Sonic shabiki Characters Club
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The car spluttered and gave out, heaving to a shuddering halt.

"No, no, no!" The green hedgehog in the driver's kiti, kiti cha slapped the steering wheel repeatedly and urgently, looking fearfully between the instrument panel and the blacktop stretched out before the stalled vehicle. Whimpering, she attempted cranking the white Impala several times, all of which resulting in only gagging from the engine.

"…What's wrong?" I turned my gaze from the darkness outside to her quizzically, barely stopping the bemused smirk from appearing.

"The car's dead!" She answered, punching the steering wheel again and igniting a foghorn of a beep. Startled, she jumped halfway into my lap.

"No big deal." I replied reassuringly. "We can just call an auto service to come and pick us up." I felt awkward- she was touching me… I pushed her back to her side.

"Don't wewe get it?" She half-shrieked. I merely gazed back, indicating that I had absolutely no idea what she was talking about…


"There have been at least fifteen deaths on this road this month! Girls found pulled from their cars, mangled in heaps and broken on the roadside kwa morning… I don't want to die!" She choked, about to sob in terror of just a few stories. I mentally slapped myself before I could grin.

"I could check it out for you, if you'd like." I suggested gently, placing an ample hand on the door-handle. Her expression immediately changed.

"Would you? Oh, thank you!" She beamed, wiping at her eyes, cerulean pools of relief.

"Of course." Sliding the car door open, I climbed out and slammed the door back, then went around to the front of the car. She popped the kofia obligingly and I bent down to take a look. The battery still functioned, as the radio was blaring "Party in the U.S.A.", but the engine was fried.

Just as I intended.

Reaching a gray-turned-black hand into the bowels of the crippled vehicle, I yanked hard on a few wires.


And just like that, the interior of the car was plunged into darkness. A short scream from the hedgehog danced in my eardrums and I finally allowed the smirk to seep through my guise.

I was rewarded rather quickly, as the girl spent no time pulling herself from the car to look for me. Since I had not aliyopewa her a name, she had nothing to do but call "Hey!" and "Guy, where are you?"

This eventually faded to whimpering as she clicked a small flashlight on and strode hesitantly around to the hood. Peering emptily at the inner workings of her busted vehicle, she reached a tiny hand into the dark space, bent over, and began to fumble about for something.

I merely glared as I looked on, taking a step mbele so that I was directly behind her. I observed with amusement as her expression transformed, contorting into an absolutely horrified stare as her hand closed around the disconnected wiring.

Within the mgawanyiko, baidisha sekunde that her brain told the rest of her body to turn and that her body actually began the turn, I broke from my stealthily position, reached up, and, with a deadly smirk, ripped the safety bar to the side and slammed the kofia down on her head.

As I pulled it back up, a wheezing gasp came from the female as she staggered back. I only grinned zaidi and, placing one hand gently against the back of her head, pressed down with all my force, smashing her nose against the battery.

"Wha-what are y-you doing?" She shrieked, placing her hands on her broken nose and attempting to draw herself back up as blood began to seep down her face.

I only smiled sweetly in answer, roughly shoving her back down and digging one knee into her spinal cord to keep her there. Screaming muffled kwa the components I had her smothering against, she struggled hard.

However, I only rolled my eyes and nudged her head over so her neck lay against the locking mechanism.

"H-how-? Wh-why?" She began to bawl, wracking sobs felt between her body and my own. The only answer I gave was releasing the bonnet.

I kept her in my grip as the latch sliced through her neck, her windpipe collapsing on a desperate scream as blood poured from her massacred jugular. Her body convulsed below me as I added pressure to the hood, Bones crunching under the weight until her head hung limply against the interior of the kofia while the rest of her shook like a poorly conducted puppet.

Smirking as she went still, I stepped back to watch some of the liquid seep down to the bumper of the vehicle, staining it with crimson, then dribble onto the pavement. Laughing maniacally, I slunk back into the shadows and moved on.


