Akame ga Kill! Ghost's Akame Ga Kill! RP

TheAdventGhost posted on Jan 06, 2022 at 06:46PM

Imperial Arms/Teigu
Form (Weapon or armor or mark.):
Trump Card:
last edited on Jan 06, 2022 at 06:57PM

Akame ga Kill! 2077 majibu

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Showing Replies 351-400 of 2077

zaidi ya mwaka mmoja uliopita TheAdventGhost said…
Katsuki: It becomes clearer why you were a general... Hell, I'll probably make you my Prime Minister. Well, if you'd even be willing to.... Nonetheless, that idea is solid... We use Esdeath to wipe out Wild Hunt.... Her power's elite, some would dare to say that she's impossible to match.... Even Syura and Wild Hunt wouldn't be able to handle her... This'll wipe them out... Easily enough, once that's done. The Jaegers will be tried for their war crimes.... Of course, there's the matter of a couple of the others.... Kurome and Wave..... As weird as it may sound, I sensed something from those two.... Like they.... Aren't threats.... Kurome is Akame's sis, so that wouldn't be up to me.... Wave, I sense a bond that he has with Kurome.. He's likely to follow her wherever she goes... Which leaves the rest of them.... I'll be more than glad to finish them....
zaidi ya mwaka mmoja uliopita LillyBlack said…
"Oh, Prime Minister, huh? Would you really trust me with a position that big? That's something I would have to think about, for sure..." Najenda said.
"I think any of us at Night Raid would trust you with a position like that.... And Katsu, I think you mean we'll finish them on.." Kairi placed her hands on her hips, "Don't go putting so much on your own shoulders now, Katsu."
zaidi ya mwaka mmoja uliopita TheAdventGhost said…
Katsuki: Of course.... [Kurome and Wave, being pardoned on the condition you live your lives right and the way you want.... Bols, Seryu, Run and Stylish are to be put to death. Last but not least, Esdeath the leader of the Jaegers.. Sentenced to execution. OF course, only after Wild Hunt is taken care of in the process...] Alright, then we've got a bit of a plan set in motion..... Of course, the Jaegers' recruitment tournament won't be for a little while... For now we'll need to bide our time.. [I can finally begin my way in fixing this world....]
zaidi ya mwaka mmoja uliopita LillyBlack said…
"Alright, in that case, with the change of plans we have a little more time now. You may use that time to prepare or simply do as you wish. Or, until the tournaments open, there's commissions we could likely take into consideration." Najenda suggested. "Whatever you think would take up your time best."
zaidi ya mwaka mmoja uliopita TheAdventGhost said…
Katsuki: *He nodded* And uh..... I haven't said it enough but..... But thanks for everything.. Boss. But most importantly, I'm sorry.. between my past being such a mystery.... Then finding out that I was ever even royalty..... Then about my family... It's something I really never expected in the slightest.
last edited zaidi ya mwaka mmoja uliopita
zaidi ya mwaka mmoja uliopita LillyBlack said…
Najenda shook her head, "Of course! There's no need to apologize, Katsuki. Going from knowing very little to finding out so much information about your past, I'm sure it's overwhelming... While yes, I did take your amnesia to my advantage, I didn't plan to hide it from you forever. If I told you so soon, I was worried what could result from that. But, ultimately I'm glad you found out... That throne is your rightful place and we'll get it back for you."
zaidi ya mwaka mmoja uliopita TheAdventGhost said…
Katsuki: Thank you... You have my word on everything too.... I'm gonna do all I can for this world... And.... Well, I'm hoping.... Maybe... *He blushed with what he was going to say next* Someday, I'll have a kid and they can be brought up in a good and better world.
zaidi ya mwaka mmoja uliopita LillyBlack said…
"I can only look forward to what kind of place the world will change to after you take their place..." Najenda smiled, "I'm sure you'll be able to raise a beautiful family."
"With the heart he has, I'm positive he will..." Kairi was completely oblivious at first, but her face starting turning red the moment she realized, "W- Wait a minute, does that mean I- I'm...." She looked away, covering her face.
