Harry Potter dhidi ya Twilight Club
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So I am kusoma reasons as to why Twilight mashabiki think Twilight is better than Harry Potter. I just want to make it clear; there is a big difference between liking one series better than another, and one series actually being better than another. I also want to reply to some of the zaidi common ones I've seen.

"Twilight has zaidi love!"
Okay, Twilight does not have zaidi upendo than Harry Potter kwa any means. Twilight has a lot of obsessive lust, which is often mistaken for love, but they are quite different.

Why is their relationship lust? Why isn't it love?

Well, what do Bella and Edward do together? They stare at each other, and they talk about who loves the other more, and they make out, and, in Breaking Dawn, they make upendo to each other. That's really about it. The reason they meet is because Bella looks across the cafeteria, notices that he's the hottest guy in school, and automatically decides that he is the only one good enough for her. Edward realizes he cannot read her mind, and he wants to invade her privacy (he makes up for being unable to stalk her thoughts kwa stalking her physically and watching her sleep), and he realizes she smells good, which is another bonus for him. Another thing to note; Bella ignores the fact that Edward was a complete jerk to her for reasons unknown to her the first time they met. The hot guy is talking to her! And he's hot! He must upendo her! (Me: *groans*)

Do Bella and Edward share common interests? We do not know, because they never talk about each other's interests, likes, dislikes, hobbies, etc. Maybe this is due to the fact that neither really has any hobbies au interests outside of each other. In that case, why don't they go out and do something together? They can try new things, travel, go out on a date, etc. They didn't even know each other for long before claiming their “eternal love” for each other. They had four conversations, to be exact.

Also, all they ever talk about is each other's physical appearances. They never sit and talk about things (outside of each other's looks), au joke around, au get to know each other. What does Bella really know about Edward? What does Edward really know about Bella? Sure, they could both describe the other perfectly without hesitation, but beyond that, both of them are pretty clueless.

In Breaking Dawn, Bella is uncharacteristically happy at the moment when Edward is in the most misery and pain. How is this so? If she loved him as much as she thinks she does, she would have known; nobody can hide that much pain from their true love. Either she didn't care, which shows that she is selfish and only loves Edward's hotness, au she is just oblivious, which shows that she does not know him and therefore cannot truly upendo him for any reason other than his good looks, which would be called lust.

One zaidi thing; each seems to think of the other as perfect. What's wrong with that, wewe ask? Well, a lot, frankly. When wewe upendo someone, wewe are not blind to their flaws; rather, wewe upendo them despite their flaws. If wewe are blind to your partners flaws, it shows that wewe do not know them, and it shows that the relationship does not go past lust. In real love, wewe know your partners flaws, and wewe accept them, and wewe upendo your partner anyway.

In New Moon, Edward dumps Bella. Not only does Bella feel heartbroken; she goes way overboard. She goes into “zombie-mode” for four months, refusing to speak to anyone, including Marafiki and family. Who knew it was possible for her to have even less of a life than she had before? wewe may think, “oh, she's just devoted to him!” No. Just, no. What this really shows is that she is weak and completely dependent. So what does this have to do with her relationship to Edward? The moment Jacob – the inayofuata hottie in town – starts paying her attention, she automatically feels better. That proves the relationship to be lust. All she really wants is a hot guy looking after her. However, Edward is hotter than Jacob, so he's still the one on her mind.

Now, let's look at some upendo in Harry Potter. Ron and Hermione end up as a couple. They knew each other for years, and they had a little crush on each other since mwaka one. However, they started off as friends. Not all relationships must be this way, but this is a good way to begin one. Both knew everything about each other. Ron knew all about Hermione's interests, likes, dislikes and hobbies, and vice versa. They have done many things together, and they know each other inside and out. They are aware of each others flaws, but accept them and upendo each other anyway. With Harry and Ginny, they knew each other for a while, but only became really close Marafiki in Harry's fifth mwaka (Ginny's fourth year). Harry and Ginny loved playing Quidditch together, loved talking and joking around with each other, and loved each other despite their flaws. Harry does not completely obsess over Ginny and what she is doing every moment of every siku (which is a sign of obsessiveness, which relates to lust zaidi than it does to love), but he does worry about her safety when he is in tafuta of the horcruxes.