Moving seamlessly through the apartment complex, I hung my head and allowed tears to seep forth, racing in rivers down my cheeks. To complete the guise, I had previously changed into a hoodie sweatshirt and jeans, creating a younger, zaidi innocent impression that I was so far from, it was no longer amusing.

Just as planned, I swept past the resident eight-year old Labrador pup. She cocked her golden-furred head at me curiously as I passed, then after a brief two-second pause…

"Hey, Mister!"


I stopped, but turned my face away, putting my heads in my hands and releasing a sob. She raced up and stopped before me, green pleated dress settling just at her knees.

"Hey… What's wrong?" Keeping that naïve little tilt to her head, she looked up at me with deep jade irises filled with a complete misunderstanding of the world.

The universe is chokoleti and Candy corn.

"N-nothing." I shook with another sob, keeping my face turned away.

"…Want to come and I'll make some warm milk? Mommy always says it makes people feel better." The girl looked at me, her forehead wrinkled in concern and confusion.

"…R-really? wewe w-would do th-that for m-me?"

"Uh-huh." She answered proudly, grinning happily.

"A-alright…" I agreed shakily, allowing her to worm her hand into my grasp.

kwa the time she led me back to her apartment, her parents were home.

"Isabelle, who's that?" The mother, a particularly beautiful icy-furred lupine questioned, locking her sapphire eyes onto me.

"My new friend. His name is…"

"S-Seth… My n-name's Seth." I answered.

"Seth… What a peculiar name… Hmm… Well, do come in." She smiled amiably and stepped back from the doorway to allow us in. Isabelle led me gently and almost excitedly to the mahogany jikoni meza, jedwali and motioned for me to take a seat. I obliged and sat down, peering at my surroundings with some air of nervousness.

"Honey! Who's that?" The husband called from the living room.

"Isabelle and her new friend." Isabelle dashed into the pango and announced her intentions.

"I'll be right back! Gotta take a bath!" The thud of her feet against the tiled floor reached my ears, flicking as they analyzed distance from the mere reverberation of the sound waves.

"So, Seth…" The husband stalked into the room, massive and black-furred with the very same eyes as Isabelle's. "You from around here?" He asked in an accusing manner.

"Y-yes, sir." Not particularly threatened, I met his gaze, though sniffled a little to stay in character.

"Randy! Leave the poor boy alone!" Just as the wife alisema this, a tan coffee mug was placed before me on the table. "Here, Seth. Drink up; I'm sure it'll make wewe feel better." The ashen dog smiled gently as she released the handle of the mug.

"Th-thank you." I gave her a solemn simper through the mamba tears. Something about me, probably that I kept the man's stare, set him off.

As he removed his eyes from me to cast a glare at his wife, I smoothly slipped my hand up and took a dull kisu from the table, then slid it back beneath and into my left sleeve. Within the inayofuata second, I performed the action of drinking from the cup, though I did not allow the liquid to pass behind my lips.

Within literally a few minutes, the couple was arguing, driven kwa a small bit of mental manipulation on my end. However, all I did was give them both a little tweak.

After sitting for a few moments in silence, I fell to temptation; the desperate need to get a little murderous overtaking my will to resist any longer. Standing from my seat, I immediately caught both of their attentions.

"…Didn't anyone tell wewe to never let a stranger within your doors? For every good person there is out there… There are always the intelligent ones too.” A sinister smile spread, my lips curling in anticipation as I allowed the kisu to slip into my awaiting palm.

All was silent. Until the world exploded in violent fury.

"GO!" The ebon dog shouted at his wife, who, with a shrill screech, dashed into the living room.


"GO!" He bellowed, charging at me.

With a sigh, I flitted out of the way and watched with a bored stare as he passed and flung himself into the jikoni table, which gave a shuddering crack on impact. I yawned, casually raising the kisu into a zaidi ready position.