Najenda raised an eyebrow, "Did... something happen between you two since yesterday's mission?"
zaidi ya mwaka mmoja uliopita TheAdventGhost said…
Katsuki: Can't talk about trust if I'm not open..... Yesterday's mission..... Well, it ended up on a slightly more personal note.... At least, the culprit was.... Thought it was someone we could trust, an old "friend" of Kairi's.... Turned out, he was a bit more on the scummier side than we could've imagined..... I began to understand.... My feelings for Kairi.... Things have developed.... And who knows, *He touched the mark on his hand* Maybe I might've found out the secret of controlling Aoi Hono.
zaidi ya mwaka mmoja uliopita LillyBlack said…
Kairi stopped covering her face and looked to Katsuki, "The secret of controlling Aoi Hono...?"
"Oh, is that so? I didn't know me sending you two on this mission together would develop so much between you two... I guess you truly did have a thing for Kairi, huh?" Najenda said, once again bringing back what Lubbock said.
Kairi's faced turned red again, "Boss!!"
Najenda just chuckled in response.
zaidi ya mwaka mmoja uliopita TheAdventGhost said…
Katsuki: *He blushed in response as well* ...... Anyway.... I think... I came to understand.... Remember when I told you I had that dream... Well, it wasn't exactly something I was by myself in.... A voice was talking to me..... That voice.... It was Aoi Hono itself.... For some reason, coming to terms with everything.... Everything feels different..... Warm and calming...
last edited zaidi ya mwaka mmoja uliopita
zaidi ya mwaka mmoja uliopita LillyBlack said…
Kairi tilted her head, "Wait, you actually got to speak to Aoi Hono through that dream? It's like you got to settle everything that was that's been bugging you all this time.. Your past, your struggles with Aoi Hono itself.... That's probably why you feel so much better now, it just all came together!"
zaidi ya mwaka mmoja uliopita TheAdventGhost said…
Katsuki: It was strange to think of it... Especially when it told me.... It was something that was with me my entire life.... That's when I knew... Of course, there's still the identity of the masked man..... Identity that was dead to the world..... [Wait a minute..... "Perhaps when we see each other again, you'll have matured... Maybe you'll even have understood your power." That masked man..... Could he....] *He closed his eyes with a smirk* [I see...... If that's so.... Then I can imagine one place.....] Kairi... I'm heading to the burial ground of a friend of mine.... She's buried in a part of the forest not far from here...
zaidi ya mwaka mmoja uliopita LillyBlack said…
"Huh, now so suddenly..? Does it have to do with the masked man then? I'm not sure if you want me to tag along with you..." Kairi scratched the back of her head, "I feel like I'd be interrupting something personal..."
zaidi ya mwaka mmoja uliopita TheAdventGhost said…
Katsuki: *He shook his head* You wouldn't be interrupting... Besides, if he does end up there... Then I can introduce you.... Though, introductions won't be much if he doesn't have a name to go by..
zaidi ya mwaka mmoja uliopita LillyBlack said…
"Heh, well I'm sure it'd still be an interesting introduction! To be honest, if he is up there, I guess everything truly will be coming together for you, huh?"
last edited zaidi ya mwaka mmoja uliopita
zaidi ya mwaka mmoja uliopita TheAdventGhost said…
Katsuki: Hm... Truth be told, it'll only fully come together if I can learn his idenitity... At that moment, that'll be when everything comes together... [Iliana.... How long's it been? Years...... Too long.... That's how...]
zaidi ya mwaka mmoja uliopita LillyBlack said…
"Well what are we waiting for then? Let's go! Maybe you'll find out... and even if he's not there.." Kairi smiled warmly, "It'll be a small visit to your friend."
zaidi ya mwaka mmoja uliopita TheAdventGhost said…
Katsuki: *He nodded as he headed out and began through the forest* It's been a while since I went.... And if he is there...... Well, it wouldn't be that surprising.... Since it's where I considered home for a little while.... *He then found a tree with an etching in it* Here it is.... Iliana's burial site... *He then sat down beside the tree* Long time old friend.... *He then closed his eye* Its crazy.... How long it's been huh?