Then, there is Snape's upendo for Lily. This is a very painful relationship, for she does not upendo him back. Snape accepts the fact that Lily went with another man, even if that man happened to be his worst enemy, because he knew Lily was happier that way. It destroyed him, but he didn't once try to stop her. His upendo for Lily ultimately turned him against Voldemort, and he made it his life's effort to protect Harry; the boy he hated for being Jame's son, yet loved for being Lily's son. He protected Harry at all costs, in the name of Lily, and fought firmly against Voldemort, so that Lily would not die in vain.

Then there is parental love; Molly killing Bellatrix singlehandedly to protect her children, Lily sacrificing her life for her son, when she could have continued to live had she turned him over. Xenophilius gave up on everything he believed in to save his daughter (Luna) and even the Lucius and Narcissa Malfoy did whatever it took to ensure the safest future for their son (Draco). There is friendship love; Harry doing everything he can to protect Ron and Hermione, Ginny (before they were in love) and Luna and Neville and everyone else he cares for, and them doing the same for him (and for each other). Couples such as Lupin x Tonks and Bill x Fleur loved each other despite the fact that Bill was horribly scarred kwa Fenrir Greyback, and despite the fact that Lupin was a werewolf; despite the fact that Bellatrix desperately wanted to kill her cousin (Tonks) for marrying an “impure” wizard. There is familial love; look at the Weasleys! Also, Dumbledore loved Ariana, and what happened to her really tormented him even as an old man. There is gay love; Dumbledore and Grindelwald, most likely. Then, look at Harry's sacrifice! He was willing to let himself die to save everyone he loved, and even people he didn't even know! Lord Voldemort's defeat happened not because Harry was so much zaidi advanced in magic than Voldemort. It was because Voldemort could not understand love, so therefore he underestimated it's power.

The only thing Twilight has zaidi than Harry Potter is romance. However, that does not make Twilight a better book. That is a matter of preference. The reason having zaidi upendo does make Harry Potter better is because Twilight attempted to make the perfect form of love, but failed horribly, for it was not even love. It was romance.

The main character is easier to relate to!
I understand why people might say this. Twilight is written in the First Person (which means, “I did this, I alisema that” as opposed to, “He did this, he alisema that.”) Some people feel as if they can relate to the protagonist better this way because they can know the characters thoughts directly.

However, I do not think it works here. What is so relatable about a girl who does nothing? She has virtually no friends; the few that she does have she ignores the majority of the time anyway. She has no hobbies; she sits around staring at her boyfriend all day. No, cooking and cleaning are not hobbies the way she does them. If she were cooking for the sheer joy of making delicious dishes, that would be a hobby. However, she does it because it is the “mature” thing to do (more like, the anti-feminist thing to do, but that's another story). pikipiki, mashindano ya pikipiki does not count either. She doesn't motorcycle because she loves motorcycling; she does it because she wants to hear her boyfriends voice in her head. She was planning on giving it up, had she not wanted to keep leading on Jacob (she had to please him in order to lead him on and use him more). Hermione never even considered giving up reading. Even when they went to find Voldemort's horcruxes, though it was an extremely dangerous journey, she insisted on packing “a library” full of vitabu with them (as quoted kwa Ron). What is so relatable about being instantly the most maarufu girl at your knew school, despite the fact that you've spoken to nobody? What is so relatable about having so many people adore you, even though wewe rarely ever bother to speak to them?

Though wewe may not be able to put yourself in Harry's shoes, there are aspects about him in which wewe can relate to. We can all relate to getting bullied. We can all relate to getting into fights. We can all relate to having bad relationships (well, if you're of the right age yet). We can all relate to feeling outcast. We can all relate to dealing with loss. Then, there are a lot of us who can relate to loving a sport (or another hobby) so much that we are willing to lose sleep (or possibly health) in order to pursue it. We can all relate to having Marafiki wewe cannot imagine being without. We can all relate to the mood swings of our teenage years.