When he came for me once more, I merely held my hand out and caught him kwa the throat before he could strike me. Clenching my fist closed, his chokaa eyes bulged from lack of air and he attempted to gasp, drawing his hands to his throat and feebly trying to pry himself from my grip.

I only tightened my hold in response, throwing him against the jikoni island and descending on him.

"Wh-what's wrong with you?" Randy coughed, leering up at me, horrified.

"It's always the same questions." I alisema simply, bending down beside him on one knee, my other digging into his chest. "Who are you? What are you? What's wrong with you?" I listed nonchalantly, lowering the kisu and placing it against his stomach. "How are wewe doing this? Why are wewe doing this? Why did wewe pick me?"

I pressed down on the knife, slowly and agonizingly working the dull blade through his skin. Randy howled and writhed in pain, struggling to get his hands on me, but I kept brushing them away.

"How could you? Don't wewe feel any mercy?" I broke through the membrane and plunged the kisu deeper into him, carving down from his rib cage.

Randy screamed and thrashed wildly to get away, but I refused to release him. "How? Why? What? Who?" I dragged on, cutting along deliberately to each word.

At that exact instant, the wife came back in, screaming, swinging a baseball bat with every intention on smashing my head into mere brain matter.

With a sigh, I took a step back, allowing her fell blow to fall on her husband rather than me. Laughing, I grinned at the look of horror on her face as Randy's features exploded in bright scarlet and blood began to flow through the wound she had delivered him.

Randy shouted her name over and over while I, within the blink of an eye, ripped his stomach open to expose his organs. Blood fountained up in a pool and began running down the sides of his chest cavity.

"Oh my God!" The wife, Ariel, shrieked and backed away into the ukuta behind her.

"God cannot save wewe now." I stated simply, grabbing her kwa the hair and yanking her to the floor.

Cackling somewhat loudly, I glared down at her with contempt as she scrabbled to get back to her feet, slipping on the blood all over the floor. With a backhanded slap, I sent her sprawling on the tile, and then pulled her head back up with a vicious jerk.

Dragging her over to her husband's twitching body; I knelt once more, digging my knee into his arm to prevent him from resisting anything zaidi I could do. Readjusting my grip so that I had a handful of hair Tangled up in my fingers, I shoved her head downward, into Randy's stomach.

Stupidly, she gasped, sucking in a lungful of blood. Obligingly, I pulled her back up, letting her choke, coughing on Randy's blood that she'd no doubt swallowed.

"R-Randy! Randy!" Ariel blubbered, tears mingling with the blood on her face. However, Randy had gone stark white, his own death being brought on kwa her struggling.

They were too stupid to realize this and, as wanyama usually do, kept on with their pathetic attempts to save themselves, in turn, killing each other.

My own dark laughter, disturbing gurgling from Ariel, and choked wheezing from Randy created melody muziki to my ears.

Ah, the sound of murder.

How quaint.

Ariel's body finally stopped twitching. Dripping blood, I rose from my knees, releasing her limp corpse to float in the lake created in the pit of her husband's cadaver.

Armed with nothing now but my bare hands, I padded to the bathroom and, after turning the knob and finding it locked, kicked the door in.

Isabelle stood in the center of the bathroom, expression contorting in shock and fear as I strode through the doorway, grabbed her kwa the neck, and slung her into the sliding glass door to the bathtub.

Blood painted the translucent glass with delicate liquid rubies as I allowed her head to slide to the side after the blow.

"Wh-what have wewe done? Where are Mum and Dad?" She screamed shrilly, stinging my sensitive ears. Angered kwa the high-pitched wail, I repeated the action, her skull giving a resounding crack as it impacted and shattered the glass.

Head lolling, her eyes rolled up in her head briefly as I stepped on her feet with one of my own and shoved her backwards.

She came to just as I roughly grabbed her arms once the upper half of her body was parallel to the ground. I pulled her hands towards me, in effect forcing her back into a zaidi acute angle, yanking until her back almost touched the back of her thighs.