last edited zaidi ya mwaka mmoja uliopita
zaidi ya mwaka mmoja uliopita LillyBlack said…
Kairi followed along behind Katsuki, looking around as they made it to the tree. "So it was around here..... Where he met the masked man... Or at least, this is where he came after... after everything happened...." Kairi sat with him and closed her eyes, but stayed quiet to allow him to have his moment with her.
zaidi ya mwaka mmoja uliopita TheAdventGhost said…
Katsuki: ...... It's been a while since I got to talk with ya.... There's.... So much that's changed.... Believe it or not.... I've been able to be happy for.... Maybe what feels like the first time in a long time.... I've made bonds with so many excellent people.... I wish you could meet them..... Akame, she's.... A little socially awkward.... She reminds me of me when I first joined Night Raid.... But, she's a nice person.. There's Lubbock, such an easy going spirit.... You might not like him much though because he likes to peep at girls bathing..... Leone, she's kind of like the older sister that may tend to slack off every once in a while. She gets drunk, but I'll admit that she's always there where it counts... Tatsumi, he's someone you may like.. He's an interesting person.... Even when you might've thought he wasn't ready to use an Imperial Arm...... Guess I was proven wrong.... There's Sheele, she's a bit of a klutz... But, she isn't to be underestimated... There's Mine, she's a bit childish... But, even behind that childish frame.... She's still someone I'd follow into battle.... Chelsea.... She's someone that read me from day one... There's the boss, Najenda.... She's deserving of that title... Sometimes it's hard to know what she's thinking, but it's what keeps a lot of people on their toes when it comes to her.... Of course..... There's one more person I can't forget.... Kairi... She's extremely dear to me... I hadn't realized it at the time, but she's someone that I can love.... She's someone that I can have that close bond and relationship with... If you were here, you'd probably love her cooking as much as I do..
zaidi ya mwaka mmoja uliopita LillyBlack said…
Just listening to Katsuki and hearing him speak about the members of Night Raid to her, Kairi felt tears coming to her eyes. Just thinking about the family that's Night Raid and not only that but, it almost felt like something she would talk about to her sister, which is what hit her hardest. She gently wiped away her tears and blushed as he mentioned her, "You give me too much credit, Katsu..... I wish I had the chance to meet her, I'm sure her heart is no different from yours.. I would've loved to make something for her, for the both you..... Can I... Can I say a few things to her?"
zaidi ya mwaka mmoja uliopita TheAdventGhost said…
Katsuki: *He nodded* Without a doubt.... You can.... Iliana, Kairi's got a few things too..... *He opened his eye* [This family.... This is what I'd been searching for back then..... Night Raid.... All of them..]
zaidi ya mwaka mmoja uliopita LillyBlack said…
Kairi's eyes stayed closed and she took a small deep breath before she spoke, "Hello, Iliana.... Maybe I won't be able to tell you as much as he can, but I can at least tell you this. I've only been in Night Raid for maybe just a few weeks at best.... and even then I only really learned more about Katsuki recently.. And with my times with him, you can tell that despite everything he's been through, despite everything you two have been through...." Kairi had a small smile, "The kindness in his heart is still there.... Sure he may struggle sometimes but that never stopped him from moving..." Even after just wiping away her tears earlier, she felt them coming back, "If you were here to see him.. I'm sure you would feel so proud of him like I do.. And it's only moving forward from here, Iliana."
zaidi ya mwaka mmoja uliopita TheAdventGhost said…
Katsuki: ..... *He only smiled* She's right.... And I'm not gonna stop moving... I've even found out some big things recently... However, I'll wait until I make things reality before I let you in.... I won't stop moving, and even if I can't... I know I'll have the right people beside me to pick me back up...
zaidi ya mwaka mmoja uliopita LillyBlack said…
Kairi nodded as she softly opened her eyes now, "We all have your back and I'm sure Iliana is cheering for you. I'll make sure that it becomes a reality, no matter what..."
