouldn't be able to control such power, but that's not really what I want.... I only want to know the measures that were taken to make such a powerful Imperial Arm, the time and effort...... With my own two hands, the only thing I desire is to be able to create something that powerful, even if it kills me...." Isla grinned, "The curiosity drives me. And unless I end up compatible, what happens to that power is beyond me..... Who knows.. If I'm nice enough, I could even leave an Imperial Arm like that in the hands of the Empire...."
zaidi ya mwaka mmoja uliopita TheAdventGhost said…
Ren: ...... Isla, that's crazy! You're putting your life on the line for the sake of your own curiosity..... You almost seem like you're doing that, because you have nothing to lose..... Isla, this whole thing is just.... Mad.
zaidi ya mwaka mmoja uliopita LillyBlack said…
"I can't even manage to get that through her head, no matter how many times I try..." Satoru thought.
"How sweet of you to even care! Because it seems like it was just about yesterday when you were ready to end everything for me, hm?" Isla turned away from Ren, "Call it insane all you like, but I know what I want and I know what I'm capable of.." She smirked again, "And you can even make it even easier for me... Welcome me into the Empire with open arms and I won't even have to get Satoru involved..."
zaidi ya mwaka mmoja uliopita TheAdventGhost said…
Ren: *He sighed* Don't get me wrong Isla.... With what you did to Kairi yesterday, believe me.. I'd want to end you.... However, I wasn't sent here on a kill mission. Though, I'd much prefer people to just live a peaceful life. If I were to bring you to the Empire, no guarantee what you're doing here doesn't become a danger to them. Not to mention...... I've come to understand that your assistant there is concerned for your life.... Makes me wonder if he's more than an assistant to you....
zaidi ya mwaka mmoja uliopita LillyBlack said…
Isla grew silent for a few seconds, "..... My connection with Satoru doesn't concern you. Besides, I've had this conversation with him as well and I told him like I've already told you. I know what I want and what I'm capable of. Nothings gonna change my mind from it..." She turned to look at him again, "I know I may have gotten a little carried away yesterday, but I can promise you that I wouldn't bring any danger towards the Empire.. That place alone has more info than any normal library could every carry, that's all I truly wish for....."
zaidi ya mwaka mmoja uliopita TheAdventGhost said…
Ren: "Might've gotten carried away.' If those aren't famous words, then I don't know. I'm not someone who's to make that call..... If, and this is a HUGE IF.... I can get you to obtain this information at the Empire... Then you understand that you're gonna be under constant supervision.... At the end of the day, as much as I want to have the power in this situation. Besides.... With the way it stands, i doubt the Emperor will let you in. Especially with what happened to Kairi....
zaidi ya mwaka mmoja uliopita LillyBlack said…
"Ok maybe I got very carried away, but if constant supervision is what I'd have to deal with, then so be it. The Emperor may not let me in, but... what if I could get Kairi's word?" Isla offered. "Or..... What are the chances I'd be able to speak to the both of them?"
zaidi ya mwaka mmoja uliopita TheAdventGhost said…
Ren: ... Alright.... Since Kairi's in this.... Just give me time.... I'll talk things over with them... I'll get you an audience with them.... Will that make you happy enough?
zaidi ya mwaka mmoja uliopita LillyBlack said…
Isla grinned, "The happiest girl you've ever seen in your life... How will I know for sure? Should I come back to this same alley for the news?"
zaidi ya mwaka mmoja uliopita TheAdventGhost said…
Ren: Yeah..... We'll meet tomorrow, same time from now.... I'll come back to you with the verdict. All I ask... Don't make me regret this.... Seriously, the Emperor could have my ass if something ends up wrong...
zaidi ya mwaka mmoja uliopita LillyBlack said…
"Ooh, that's sounds a little more interesting than all of this.." Isla joked. "Don't worry, you won't regret any of this, I'll be sure to make it worth your time.."
"I just can't believe you"re actually going through with this.." Satoru said.
Isla pat Satoru's back, "You'll soon come to embrace it with me... I'll see you tomorrow.. Ren, was it?"
zaidi ya mwaka mmoja uliopita TheAdventGhost said…
Ren: Ren's the name... Anyway..... Don't get yourself into trouble while I'm away.... *He made his way to the air, his wings carrying him* I bid you a farewell, and a good night.. *He said flying away and heading back to the Empire*
zaidi ya mwaka mmoja uliopita LillyBlack said…
"Goodnight and farewell from Satoru and I..." Isla said as she watched Ren to fly away. She sighed, "Oh would it be fun to experiment with an Imperial Arm like that, but I know I'll never get to.."
Satoru rolled his eyes, "C'mon, we have other things to be worrying about right now.. We have to finish moving.."
Isla nodded as they soon made their way out of the alleyway as well.

The next morning, Kairi soon woke up, slowly opening her eyes. "Mm.. Is it time to get up already...?" She mumbled. She didn't have the energy to get up just yet, so she kept her head cuddled against Katsuki's chest, waiting for him to wake up.
zaidi ya mwaka mmoja uliopita TheAdventGhost said…
Katsuki: ....... *He slowly opened his %eyes, seeing Kairi cuddled against his chest.* Mm.... *His arms around her and his hand on her head* Good morning, Lady Kairi. *He said as his hands went through her hair*
zaidi ya mwaka mmoja uliopita LillyBlack said…
Kairi felt relaxed as Katsuki's hand went through her hair, then looking up at him. "Ah you're awake now.. Good morning, Emperor Katsu.." She said, giggling softly. "Did you sleep well?"
zaidi ya mwaka mmoja uliopita TheAdventGhost said…
Katsuki: *He nodded* You bet I did.... Seems like you slept pretty well.. Mm, thinking about it.... I hope Ren did alright with his recon yesterday....
zaidi ya mwaka mmoja uliopita LillyBlack said…
"Considering it's Isla we had him watch, I can't even predict how that could've went for him... We should probably get ready to check up with him.." Kairi slowly closed her eyes, "Although, with you playing with my hair like this.. I may just fall asleep again..."