Isabelle screeched the whole time in pain, up until something snapped, a disk dislocating in her spine, backbone snapping quite literally in half, blood beginning to leak from her mouth, splattering the white tile below.

Immediately, the howling ceased and she collapse uselessly under the pressure of gravity. I simply shoved her into the bathtub and, after pushing her head below water, took hold of her throat and tore, blood spilling into the water like chakula dye.

Bubbles ceased rising after a small amount of time, kwa which the water had become opaque, a red sheet of ice as I slowly pulled my hand from the depths. Nothing rose to the surface.


"It's my birthday." The young boy announced proudly, placing his hands on his hips and puffing his chest up proudly.

"Really?" I asked. "Happy Birthday." Silvery metal flashed before my eyes in an arc. His head hit the hardwood floor first, followed kwa his body.


"Wh-what are you?" She shrieked, eyes cloudy with tears and drunken fear.

"Your worst nightmare." My answer came with a snarl and, claws extended to their fullest, stabbed through her rib cage and tore out her heart.


A glimpse of a neon green shoe, part of a chokaa leg. Reached up and grabbed him kwa the ankles.

Dumb animal was below water before he knew what hit him.


Screams, howls in agony, fearful cries, desperate sobs for someone, something to save them. But in the dog days of summer, as they wait for September, no one will… no one ever will. Because I am the monster that will ensure their painful, gruesome, horrifying deaths.

Think wewe can escape?

…You can run, but not hide…

So run for your life.
posted by sonamybest357
 Ivory the hedgecat
Ivory the hedgecat
The end of the world began with a dream. I knew it was a dream because, unlike most humans and Mobians, my REM state, usually predicted the future, painful encounters, and sometimes even angry hordes of killer cows. (Long story)
    But back to the dream. The smell of corrosive flesh was prompted. Flames crackled along the base of the scraggy mountain, trapping me and my worst enemy in a towering prison of smoke and ash. The scorching heat did not bother me though; the only thing that disturbed me was my enemy. He would have disturbed anyone....
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 Castiel And Luana-Neko (c) Zero-Aka
Castiel And Luana-Neko (c) Zero-Aka
Peoples had asked me this alot times, that "How u so awesome?!" au "Where wewe get all your epic ideas?!" And those stuffs...~ Well, I think I'm gonna tell wewe now, how wewe could start make your imagination work. :)

1. Music/b]
- Well, muziki is definetly number one. I dont know, but do wewe guys never listen the lyrics of the songs, wewe like? Well, because I'm from Finland, my mother language isnt english. So, when I listen english muziki au some other country music, I cant help it, but listen those amazing lyrics and translate them and oh, you...
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posted by darkkhorn19
 A kitsune mask, similar to the one she wears.
A kitsune mask, similar to the one she wears.
Characters Full Name: Tataka Rakshasi
Reason au meaning of name: Tataka is the name used for a Rakshasa.
Nickname: Carcass
Reason for nickname: She is usually around the dead bodies of the recently deceased
Birthdate: ROC era 84
Astrological Sign: Aquarius
Age: 16 years old
How old does she appear: 16 years old
Eye Color: Dark grey/black
Hair color: Black with red, yellow and green streaks fading in and out as her hair grows
Distinguishable hair feature: Grows quickly
Type of hair: Fine
Typical hairstyle: Two long pigtails reaching her back with her hair usually covering one eye naturally.
Height: 170 centimetres...
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posted by MephilesTheDark
Just a orodha of everything on this club I hate. Opinions/comments welcome. Flames will be used to melt kitten flesh. All of the following are things I see a lot of on this club.