Harry has flaws, which makes him a relatable character. Some of his flaws include angst, being impulsive, disregarding the rules, and laziness when it comes to school work. This gives him a strong personality, and we can picture him as being a real person. He has a hobby (which can even, at times, be considered a passion) which is Quidditch. He has many relationships with other characters (friendship, love, lust, admiration, competition, dislike, etc.) Bella does not have this, making her character horribly unrealistic.

Bella is a great role model!
Again, I have to disagree with this. I do not see how she is a good role model. She:
-Gets pregnant as a teenager
-Skips college to marry her boyfriend right out of high school
-Abuses her friends

The first two don't really need explanation. The third, however, may raise some eyebrows. When does Bella ever abuse her friends?

Well, there's Jessica. Yeah, I know, Jessica didn't like Bella either. That is not the point here. Bella just arrives at school, and just before her instant popularity kicks in, Jessica is the very first person to talk to her, give her a place to sit at lunch, and introduce her to people. What does Bella do in response? She doesn't try to keep up with what Jessica is saying, and she doesn't even try to remember the girl's name! She also automatically classifies her as shallow, then refuses to see her in any other way. Then, in New Moon, Bella takes Jessica to the movies. There, Bella puts Jessica in potential danger to try to hear her boyfriend's voice. If Jessica really were a bad friend who didn't care about Bella, she would have left. She would have run away. But she didn't. She stayed right kwa Bella's side, despite the fact that she was terrified and aware of the fact that Bella had been using her. This shows her to be extremely brave and loyal. In thanks, what does Bella do? Bella decides that because Jessica is pissed off at Bella for putting her in danger selfishly, she must be a shallow bitch, kahaba without giving the situation a sekunde thought.

There is Mike Newton. Yes, he can be annoying, and I totally understand what that is like. However, when she invites him to the sinema with Jacob, she stands kwa and does nothing as Jacob verbally harasses her “friend” and laughs along with him.

Then there is Jacob himself. In Twilight, she flirts with him to get information from him. Yeah, it's not nice, but for the most part, it is harmless. In New Moon, however, she wants to hear Edward's voice. She can only trust a hot guy with anything of importance, so she uses him to build her a motorcycle so that she can put herself at risk to hear her boyfriend's voice. In Eclipse, she has already been engaged to Edward. Now, if Bella were nearly as mature as Stephenie Meyer would like us to think she is, she would have told Jacob that she was not interested in a relationship because she was already engaged. However, she did not do this. She continued to lead Jacob on, flirting with him, messing with his head, only to break his heart. She did so ruthlessly; she chose the time when he was in the most pain to break the news to him. When she kisses him back, she did so knowing that she was only going to end up hurting him more, and that she was cheating on Edward kwa doing this. Now, wewe could say, “But Bella felt so guilty all the times she used him!” Do wewe really think that gives her the right to do it again? Okay, sure, use someone, feel sorry for a few minutes, then that gives wewe the right to do it all over again? I'm sorry, but that isn't how it works.

Now, I want to mention that Bella is kwa no means a good parent. First off, she doesn't care that Jacob Imprinted on her baby. She doesn't care that he will be a Child Groomer, with her baby as a victim. No; she is angry because she doesn't like the nickname he gave her! Seriously? This proves that Bella is shallow, and that she is not actually in upendo with her baby; she is in upendo with the idea of having a baby. Also, she doesn't care for her baby. I realize that it is her honeymoon. That doesn't change the fact that she is being an irresponsible parent. Instead, she spends her time making upendo with her boyfriend like a nymphomaniac. I do not think it is because the baby has human blood. If Bella was “miraculously” (more like, speshul-snowflake-Mary-Sueishly) able to refrain from eating people in the middle of hunting, and she was able to refrain from eating her dad (another full human), she should be perfectly fine around her baby. But no; she comes in every once in a while to stare at the baby's beauty, then goes back to making upendo with Edward again.

