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posted by mephiles97

Name: Literate
If character has one, REAL name: N/A

Gender: Male
Birthdate: He's never alisema when his birthday is.
Age currently: 18
Age at beginning of story: 17
Age character appears to be: 18


Species: Porcupine

Primary Color (Main fur/skin): Blackish-Bluish
Secondary Color (Mouth, chest, ect.): Pale silver

Eye-color: Deep blue
Other Eye-details: Sometimes his eyes look rather glazed over.

Does character have hair?: Yes
(If so, the following)
Color of hair: Very similar to his main fur, manyoya color, but slightly lighter blue.
Style of hair: His hair has spikey, thin bangs of porcupine-style quills that hang down slightly, and his hair in the back sticks out much like porcupine quills, though these "quills" are quite long, and very thin.
Does character have this type of hair often?: Usually
If not, what other types/colors are there?: Sometimes he tries different hairstyles, but the one describe here is the usual and his favorite.

Height: 4.8
Weight: 110

Scars/Markings (Tattoos, ect.): He has small scars on his shoulders, elbows, and knees where his Bones have cut through his skin before, but these scars go unnoticed most of the time due to the fact that he is almost always wearing an outfit that prevents these from being viewed (Examples: Jeans and a sleeve kwa muda mrefu, kola muda mrefu shirt).

Distinguishing features: If they're seen, his scars; either that au his twisted bones, which give him a rather unusual way to bend, depending on what he tries to bend (His fingers are most noticeable).

Body type (Fat, skinny, healthy, fair, ect.): Skinny/scrawny, appears underfed

Tail?: Yes
If so, how long?: About 9 inches
If so, how many?: One

Accent: While usually American, he sometimes (tries) mimics other accents such as British au Australian if he's quoting a British character au an Aussie character.
Nationality: N/A

Body part that character considers best part: His hands.
Why: They allow him to write.

Body part the character considers worst part: His ears.
Why: He has quite sensitive ears that get hurt fairly easily due to high-pitched sounds and noises.


Head: None
Neck: Sometimes he is seen wearing a silver-chained mkufu that has a black pen (Like a uandishi pen) on it.
Top: A grey t-shirt with a white sleeve kwa muda mrefu, kola muda mrefu shati underneath it.
Waist: A very thin, silver belt.
Bottom: Plain black jeans.
Hands: This wouldn't be considered clothing, but his fingers are almost always wrapped in white bandages (Due to the fact that when he gets angry, his Bones will literally start to spike out of his fingers and therefor cut him and cause bleeding).
Feet: Usually none, though sometimes he can be seen wearing plain grey sneakers.
Does character have variations of outfits?: Yes
If so, what?: Just about anything that he wants to wear.
Is there anything special about the character’s clothing (boots, gloves, scarf, ect.)?: No.
Is there a special backstory behind the Clothing?: Not really.

Jewelry?: That pen necklace.
If so, where?: Around his neck.
Does jewelry have special properties?: No, unless wewe count the fact that it has a single uandishi pen on it "special".
Is there a special backstory behind the jewelry?: Not really.


Weapons?: None

Other items: He tries to always be carrying a notebook, and that pen necklace. He also has a dark blue cellphone, though he never uses it unless he's making a call (He doesn't text, due to the fact that he has no one to text with).
Is there a special backstory behind these items?: Not really.

Does character have a mode of transportation?: Yes.
If so, what, and how many?: His own two feet.

Any pets?: No.


Likes: Walking, running, writing, directing and playing a part in his own plays.
Dislikes: People who make him angry, being too busy to write, people not following his orders when he's directing his plays.

Querks: Literate's eyes often follow wewe around the room if he's looking at you, even if he's standing perfectly still. His hands also often twitch and his fingers curl and uncurl (He claims that his hands do this on their own, even when he's not moving them).
Tendencies: He has a bad habit of staring and watching.

Does character have an addiction?: N/A

Is character friendly?: No, but he's not exactly anti-social. He's zaidi of the quiet type, but he's not completely anti-social. In fact, he often longs for someone to speak to.
Is character Depressed?: If he is. he doesn't onyesha it.

Is character violent?: He can be very violent if something is done to make him angry.

Does character enjoy kusoma a book, playing a physical game, playing a video game, au watching TV?: kusoma a book, playing a physical game.

Was character’s personality different before the story began?: In some ways.
If so, how?: He wasn't insane like he is now. Plus, he was even zaidi quiet than he is now back then, so in some ways, he got a bit zaidi "social" after the story started.


How would character react to a large-mass conflict (Giant robots, super-form evil people)?: Ignore it unless it's affecting him as well, such as putting him at risk/danger as well.
How would character react to a small-mass conflict (Quarrels, arguments)?: Ignore them au try to say something, depending on what's being said.

If character was offered a large amount of money to kill someone, would they do it?: No, he doesn't care for the money.

How does character first approach people?: He usually approaches them with a friendly smile and writes down something in his notebook to speak to them, au he'll quote something from a book au some means such as that as an introduction.
How does character react to being approached?: Usually similar to how he approaches people himself, except minus the smile sometimes. Plus, sometimes he just sits in silence until he thinks of something to say.

How would character react to someone complimenting in a flirtatious way?: He may say (or write down) thank you, most likely completely not noticing the flirt.
How would character react to being teased in a flirtatious way?: He may just stay quiet, au he may tease back. He may notice the flirt in this one, but he most likely didn't if he just stays quiet with no response.

If a complete stranger asked character out, how would they react?: Just turn and walk away, au say no and then walk away.
If a friend asked character out, how would they react?: If he was to actually make a "close" friend, and this person asked him out, he just might actually consider it, but it might be rare.

What would character do if they found a large amount of money on the ground?: Ignore it.
How would character react to someone trying to steal from them?: Chase them down and/or attack them relentlessly until they give it back.