1. Hypersensitivity to gore.
2. Hypersensitivity to swears.
3. Hypersensitivity to sexual references.
4. Hypersensitivity to bi/gay/lesbian characters.
5. Dependence on religion.
6. Using religion as a 'rulebook.'
7. 'Randomness.'
8. Irrelevant content.
9. Irrelevant comments.
10. All the stupid, irrelevant shit on the wall.
11. Spam.
12. Attention seekers.
13. People who can't take a joke.
14. People who don't understand sarcasm....
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Just a recap I'm sonic I went too shadow academy but I died a terrifying death my Marafiki were sad but we'll stay tuned.

I was looking for my Marafiki then I saw tails he alisema SONIC YOUR ALIVE!!I replied yes?Tails showed my other friends.they were excited.I went to school and tails got a A+ and a 300/10 for engineering.I went nyumbani this time without getting killed.I went to bed.When I woke up a terrifying creature was standing in my room I told it to get out it alisema in a scary and deep voice YOU'VE MADE A BIG MISTAKE!!! I was blasted away and a kobe, kasa with a button on his shell alisema hello!!when I went to school a guy alisema EVERYBODY DO THE FLOP! A muffin, mkate ule ulikuwa mtamu a kubeba and a can of marmite fell on there face.I ran nyumbani and alisema I gotta stop this then a taco alisema WHERE'S MY MONEY!!!!and well this is a cliffhanger so I can't tell wewe what happened until the inayofuata one. The end?
Hi I'm sonic and I'm telling wewe the story how I caused a rip in the ASDF movie universe.

One siku when I was 16 I when to shadow acadmy™.I met tails What's your name?I asked he whispered miles. and I knew we would be friends.A guy named knuckles asked if I knew da wae (I think he was ugandan)I alisema no then the kengele rang.I rushed to class when I bumped into somebody.he alisema in a mean voice hujambo wewe MADE ME TRIP!!!! Tails stood up to him.Pick on someone your on size CREEP!The teacher alisema I was late.tails told the teacher it all.The worst part about today was swimming class I can not swim but my friend I met in kindergarten Kirby was a pro!I got a F- for swimming a A+ for running class a B+ for uandishi and a A+ for basketball.I went nyumbani and clicked on the TV villager news was on then a black figure came in my house and killed me my Marafiki were sad.I know what your thinking how the heck are telling me this well this the beginning goodbye for now.The end?
posted by TakTheFox
Name: Yinela {Balanced Grace} Elady {Noble darkness Graceful Light } Waktini

Age at beginning of story (Second Mobius Academy): 17

Appearance: Yinela is a half-breed of Banshee and Nighless. She has large ears with black tuffs at the tips. Her fur, manyoya is a mainly a pale cream color, with a yellow tuft of fur, manyoya at her forehead. Her eyes are slit green crescent-moons, and she has large spine-like wituls at the back of her head, as well as on her arms and legs. Her tail is large and poofy, and her hair is a very dark blue.

She is tall, at the height of 4’9, and has regular wide Banshee arms and legs,...
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posted by SpiritTheCat
Basic Info:
Spirit The Cat is an eleven-year-old turquoise cat. She has a long-standing relationship with Frostbite The fox, mbweha , whom acts as a mother figure, despite Spirit's mature nature and independence. Her main weapon is 'Soul fire', the name of purple flame-like orbs she can summon that do not burn, but actually feel quite cold.

Spirit is a emotionless, mature girl, with a very disinterested attitude, regarding most matters. However, her distant attitude and reluctance to speak about her feelings can work against her, and she often finds that people do not understand her true intentions....
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posted by neosparky
???:bring in number 1758
minion: okay pleasedonthurtme..
*walks out and a few moments later walks in holding a young knocked out 12 mwaka old wolf*
???: perfect he will become my best one yet *holds up a small red crystal* and this will help me do it
* as the purple echidna finishes she shoves the sharp red crystal into the boy's arm where it sinks in*
weeks later....
*the huge metal jagged crown shaped fortress is gleaming in the sun as a blue hedgehog is running through hordes of cyborg mutants*
Rush(the hedgehog):Queen!!! I know you're in there free them unharmed
Queen((the purple echidna) hologram)):...
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posted by scougesgirl
Don't ask in the comments. There's a place. This ones really short sorry. Okay, silver's the host. Ashton and shadow bicker a lot so if it's annoying wewe maoni so I can beat the snout out of them. Let's go.