"Katsu... He'll take his rightful place and make the world better for everyone.... A world I wish sis and everyone else could experience, but.. I promise I'll do everything they would've wanted me to do and cherish it.." She thought.
zaidi ya mwaka mmoja uliopita TheAdventGhost said…
*Katsuki then closed his eye again*
Katsuki: You know... You may not have anything to say to Iliana... But you don't have to stay far away... *At first, it didn't seem like Katsuki was talking to anyone, until the masked man finally emerged* Another long time no see... I'm sure you've got to be an old man under that mask now....
Masked man: ........ You've grown up Katsuki...... You've matured beyond belief....
zaidi ya mwaka mmoja uliopita LillyBlack said…
"Hm?" Kairi only then noticed him as he emerged, "Is that....?"
"I didn't even sense anyone besides Katsu and I.. Has he been here this whole time..?" She thought.
"You must be the one who looked after Katsu for awhile..." Kairi gently rubbed the back of her neck, "I mean, I guess not many people fall under the description of masked man.."
zaidi ya mwaka mmoja uliopita TheAdventGhost said…
Masked man: I did.... Katsu found the forest when he was trying to bury her... It was easy to tell he wasn't being fed well... When he had food and water.... He wouldn't stop eating.... Almost crazy to think you're still that same kid...
Katsuki: What.... Have you been doing all these years?
Masked man: ...... Surviving.... I've been keeping myself alive for the day I'd see you mature with Aoi Hono...
Katsuki: ........ You knew, didn't you... The mark...
Masked man: Of course..... That mark, that sigil... Is what has been passed down in our family for generations..
Katsuki: It's incredible isn't it- *He then realized what he said* Hold on... The hell did you... OUR family?!
Masked man: ........ *He then lowered the hood on the cloak, then removing his mask* It's been way too long.... Little brother.
Katsuki: Brother.... *He then looked at him, he had a resemblance to Katsuki only being an older version* What in the..... H-How?!! I was an orphan, not to mention... I was alone..... So tell me...... Who the hell are you using Ren's face?!!
Ren: I can understand why you say that.... Considering that I was dead, at least by certification....
Katsuki: You were..... "An identity that was dead to the world."
Ren: Mhm.....
Katsuki: *He then gritted his teeth, looking at Ren*
last edited zaidi ya mwaka mmoja uliopita
zaidi ya mwaka mmoja uliopita LillyBlack said…
"Wait..... Then, if you knew for so long, why only tell him now? I don't get it..... Does that mean... Everything with Enzo, Iliana..." Kairi clenched both of her fists on her lap, "The whole sequence of events, were you aware of it all before you finally came across him in the forest??"
zaidi ya mwaka mmoja uliopita TheAdventGhost said…
Ren: ....... No.... If I were aware of Enzo... I would've killed him myself... After Katsu was sent to the orphanage, I needed to keep my death faked.. I knew people that could.... Assassins...
Katsuki: ..... But why?! I went through.... So much hell on this earth! You knew I had the mark of an emperor... You knew all of this!! Then we met in this forest... You left, never to be seen AGAIN!! I've been on my own before finding Night Raid.. For me being your little brother, you haven't done shit! Now you're here, I've grown up...
Ren: You think I did that on purpose?!! Katsu, if I could've taken care of you I would've... Katsu.... Do you know why I found you in the forest... Why I wasn't always there? Because I made a deal with the Empire...
Katsuki: You what?!!
Ren: That as long as I'd be loyal to them, you got to live...
Katsuki: You can't be serious....
Ren: I gave myself to the Empire, and they're not even aware of your current condition...
zaidi ya mwaka mmoja uliopita LillyBlack said…
"Bullshit! You think the Empire actually cares?" Kairi wanted to be understanding but she only grew annoyed. She stood up, "You're doing exactly what they want everyone else to do, run right towards their feet just so they can take advantage of you! All they ever do is spout lies, every single one of them! Assuming that they must know about Katsuki's mark, do you really think they would just let him off that easily? You may be royal blood, but I doubt your loyalty is enough for them to keep Katsu walking. Katsu is potentially the biggest threat that they have the more he becomes accustomed to Aoi Hono. There is no way hell they'd let someone like him walk about so freely. Only reason they probably let him live for so long is because they must have some sort of plan. I truly doubt your deal is what's solely keeping him alive right now...."
zaidi ya mwaka mmoja uliopita TheAdventGhost said…
Ren: Oh really? If Katsu's really that much of threat, then why are you still standing with him... You and Katsu to be just fine... Shouldn't Katsu be as far away from Night Raid as possible, since him being around you is such a big deal.. After all, you wouldn't want it all to blow back on that family of yours...
