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Temptation of the Best Kind- Chapter Seven

The pain hadn’t gotten better in the last few days since the whole disaster that had been his relationship with Blair. If wewe could even call it a relationship, that was a little bit of stretch. Chuck was still trying to drink himself into a blissful sleep but that still wasn’t working either. He had even tried to get high last night with Nathaniel and that failed also. The one thing he wouldn’t try to forget Blair with was to sleep with another woman. He hadn’t gotten that far yet. Blair Waldorf had fucked him up good.
Chuck bass, besi had fallen for a woman and she didn’t want him back. It figured. If he wanted something he usually just went after it but with her he couldn’t do that. One of the many reasons was because she was back with Nate and the most important one; she had played him like a fool.
She wasn’t going to get away with it though. Nobody make a fool out of him and lived to tell the tale. Blair was going to have to watch out because he was thinking of some devious plans in his mind to get back at her for what she had done to him. He still couldn’t quite grasp the concept that it had all been a game to her. But it was because as soon as he fell for her that’s when she had pulled the rug out from underneath him.
He ran a hand down his face while he tried to think of a plan to get even with her. He could try and make one of the other girls the Queen bee of the school. He dismissed that idea immediately though because Blair had told him that she had never cared if she was maarufu au well liked. And to tell the truth, he didn’t know what parts of what she had alisema to him was the truth and what were lies. Chuck would bet they were all lies but he wouldn’t do that, it would be too easy and not worth his satisfaction.
He tapped his finger along the palm of his hand as he tried to think of something else. Maybe hitting on another girl and trying to make her jealous? As soon as his mind conjured that plan up, he shooed it out of his mind. “Smart, Bass.” He alisema to himself. Blair wouldn’t be jealous because she had no real feelings for him. He had to remember that.
An evil smirk suddenly spread across his face. It had it the perfect plan to seek his revenge on Waldorf. He could tell Nate that he had fucked Blair and he was the one that had taken her virginity. Perfect. He didn’t even give a fuck anymore if Nate was pissed. His friendship with him had taken a turn for the worst ever since he had fallen for Blair. He would upendo to see her face when she found out that he had blabbed about their little rendezvous to the boyfriend. Then she wouldn’t have her perfect boyfriend anymore and he could finally forget about her. His mind shouted to him that it was impossible to forget her but he was willing to do anything to erase her memory from his mind. Anything, now all he had to do was put his plan in action and wait to see her reaction.