Silver: From AmeliaRose2002
To shadow, if Amy was your girlfriend would wewe call her stupid?
Shadow: that's hard. I do like amy a little be she's annoying so probably
Ashton: then her piko piko hammer hits you.
Silver: should I say I agree with Ashton au am I going to get hit.
Both: shut up, silver.

Silver: From AmeliaRose2002
To Ashton, why do wewe have an axe?
Ashton: why? We'll long story short, I needed it to hit Shadsy with when he's bad.
Shadow: when am I ever bad?
Ashton: lots of times.
Ashton:*hits him with her axe's blunt end*
Silver:*holding head* ow!
Shadow: bye
Ashton: mbwa mwitu girl out
Silver : bye bye
posted by TakTheFox
It is still screaming from after the two knives stuck in its chest. I cannot stand to listen to the screaming. I yank the knives out, and fall backward. I feel weak. My arms will not lift, and my legs will not either. The creature still screams, and as it continues to do so I feel weaker and weaker. I feel so ill; I want to leave the room but it’s like the screaming is keeping me here, making me listen to it. It is a punishment, like what the arms did to my thumb, and I deserve it.

I cannot even bring myself to speak, to say sorry to the creature. I try to and all that comes out are whimpers....
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posted by AceRider
Algore Zon Kai is a 17 mwaka old dragon that was born on East Dragon Raw raised kwa his mother, Magnolia, along with his younger brother, Alvor.
His father, Astarot, was killed when he was younger. This information driven him to train and get stronger to find the man who killed his father, and make him suffer. He took part in a tournament held on Central Dragon Raw when he was 10 years old. This tournament was to determined who the strongest of the dragoni would be, and earn the title, " Unstoppable Force." Algore fought through many of powerful opponents, winning ever time. This is where his...
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posted by TakTheFox
“They’ll hurt me again.” I argue. “A-and we don’t know if they’re really going to have a room, do we?”

Chowder seems more… s-…st-stubborn with his look about making me go into the ceiling. Mickey seems upset. They don’t tell me anything at first. They must have been thinking it over. So while they do that I also think it over.

I want to help but I don’t want to be grabbed kwa the arms again. My thumb was still hurting. What will happen if the arms get me this time? Will they take me away from Mickey and chowder again? Will this be the last time I see them? It scares me…...
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added by roxyangelthefox
Source: Me
added by TakTheFox
Source: ME! THE AIR! PIE!
added by XxKeithHarkinxX
Source: Me, XxKeithHarkinxX
added by XxKeithHarkinxX
Source: Me, XxKeithHarkinxX
added by Shadow-Lvr
“You alisema something about a song?”

“Yeah so?”

“Could you… sing it au something?”

“Um… well, it’s not really… a happy song.”

“Would it be okay though?”

“… I suppose so. I actually don’t really know where I learned it from but I can’t really forget it.”

“It’s that bad?”

“Well… for me it is, I don’t know how you’d react to it.”

“You don’t have to if it makes wewe feel bad.”

“No it’s alright. I can’t just leave wewe hanging after baiting like that. *sigh* Alright…”

The warriors run down the small town,
They lay to rest all the men’s hope....
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posted by unknown99
Natural the Hedgehog, her name was not found until she was 6 due to her powers to speed up growth of plants at a mass production. In the City of Nature, she was grown with full of nature, plants and animals. She was a cheerful and honest girl. She was sent to Andromedian Pyrokinetic Academy after her name was found. She was scared to see all the technology inside the academy. She stayed in her room for the first siku and didn't want to come out until the inayofuata day, she has begun to adapt to the electronical surrounding. Her studies were normal espacially biology (since her powers was nature and...
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