One last note; Bella is utterly anti-feminist, and therefore a bad role model to girls. She doesn't upendo Edward, but she certainly depends on him (or at least some hot guy. Jacob will do, I guess). She is unable to do anything kwa herself besides cooking and cleaning. She cannot drive. She cannot walk leisurely without getting herself into trouble. She surely cannot defend herself from even the tiniest paper cut. What does she do all day? She happily cooks and cleans for her father, who sits on the kitanda drinking beer, cleaning a gun, watching football. May I ask how this is not anti-feminist? Stephenie Meyer seems intent on saying, “Bella is feminist because she has a choice.” I beg to differ. Bella does not have a choice. Edward and/or Jacob force(s) her into things. All Edward has to do is bat his “liquid topaz” eyes at her, and she feels obligated to do whatever she is told. Often times, he outsmarts her in order to get her to do what she wants. Sometimes, he has to physically enforce it (this is called abuse). Times like this include:
-Removing the engine from her truck to prevent her from seeing Jacob just because he is jealous (he actually admits it later on, so don't go on about how “but he's an immature werewolf!” If he admits it himself, it's pretty much proven already)
-Forcing painkillers on her in the hospital when she clearly does not want them just to shut her up
-Bribes Alice into kidnapping Bella to prevent her from seeing Jacob
-Literally dragging her to his car kwa the back of her jacket, and threatening that if she tries to escape, he'll only drag her back (forcing her to let him drive her home)

Edward is hot! Harry is a nerd!
A character being good looking does not make one book better than another. James Potter is better looking than Charlie, does that make Harry Potter better? Lily is better looking than Renee, does that make Harry Potter better? Luna is better looking than Angela, does that make Harry Potter better? (I do believe Harry Potter is better, but for different reasons) Character appearances are not what makes a character so great. It's the personality that counts. Edward's personality is not something to brag about; stalkerish, abusive, creepy, arrogant, rude, cowardly, selfish, overly angsty, and his intelligence only comes from kusoma other people's minds because he doesn't have any of his own. We upendo Harry for his personality, not his looks (though his looks, while not amazingly handsome, aren't quite bad either. He looks passable, at least). His personality, though... now that is hot. He is extremely brave, loyal, good hearted, caring, slightly mischievous, selfless, passionate, loving and perfectly protective (not overly, but just the right amount). He has his flaws, but we upendo those parts of him too! They are what make him Harry!

Also, why do people believe Harry is a nerd? Is it because he wears glasses?

What do wewe think of the fact that he is The Chosen One, he defeated Voldemort as an infant and as a 17 mwaka old, he is the start of the Quidditch team (and one of the best players in the school), he has saved everyone's butt's many times over, he won The Triwizard Tournament, etc. How is any of this nerdy? He isn't a book worm au anything, in fact, quite the contrary (Hermione is not a nerd either; she's too know-it-all-ish to be a nerd. But I upendo that girl anyway for many other reasons. Flaws are very good for character development). He is defiant to the teachers he doesn't like. He actually once got himself kicked off the Quidditch team (along with Fred and George) for beating up Draco when he was particularly angry with that boy (of course, it was Umbridge who kicked him off, so he got right back on the team quickly enough). Harry killed a Basilisk with Gryffindor's Sword, helped Sirius escape from Azkaban's dementors, and taught a whole club of students how to defend themselves (boys AND girls). He aliiba an egg from a dragon as well. He is known for having a disregard towards the rules. On juu of all of that, he has many girls all over him. What about the upendo potions being smuggled to him? Cho was his first official girlfriend, but girls were looking to impress him long before that. Then he ends up with Ginny Weasley; the most desired girl in the entire school. The thing is, he actually loves her with all his heart. He's not just with her because he's the cool guy. He really, truly loves her.

How is that nerdy?