Blair walked down the steps and into the school courtyard. She smoothed a hand down her pristine uniform before walking over to where Nate was sitting and eating lunch. As she was just about at the meza, jedwali she noticed who else was sitting there. Chuck. Even though she had just seen him last night when she had shattered her moyo along with his, the pain of seeing his face was almost too much to kubeba and she didn’t know if she would be able to sit down at the same meza, jedwali with him. He hadn’t noticed her presence yet.
Blair forced her feet to songesha and she continued on her way to the table. She had to do this, she reminded herself. She would not pay attention to Chuck and would focus on playing the part of Nate’s girlfriend. That thought alone was enough to make her physically ill.
The kiti, kiti cha inayofuata to Nate was left unoccupied and she quickly made her way over to it. She noticed the other people seated around the table. Penelope, Iz, Hazel, Serena, many of Nate’s other friends, and of course Chuck. Her eyes quickly made their way over to Chuck and she was shocked to notice the hateful glare that he was bestowing upon her. She held his gaze for another dakika au so before she dropped her eyes to the meza, jedwali but his glare never lessened.
As soon as she sat down, Nate wrapped an arm around her neck and planted a wet kiss on her lips. The urge to throw him off her and kick him in the balls was very strong but she resisted it for Chuck’s sake. Thirty sekunde later and he was still kissing her, she finally pushed him back. He smiled down at her and she felt like punching him right in his stupid fucking mouth. That impulse also had to be resisted.
Serena gave her an encouraging nod and Hazel asked her, “What’s happened, Blair? I thought wewe alisema wewe were done with Nate?”
Blair tried to open her mouth to speak but she couldn’t force the words to come out of her lips. Nate took over. “I think Blair was a little confused about her feelings for me. She’s come to her senses now and realizes that she can’t live without me. Isn’t that right, sweetie?”
“Yeah, I suppose that’s it.” She alisema in clipped tones.
Nate sent her a hard glare. “She’s just lucky that I forgave her with everything that she’s done to me lately.”
“You forgave her very quickly, Nate. She embarrassed wewe in front of the entire school. Aren’t wewe still upset about that?” Penelope chimed in.
He nodded. “I can’t help to be a little upset kwa that still but Blair begged me to give her another chance. And I do upendo her, so I’ve decided that she’s worth it. And the best thing was that when she broke up with me she was trying to seduce Chuck. But she admitted to me last night that he never meant anything to her, she was just trying to forget me.”
Everyone laughed around the table.
Blair shifted her eyes to Chuck and he looked about ready to kill Nate. His eyes had almost turned red in color just from his anger at being made fun of.
She couldn’t believe that Nate had just told such a blatant lie to hurt Chuck. Well, she believed anything of him now. He wasn’t the same person that he used to be. She kicked his leg under the meza, jedwali and chastised him. “Don’t start, Nate.”
“Now that you’re back with Nate does that mean we’re off your shit list, Blair?” Iz asked. “Do wewe still want us to be your friends?”
Blair inwardly groaned at the question. She hated doing all of this just because of Nate. She pasted a fake smile on her face. “I’m sorry about that, girls. I was just feeling rebellious and confused and that was the cause of all this. Of course I want wewe to be my Marafiki again.”
They seemed satisfied with her answer and went back to eating lunch and chatting with Serena.
“Chuck, what the hell is the matter with you? You’re awfully quiet.” Nate asked.
Chuck glared with disgust at Nate. “Maybe that’s for the fact that I don’t like being made fun of and being laughed at.” His voice had turned very low and it had a dangerous quality to it. “You’ve turned into some fucking friend, Nathaniel.”
Nate looked taken aback at his outburst. “Are wewe mad that I alisema that about Blair and you? I’m sorry Chuck but wewe had to know that it was all a joke to Blair.”
At hearing this she buried her face into the crook of her arm. Her head popped up when she heard Chuck speak her name.
“So, wewe think it was all a joke, Nathaniel?” He sneered. “Has Blair ever told wewe about something that happened in the limo?”
Her mouth dropped open in shock, Chuck was about to tell him about their night together. She almost wished he would because then this whole mess would be over and he could finally understand why she was doing this to him. A thought flashed through her mind. If Chuck was about to tell Nate it must mean that he didn’t care about her at all au why would he tell him when he knew that it would only cause turmoil?
She lifted her eyes to his but saw he was still looking at Nate.
“What the hell are wewe talking about? What happened in the limo?” Nate asked while his eyes darted back from between the both of them.
A true evil smirk spread across Chuck’s entire face. “Do wewe want me to tell him Blair au would wewe like to do the honors?”
She stared at him while she said, “Chuck.”
“Do wewe want to tell him au should I?” He asked again.
“Somebody better tell me the fuck is going on!” Nate shouted.
Her eyes never left his. “Whatever wewe want, Chuck. It’s up to you.” Blair whispered.
The sadness in her voice got to him. Chuck looked at her and she looked so unhappy that he just wanted to haul her into his arms even though he hated what she had done to him. He started to have sekunde thoughts about the revenge he was planning on her. He had gone soft over the last several weeks because he would never have done this for another woman but her. It just wasn’t worth it. He cared about Blair too much.
He stood up quickly. “Fuck it!” He looked back at her one last time before saying, “I can’t do it to you.”
Blair watched him take off in a hurry and went to run after him. “Chuck!” She called when he flew in through the school doors and went in the direction of a classroom. He paid no attention to her and just kept walking without turning back. She had almost reached the door that he had gone through when a hand grabbed her from behind.
Nate grabbed her and pulled her down a deserted hallway. “What the hell is going on with wewe and Chuck?”
Blair pulled her arm out of his grasp. “Nothing is. He’s just pissed about what wewe keep saying. You’ve got to cut it the hell out, Nate.”
“You’re not playing the part of the doting girlfriend very well, Blair. Everyone that was sitting at our meza, jedwali just saw wewe run after Chuck! We’re supposed to be convincing people that we’re back together.” He hissed in her face.
A sad look spread across her face. “What’s happened to you, Nate? You’re not the same person wewe once were. How can I play the part of your girlfriend when wewe know I’m in upendo with Chuck?”
He pushed her against a ukuta and put his face right inayofuata to her ear. “We had a deal, Blair. Don’t forget about how quickly I can ruin wewe and Chuck. Is that what wewe want for the man wewe love?” He asked it mockingly, like he still didn’t believe that she could possibly upendo Chuck.
“You would do that to your best friend just because I won’t play the part of your girlfriend? wewe would ruin Chuck?”
“I’ll do anything to get what I want. And if that means destroying Chuck to see wewe hurt then all the better. Don’t underestimate me, Blair. If wewe don’t do this, I will personally see to it that both of wewe are destroyed without a doubt.”
Blair closed her eyes and slid down the ukuta until she was sitting on the floor. “I can’t believe wewe would do this but if that is my only choice then I will continue to play your girlfriend. But I don’t know how I’m going to do that right now since I despise the sight of you!”
Nate snickered. “Oh, wewe might want to consider being my girlfriend a good dose of fortune for you, Blair. I actually saw Chuck last night hitting on several girls and leaving with one of them. What do wewe have to say about the man wewe upendo now?”
Tears instantly blurred her vision. “Is that a lie au are wewe actually telling the truth?”
“The truth.” He spat at her.
She knew that it wasn’t true in her heart. But Blair knew how he operated and she couldn’t help doubting Chuck. He had proclaimed to have fallen for her and now had he really slept with someone else last night? She couldn’t get the thought out of her mind of Chuck with another woman, touching her, kissing her, and being with her. She started to pull at her hair and felt like she was going a little insane. She couldn’t do this anymore. She stood up and ran out of the door. She ran and ran. Away from the school, away from Nate and Chuck, and most importantly away from her life.
As she was sprinting down the street, she saw a black limo pull out of school and knew that it was Chuck’s. Her mind continued to whirl with hideous thoughts of him with other woman and she decided that she wanted to do something reckless. As she continued to run down the mitaani, mtaa she spotted a motorcycle with the keys still in the ignition. Blair didn’t care anymore. She saw the kofia, chapeo that was lying on the kiti, kiti cha and picked it up, and threw it on the sidewalk. She wouldn’t need that if she was planning on being reckless. She hopped on the motorcycle and revved the engine. She had never ridden one of these before and it startled her. But after a few dakika she started to get the hang of it.
The wind whipped through her hair and Blair wasn’t even thinking about how much trouble she was going to get in for basically stealing a motorcycle. She passed the speed and crept up behind the limo. She swerved into the inayofuata lane and took a look, and tried to see if Chuck was actually in there. As she was staring at the dark tinted window, Blair failed to see the broken pieces of tire that were littering the road. The motorcycle hit the piece of tire and she was entirely jolted from her seat. Blair and the motorcycle flipped and fell off the side of the road and into a black ditch. Blood tricked from her head as she passed out.