Katsuki: ........
Ren: You're right, maybe it isn't solely the deal that's keeping him alive... But think about it... What can you really do against Aoi Hono??! The Empire can't make a move on Katsu even if they wanted to, since it'll only end in casualties....
Katsuki: So what then? If the Empire knows....
Ren: Then why so silent? Well, because we needed to wait for its maturity... Hence, why I'm here now... Since I'd rather it not blow back on Night Raid... I'm here to take Katsuki with me.
Katsuki: Take me to the Empire.... Have you lost your- Hang on....... This could work......
last edited zaidi ya mwaka mmoja uliopita
zaidi ya mwaka mmoja uliopita LillyBlack said…
"Huh? It could work!?" Kairi said, her head quickly turning to Katsuki in shock. "What makes you say that??"
"Thinking about it, Katsu's original plan was to use the tournament to get himself inside the Empire. But, now Ren is basically giving him an easy way in without it... Maybe Ren and I got off the wrong foot, whatever.. But, I can't bring myself to trust him, let alone like him. I couldn't care less if his intention was to prevent it from blowing back on Night Raid.." She thought.
She shook her head, "No... Whether it could work or not, I don't like this.."
zaidi ya mwaka mmoja uliopita TheAdventGhost said…
Katsuki: Kairi.... Let's think this clearly... If the Empire does know about this, they'd make a move to draw me to them... Let's think about what that's gonna involve, the same Jaegers that I'm aiming for... They could pop up and come after the rest... If I don't act on this, I can't allow this to affect the rest of you... I know you said I'm not alone in this. But I'll trade myself for the rest of you. Besides, I've got quite a bit of words for the Prime Minister and that child emperor.. Ren, can you ensure the rest of Night Raid doesn't get touched if I go through with this... [If I go in, I'll be at the Empire's front door easily. Which means I'll have to be there for the time being..]
zaidi ya mwaka mmoja uliopita LillyBlack said…
Hearing it from Katsuki, Kairi felt a little calmer about it, but it didn't change her dislike towards Ren. "But, just because you're willing to trade yourself in, doesn't mean I'd want you to, Katsuki....." Despite being a bit calmer, she was still stubborn about it. But, she knew she couldn't argue with him because he was essentially right. "If you go now so suddenly, then how am I going to tell you're ok...? What are we supposed to do when you're still inside of there..? We're talking about the Empire here, I can't trust it or believe anything that happens there.. Sorry, but I can't just leave my trust to Ren."
zaidi ya mwaka mmoja uliopita TheAdventGhost said…
Ren: Well, I mean you could always come with him.... If you're that worried, I'll send a messenger bird everyday keeping you updated on his condition.
Katsuki: That doesn't help if she doesn't even trust you idiot....
Ren: Well what do you want to do? Either way, I'll have to bring back Katsuki.
zaidi ya mwaka mmoja uliopita LillyBlack said…
Kairi crossed her arms, "You sending a bird messenger would be the equivalent of me receiving nothing to me."
"Going with them would be ok but, Katsuki would be drawing enough attention already. If they somehow find out I'm Akamine, I wouldn't want to cause more problems as it is... I have to keep it hidden.." She thought.