Please, feel free to debate! I'll be polite to you, and I won't judge you... as long as wewe are polite to me and don't call me an idiot au anything. Thank wewe for kusoma this! (If wewe actually made it all the way through... it's really long, lol :D)
posted by mr-cullen
NOTE:copied from web site.
if same makala is there tell me i will remove this

1) Sperm are living cells that need to be reproduced. If wewe have been dead for a hundred years such as Edward Cullen your sperm would be LONG dead. Also sperm needs protein, something Edwards body has no need for. If Edward has no sperm, how did he conceive Renessme?

2) 23 and 24 chromosomes does not produce a healthy off spring. Nessie either had a genetic disorder would of died.

3) If Jasper shouldn't of been around people why did he go to school. The Cullen family lived in the middle of no where. I'm sure they could...
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First of all, Harry Potter has suspense and is not entirely predictable. How many of wewe thought Quirrell was the bad guy in Philosopher's Stone instead of Snape? Not many, I think. How many of wewe thought Sirius Black was evil in Prisoner of Azkaban? A lot. Now that my point is made, I'll ask wewe this: how many of wewe knew Bella swan would choose Edward instead of Jacob? Possibly zaidi than a half of wewe if not ninety percent. Twilight is very predictable.

On that note, I'll say that Harry Potter has a very complex plot, spun together kwa interesting events unlike Twilight, where the only events...
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NOTE: copied from web site

How come moody see through the invisibility vazi, pazia in 4th mwaka when it was supposed to be one of the Hallows.

How come all the order members apparate inside the hog’s head when the air around was supposed to become thick and Harry was not able to disparate from there.

One supplementary, also on the same night when children were evacuated from Hogwarts, how can they disparate all the children (again the same reason for not being apparating according to me.)

Why Dumbledore’s wand was not snapped in two when he was buried as it was tradition in wizards to snap the wand...
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posted by sharon-sel
Avatar is the highest-grossing film of all-time, with a global gross of almost $2.8 billion, and ten films have grossed in excess of $1 billion. All the films presented here have had a theatrical run in the last twenty years, and films that have not played during this period do not appear in the chart due to ticket-price inflation, population size and ticket purchasing trends not being considered. Gone with the Wind—first released in 1939—has earned $3.3 billion globally when adjusted to contemporary prices, making it the best all-time performer at the box office.[10] The most represented...
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Yeah, I know there's already one of these in this club, but I'm going to do another one. :)
Just a few points on certin parts of Twilight.

Bella Swan-
Oh dear me, Bella Swan. When one says her name, what comes to your mind? A young heroine? A clumsy sweetheart? au perhaps a useless idiot?
For me, the latter comes to my head. I don't like Bella as a person, and feel she is lacking in certin qualities I admire in the hero of a story. But, why should the main character be a good person in order for the storyline to be good? I myself, am a huge shabiki of the Harry Potter books, do not like Harry himself...
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posted by slytherin713
Twilight au Harry Potter? That's all I see here. And here are some "reasons" each of us came up with.
NOTE: I'm a HP fan, nothing against Twilight though.

•Edward is hot.
ME: Umm...not really to me...wait..books au movies?
•JK Rowling failed at love.
ME: Lily Evans gave her life for Harry, and lots more.
•It has a upendo triangle.
ME: Well...HP has upendo triangles too. Hermione, Lavender, Ron. Harry, Ginny, Cho. Cho, Harry, Cedric. Severus, Lily, James. And LOADS more.
•Harry Potter is only about a fairy tale. It has a boy who raises a stick in the air and never dies.
ME: Well...vampires...
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People keep on saying that Bella has no flaws. What about being clumsy? They also say that she's codependent, and she's anti-feminist. Aren't those flaws?

I just don't get why people say that Bella has no flaws, yet at the same time, they point out her flaws.

Also, they say that the Twilight vitabu have no plot. Please tell me why they have no plot.