Chuck stared back at the mysterious woman on the motorcycle who looked an awfully lot like Blair. But that was impossible, it couldn’t be her. Then the woman turned her face towards his and his moyo skipped a beat because it was indeed Blair. The inayofuata thing he knew, he saw Blair hurdle through the air and crash into a nearby ditch.
“Arthur, stop the car!” He had never screamed so loud in his entire life au he didn’t remember doing so. As soon as the limo pulled to the side of the road, he almost pulled the door off because of his rush to get out and see what condition Blair was in. He had seen the face and he knew that it was her but that didn’t explain what the hell she was doing on a motorcycle.
He walked quickly down into the ditch not minding that mud was getting all over his clothes. He saw her right in the middle and the alarming amount of blood that was pouring out of her head scared the living daylights out of him. He ran the rest of the way to her.
“Blair? Blair!”
She didn’t answer him and Chuck crouched down beside her and took a hold of her shoulders and gently shook her. There was still no response. He carefully placed her head in his lap and stroked her hair. “Blair, baby, don’t do this to me. wewe have to come back to me.”
He muttered a few zaidi times before she seemed to come too. “Chuck?” She questioned like she was surprised to see him sitting beside her.
He cradled her even deeper into his arms. “You scared the shit out of me, Blair!”
He looked back at her in astonishment. “Did wewe not notice that we’re sitting in the middle of a ditch and wewe have blood gushing out of your head?”
She placed a hand to her head and grimaced when she felt the gash in her head and her fingers came back full of blood. Everything came rushing back to her, the argument with Nate, running away on the motorcycle, and now sitting inayofuata to him. “Chuck?” Blair whimpered. “It hurts.”
He gently set her on the ground while he stood up. Chuck then picked her up in his arms and led his way back to the limo. “I know, Blair. I’ve got to get wewe to the hospital.”
He continued talking to her while he walked back to the limo. She was listening to his quiet, melodic voice when the loss of blood got to her again and she passed out for the sekunde time in ten minutes.