"If... I were to go with you then, I'll need to talk to you, Katsu, just for a minute.." She glared at Ren, "Alone."
zaidi ya mwaka mmoja uliopita TheAdventGhost said…
Ren: ..... Hm... Very well..... I tell you what.... I'll give you 24 hours..... We'll meet back here then.... If you don't show up.... Then I'll have no choice but to send the reinforcements.... *He said disappearing*
Katsuki: ...... Blood is thicker than water...... Screw you Ren...... *He said clenching his fist, a small bit of flame coming from his arm and he hadn't noticed*
zaidi ya mwaka mmoja uliopita LillyBlack said…
"Threatens to send reinforcements but doesn't want any of this to blow back on Night Raid apparently... Sounds about right.." Kairi said, sarcastically. She looked back to Katsuki, noticing the bit of flame from his arm. She frowned and gently placed her hand on his other arm, "Katsu.. Breathe. I wouldn't want your emotions to come over you, at least not now.."
zaidi ya mwaka mmoja uliopita TheAdventGhost said…
Katsuki: Why wouldn't they? The only other member of my family's been alive this whole time, been under the empire..... Damn it...... *He then got rid of the flames on his arm* For someone who's family....... Hm, if that's what a brother is............ *He sighed* Anyway, *He wrapped his arm around her* We've got 24 hours..... I've got nothing but time.... You wanted to talk?
zaidi ya mwaka mmoja uliopita LillyBlack said…
"Mmm.." Kairi nodded, "Yeah, I did.. It's about my imperial arm. Though, I don't know if it's a good idea for me to speak about it in the open like this. I know Ren left and all, but I only want to be sure... Should we go back to HQ?"
zaidi ya mwaka mmoja uliopita TheAdventGhost said…
Katsuki: *He nodded* Let's head back then.. *He then headed back to HQ with Kairi* Still.... Why now of all times would you reveal yourself?]
zaidi ya mwaka mmoja uliopita LillyBlack said…
As they arrived back to HQ, Kairi took him to her room since that's where she last left Kurai. "Ok, so.. When we trained together, I told you that I had my own a little element of surprise that no one outside of my clan really knows of.. Do you remember me telling you that?"
zaidi ya mwaka mmoja uliopita TheAdventGhost said…
Katsuki: *He scratched his head, he then remembered* Yeah, I do remember you saying that. You mentioned that it wasn't exactly an element of surprise, more of a misconception..... What's going on?
zaidi ya mwaka mmoja uliopita LillyBlack said…
"There's... Just a few things I feel like I should explain to you if I'm going with you to the Empire.." Kairi then nodded, "But, yeah you're right. Whenever I'm in battle, it's actually a misconception that my katana is the imperial arm. That it's where I draw the power to control shadows... When, truthfully, it more of something that's apart of me..." She pointed to his hand, "So, similar to how you have your mark with Aoi Hono, I have my own with Kurai.."
zaidi ya mwaka mmoja uliopita TheAdventGhost said…
Katsuki: Wait, for real? Is that so? Heh, I see. That's very interesting actually. So your imperial arms is like a mark... The katana acts as a secondary medium, that's pretty cool dare I'd say.
zaidi ya mwaka mmoja uliopita LillyBlack said…
Kairi smiled, "Heh, thank you. It's definitely made some interesting fights if you ask me." She then blushed a bit, "Uh, I hope this isn't awkward, but just to show you.." She turned around and lifted her shirt, revealing the mark on the center of her lower back. "Everyone in my clan wore the same mark in order to protect my identity. That's why the Empire concluded that the Akamine Clan was erased.. because, unless I used the ability, they really had no way of telling who's the imperial arm user. Though, it's definitely possible they could still be on their toes about it.."
zaidi ya mwaka mmoja uliopita TheAdventGhost said…
Katsuki: Whoa.... *He did blush as he saw her lower back* I mean the only way they could know.... They'd have to rip the clothes from you... Or, it'd have to be people that know you..... *He then turned around* I mean, it's not awkward.... But uh, I don't want to feel like I'm just staring....
zaidi ya mwaka mmoja uliopita LillyBlack said…
Kairi lowered her shirt and turned back around, "Don't worry, it was only for a moment. Not that I really mind from you, I guess.." She blushed and shook her head, "T- That's not the point! If I'm going to the Empire with you, then these are just things you should know... If they somehow find out I'm Akamine, that'll only mean more problems. That mark is their only proof and it doesn't help that I resemble the family.. So, we'd have to keep hush about it." She looked to the side, "I don't even know if it's a good idea to go with you, but I don't want you going alone......"