Twilight: Bella meets Edward. They fall in upendo and Bella meets the parents. James smells Bella and wants to kill her. Edward eventually kills Bella and reverses the vampire transformation.

New Moon: Edward leaves Bella. Jacob is apparently a werewolf....
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1. When a twilight shabiki says 'twilight rocks' say 'rocks made of twilight?'
2. Go up to a twilight fan, scream 'Bella! Bella! BELLA!!!! YOU'RE AWESOME!!!!' when they say 'I know right!' say 'Oh no I meant Bellatrix'
3. Ask them all maswali about twilight that wewe can think of. When they ask why say 'I'm doing a book ripoti on the most boring vitabu of the world'
4. Get all the boys and twilight haters (better for them to be Harry Potter fans) to start saying 'Edward, Edwardo, Eddibear, sparkle sparkle'
5. Say that wewe hate Stephanie Meyer, she's a horrible mwandishi and her vitabu make want to poke...
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posted by twilightlover73
WARNING This makala might be quite offensive to twilight, so if you're a shabiki of twilight (especially if you're one of these crazy fangirls) please do not waste your time to read this and comment. I know there's no point of me telling wewe this because you'll read and maoni anyways, but at least I tried.

Dear characters of twilight,

Bella, please get a life. When peoples' upendo leave them, they try to stay strong and keep fighting for what is worth it like Hermione did. They do not curl up in the fetal position and go numb for weeks like wewe did.

Edward, wewe think you're hot when wewe sparkle?...
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posted by KateKicksAss
I first found out about the Twilight novels about four years ago. I was at an event with a raffle, and I’d acquired several raffle tickets, and was looking through the raffle items. I came across copies of Twilight and Eclipse that were being raffled off. I’d never head of the Twilight Series before, as this was before they’d become really popular, and I loved reading, so I put my tickets into the raffle for Twilight.
I wasn’t really surprised when I won, since I’d put three tickets in, and only a few other people had entered.
I got nyumbani and began kusoma Twilight, and then when I was...
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A few years back I read an makala about Robert Pattinson and Rupert Grint and a bet.

Actually it's about what the loser got to do when they lose the bet rather than the bet itself(it was never really mentioned,anyway).

Here's what the makala says:

Despite the chilly weather, we got to chat with Rupert while he waited for some friends. hivi karibuni reports about this famous redhead stripping down for his upcoming film "Cherrybomb" had Rupert grinning, "No, actually it was really cool, even though that was a very intense kind of scary moment. I was nervous but everything came out great."

We quickly asked...
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So, wewe like Harry Potter? What about Twilight?
I've read (and watched) them both.
When I was twelve I picked up a paper back cover of "Twilight" at the airport for something to read on my plane ride home. I did become quite infatuated with the series, tearing through the second, third and fourth books. I went on this shabiki club on my old account (which I have long since abandoned) and talked trash about Harry Potter, and talked about how wonderful Twilight was. I talked about Twilight like it was my Bible, and mocked Harry Potter (which I knew inayofuata to nothing about). However, when I was thirteen,...
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posted by spongebob105
Did wewe ever think that dumbledore was useing harry potter? Well he did! As wewe can see in snape's thoughts that he did. Dumbledore alisema that he was like a pig up for slauter! I mean who is mean to say that au act twards that person. WELL HE DID!

He doesn't realy think about what would he feel if he was steping into his shoes. I mean come on. He thinks he so COOL that he has the elder wand. HE'S A NORMAL PERSON FOR CRYING OUT LOUD!

Well now getting back to the subject. Dumbledore is a MEAN person so if wewe want to find out your self then go to chapter that says "Snape's Memories"
Arthur Weasley: Father of 7 kids, loves his wife Molly, works hard to make ends meet and never seen lying around the house like some Husbands, although low-income, he continues to be positive and happy about life, loyal, jokes around sometimes, there for his children, offers to be a father figure to Harry, never gives up, and [on a side-note] very accepting of others. He also gives advice as well and doesn't let enemies get him down.