The ride to the hospital seemed to take forever in Chuck’s mind. The thoughts of revenge he had only a few mere hours zamani seemed to take place in another lifetime. The only thought on his fragile state of mind was to make sure that Blair got medical treatment and that she would be okay. He knew that she knew a few stitches and she would be fine once she got them. But it didn’t stop him from being scared.
An saa later, Blair had been admitted to the hospital and had been seen kwa the on call doctor. They had not let him in with her while the doctor was treating Blair. The wait soon turned into a tortuous thing and he didn’t know how zaidi of this he could wind up taking.
Finally he saw the doctor come out and Chuck strode over to him.
“Mr. Bass, she’s fine. I’ve stitched her up and wewe can go in and see her now. But I would appreciate if the inayofuata time wewe would not yell at my staff.”
Chuck gave him a small grin to signal his thanks and hurried off to the room where Blair was.
He opened the door to her room and noticed that she was sitting up in bed. He advanced slowly into the room but stayed away from her kitanda and sat in a chair that was in the corner. They stared at each other for a few dakika and Chuck saw the bandage covering her gash near her left eye.
“Are wewe okay, Blair?”
She tried to nod but when she found that too painful, she managed to croak out, “Yes, I’m fine.” Blair pointed to her head. “I had to get seven stitches.”
He sighed and rubbed his hand down his face. “I need some answers. What the hell were wewe doing on a motorcycle and why weren’t wewe still at school?”
Blair sighed. “Okay, the easy answer is that I got into an argument with Nate and I stormed off after he annoyed me enough. I was feeling quite rebellious and just saw the bike and took off on it. wewe know the rest.”
He had to ask. “What’s the hard answer?”
She remained tight-lipped. “I don’t want to talk about.” She closed her eyes quickly and reopened them only to discover the searing look that Chuck was giving her. “Actually, I do want to ask wewe a question.”
“Were wewe with another woman last night?” Blair knew that she looked desperate kwa asking that but she couldn’t help it. At that moment she felt like the answer could weigh heavily on her life.
Chuck cocked his head to the side. “You mean was I with someone else after wewe told me that I was all a game and basically degraded me?”
She remained stubbornly silent.
He didn’t owe her anything but he answered her honestly. “No, I wasn’t. Why?”
“Never mind, Chuck.”She reached over and placed her hand on juu of his knee. They both stared at her hand but neither one of them moved away. “Thank wewe for being there for me today. If wewe weren’t, I don’t know what would have happened to me.”
Blair stared back at him when he didn’t answer and she felt the emotions starting to overwhelm her. A tear slid down her cheek. She loved him so much and she hated to see him in so much pain. “Chuck, I have to tell wewe something. This thing with Nate, it isn’t …”
“I understand, Blair.” His voice sounded oddly disconnected from his body.
She tried again. “You don’t understand. Nate and I have a dea…”
He held up a hand to interrupt her. “It doesn’t matter what you’re going to tell me, Blair. We would have never worked out anyways. I was stupid to have thought differently and what wewe told me last night has certainly changed my mind.”
The tears continue to fall down her cheeks. “Chuck, it wasn’t like that.”
He saw the tears on her cheeks and she still looked beautiful to him. Every part of her was beautiful to him and he wanted her zaidi than he wanted his inayofuata breath. But that was out of the equation now. “You don’t have to lie to save my ego from the heartache, Blair. wewe know what’s funny?” He asked sarcastically.
“What?” She whispered.
Chuck looked her right in the face. “I’ll admit, I’ve slept with zaidi women that I can remember and I have been a notorious womanizer. But it figures that when I fell for a woman, that she wouldn’t want me back. That’s the measure of my whole life. One disappointment after another. I fell hard for wewe Blair, and I hate that wewe did this to me but I do understand that wewe don’t feel the same way about me.”
“Chuck, wait.” She managed to breathe out. The look on his face was so devastating that she wanted to curl up and cry until he told her that everything was going to be okay.
He stood up and walked over to her side. “I’ll call Nate and tell him what’s happened. He’ll come pick wewe up.” Chuck bent down to place a soft kiss on her forehead. “I want wewe to be happy, Blair. And if that’s with Nate then that’s who wewe should be with. I would never want wewe to be unhappy like wewe obviously were with me.”
Blair watched as he walked out of her room and she did nothing to stop him. No matter how hard she tried, she couldn’t stop the tears. She hated what Nate had done to them and she decided that he would have to pay for it. Nathaniel Archibald was going to have to be destroyed and screw the consequences.