Charlie Swan: Has only 1 daughter, divorced and never thought on dating anyone else, when he's not working he either hunts au sits all siku drinking bia and watching...
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 She's pro-Twilight!
She's pro-Twilight!
So yes... this is the interview I did with KatiiCullen94... enjoy! I added a few pics as well.

 Her inayopendelewa character: Jacob Black
Her inayopendelewa character: Jacob Black

1) What is your reaction for winning FOTM?

Well, I'm awfully surprised, and Happy. I've never won au parcipated in something like this. Like I'm responsible for the FOTM for the Kristen Stewart Club, but I'm the Interviewer not the other way round. I diddn't think I was even nominated :)

2) Tell us about yourself.

Well, My name is Kaitlyn. But my nickmane is Keppie (K-Kaitlyn, E- Elizabeth, PP-Pead, IE- Cause it's cute)
I'm 16, And I'm Australian. That's the basics....
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posted by KateKicksAss
**If Twilight HAD gone this way, we wouldn't have gotten past book one!**

Bella: *walking into Forks High School* Oh, look, that guy is kind of hot. His name's Edward? Oh well, who cares anyway? There's zaidi to life than hot guys. au guys in general.

Bella: Oh, look, i'm really maarufu for some reason. Well, these people seem okay. I'll be a good friend, and not ignore people au treat them like crap, and DEFINITELY not ditch them to hang out with my some guy.

Edward: I upendo wewe Bella. Hey, wanna go out with me?

Bella: Um, creepy much? *sigh* Fine, i'll go out with you.

Bella: Okay, you're nice...
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posted by Aquilia
Oh do wewe not see, the language so cruciated,
kwa your most unfortunate attempt in grammars?
Do wewe believe, for that moment that we're mirthed?
Well, then wewe are as mistaken as the Balaclava Brits.

Don't wewe see, your own insults to your common decency?
Do wewe not hear, our desperate attempts to save your sanity?
I hope wewe hear, I must hope wewe see.
But I think, wewe only see your vanity.

Vanity, vanity, everything vanity...
But then where are your humanity? The World wonder'd...

Dedicated to iluvtwilight, ellietwilight12 and every other rabid shabiki in the whole wide world. I plead to you: Stop this madness...

Inspiration: Alfred, Lord Tennyson; the Charge of the Light Brigade
Okay so first of i am going to say again i am a shabiki of both.But if wewe would ask me what i like better i think it would probably be Harry Potter.But i want to hear out why do wewe dislike/hate(tho hate it's to of a strong word for a book/movie)Twilight.I want solid arguments not such as : cause the Wanyonya damu there sparkle , like this Twilight mashabiki could just say 'because Harry has a scar' au 'because they go to a school of magic' au 'because all death eaters are black(mostly)' i mean these are arguments just so wewe can say something.I tend to believe these days people hate/dislike Twilight just because others do.And i will ask wewe nicely and be thankful if wewe could tell me why wewe don't like it at all/hate it.
Dear Stephenie Meyer,
First I would like to thank wewe for taking the time to read my letter. It means a lot to me. In this letter, I would like to explain why I do not like the Twilight series and how it did have room for improvment.
The main problem I had with the series is how Bella and Edward's upendo is shown to be ideal, when in fact, it's unhealthy. Throughout the books, we do not get any insight on their hobbies and likes/dislikes. The problem with this is that we do not know if Edward au Bella share any common interests to be considered perfect for each other. In fact, they only had...
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posted by GemonkDruid
Twilight fans, this is a debate spot. So DEBATE. There are a few issues I see at this spot concerning wewe guys:

- Saying it's better because Edward/Jacob is hot

Okay, those kind of arguments are instantly invalid, coz beauty is subjective and depends on one's perspective. Also, can wewe actually SEE what they look like in the book series? Nope. And the inside of the person is what really counts.

- Saying it's better coz it's a upendo story

What Bella and Edward have is not love, it's infatuation. They only like each other because of how the other person looks like/smells. They never chit-chat like...
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