To Be Continued…

A/N: I hope this chapter wasn’t too much of a stretch. zaidi drama. Hope wewe enjoyed and the inayofuata story that will be updated is going to be Friendly Encounters. Don’t forget to leave me some feedback if wewe have the time.
 Rehearsing For Play
Rehearsing For Play
Chair Tales S02E06- The Way She Moves

It's been a couple of days since Chuck and Blair's fall out and Blair has been staying with Serena and Dan.
At Yale, Blair is in rehearsal's with her drama Marafiki messing around and having fun. At the end of rehearsals Zane invites Blair out for something to eat, she agrees. They are at a cafe having a coffee and some food.

Z: So, how are wewe finding the play...you still loving it?
B: Yeah of course! It gets zaidi and zaidi exciting the zaidi we practice!
Z: We're nearing the end now too....soon we're going to have to rehearse our...ummm...intimate encounter......
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posted by nataliaryanfan
A/N: Takes place during the ‘Chuck/Blair at the bar’ scene in 1.13, “A Thin Line between Chuck and Nate.” Please review! They are my love!

Blair’s POV

I don’t want wewe anymore, he had alisema to me.

His words hurt me zaidi than Nate’s. zaidi than anybody else’s. I sat there trying to gather all the information in my head.

Then, I realized no one wanted me au wanted to help me anymore. Not even Serena, who was supposed to be my best friend. au Nate, whom I’ve loved for years. And now, Chuck, the person I had Lost my virtue to, had rejected me as well.

I slowly got off the bar kinyesi and...
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"No, no. Stop here! Right here is fine." Blair demanded, shifting uncomfortably in the leather seat.

She peered out of the tinted window at the school ahead. If Eleanor hadn't of started paying zaidi attention to her than usual, she wouldn't even be there. It didn't take a psychiatrist to know that she wasn't ready, not even close. But there she was, waiting in the town car, refusing to be driven to the front as usual.

Spotted: B finally resurfacing into society after a two week rest. Why wasn't she seen leaving her apartment until just this morning, wewe ask? Only time will tell. wewe know you...
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Something was wrong. Chuck had gone to Blair's after school yesterday and Dorota stopped him at the elevator, explaining that she was sick, and shouldn't have visitors. After listening to her scold him for not calling first, he took off. Today, she still wasn't at school and wasn't answering any of his calls au texts. Leaving her alone was a stupid decision. Of course something like this would happen. He was the only one, aside from Vanessa, who knew what was really wrong with her.

"Chuck?" A voice called from behind him. Serena. "Have wewe heard from Blair? She's still not answering any of my...
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