How would character react to the death of a friend/family member: Depending on who it was and how close they are to him, he may just give a sigh and songesha on, au he may actually be hurt deep inside.

Emotional reactions

-Anger: He can be quite aggressive when angry, if he's in a fight, that is. If he's not in a fight, he normally just walks back and forth in very quick paces au in circles, attempting to calm down in any way possible. Sometimes he channels his anger into a story au play that he's writing.

-Happiness: He may put a soft, small smile on his face, but probably not much zaidi than that.

-Love: He may sit down and think about what he's feeling for quite some time, trying to figure out why he's feeling this "strange" feeling (He would think of the feeling of upendo as strange, unless he figured out it was love).

-Confusion: He would keep asking over and over again until he figured out what confusing him.

-Loneliness: He'll look around for the first living being that he can find, au just write quietly in his notebook at first. He would write to try to keep his mind off of it, but after too long, he would look for ANYONE; any breathing, living person to speak to.

-Aggression: He is very aggressive and even relentless sometimes in his attacks if he's fighting/attacking. If he's just purely angry, he may figure out someway to yell at the person who's making him angry, either kwa uandishi au kwa using a quote of some sort.

-Protective: He is quite protective over anything that is "close" to him (Friends, something important to him, something that he has been assigned to watch), and will try to stop anyone au anything from doing anything bad.

-Sadness: He'll usually sit down and channel his sadness into his writing, which usually results in some pretty saddening and "dark" poems/stories/plays. However, if he's feeling sadness too heavily, he may actually look for someone who will listen to his problem, though this is quite rare.

-Conflict/Danger: With danger, he'll try to handle the situation and adapt to what's going on (Adapt as in figure out what's going on and try to save himself. Example: If he's being shot at, he will realize this and begin seeking cover. If he's stranded in the wilderness, he will attempt to adapt and begin looking for chakula and somewhere to sleep, and perhaps materials to make a moto to keep him warm if it's cold). Now, conflict... He may rush it head-on, if he thinks he can fight it and push it back.

-Rejection: He'll songesha on, but may want to know zaidi about why he was told "no".

-Fear: Literate can fear, though he doesn't normally try to onyesha his fear. However, if he's quite afraid, he will actually become quite clingy to any Marafiki au people that are with him (As in want to stay close to them and not be away from them for long, as he will feel zaidi "protected" with others around).

-Change: If it's something big, he may try to change it back, but if he can't, he'll learn to adapt and songesha on.

-Loss: He may feel a deep pain in his moyo depending on what he lost, and feel quite upset. If someone around him, such as a friend, has Lost something, he may actually try to offer a few small words of comfort if it was actually bad.

-Flirting: He most likely would not flirt, unless he actually found someone that he set his moyo on. If someone flirted with him, he either wouldn't notice the flirts at first, au notice them pretty quickly, depending on what they were. He may react kwa walking away, he may just shake his head, au he may actually stand and listen, perhaps even putting a smile on his face depending on who was actually doing the flirting.

-Pain: He usually tries not to onyesha when he's in pain, but he gets a very sharp, sudden pain, he will let out quite an ear-piercing, high-pitched screech (A screech as in an actual screech, not a human scream).

-Stress: Much like when he's angry, he'll walk around in quick, tight circles au pace back and forth quickly. Sometimes he'll also write quickly, which sometimes causes his normally fine handwriting to look sloppy.

-Peer pressure: He doesn't meet that many people, so he's never really had to deal with peer pressure. If he did, he would probably ignore it and not give in, unless they were trying to pressure him into doing something that would actually benefit (Such as getting a wound au broken bone checked out).

-Guilt: He would do whatever he could do to make himself stop feeling guilty, unless he actually does something fairly bad that actually makes him feel a bit nervous. Then he may have other reactions, but most likely not too different.

-Being wrong: He would try to correct himself and then songesha on.

-Being criticized: He would ignore it, au consider it depending on who alisema it.

-Praise: He would ignore it, au give a tiny smile and say thanks. However, he would never let it stay on his mind for too long and/or go to his head.

-Being hated: He would ignore it, unless a friend suddenly begins hating him for a reason. In that case, he may try to fix whatever happened to make the close friend begin hating him.

-Humiliation: He would ignore it and not be phased kwa the laughing au taunting, unless the taunting comes from someone close. Then he may actually feel a bit hurt.

Greatest chanzo of strength in character's personality (whether s/he sees it as such au not): If someone actually manages to get close to him (Like as a friend), he is actually quite loyal.
Greatest chanzo of weakness in character's personality (whether s/he sees it as such au not): He's quiet, and doesn't onyesha his emotions often. This can make it hard for people to help him if he's actually hurting. Plus, his insanity only makes him that zaidi vulnerable to mental trauma/stress/hurt (Hurt as in emotional hurt).

Character's soft spot: N/A

Biggest vulnerability: His insanity leaves him almost completely open for someone to land a quite damaging mental hurt on him.

Which of the 7 deadly sins does character fight (or give into, willingly au not)?: Most likely wrath.
(lust, gluttony, greed, sloth, wrath, envy, pride)

Which of the 7 virtues does your character have (or fight against)?: Diligence, and Kindness to some very specific points (Having a positive outlook and trying to make others feel positive about situations). I don't think wewe could say he has the Kindness virtue, but wewe might be able to say that he has that certain trait.
(chastity, abstinence, leberality, diligence, patience, kindness, humility)

Optimist au pessimist?: Optimist
Introvert au extrovert?: Usually introvert, though he often longs to spend time with people and speak with them when he's lonely.
Drives and motivations?: He just does what he has to do and tries to finish his tasks.

Extremely skilled at: Writing, running, chasing, attacking with his "claws" (His Bones when they have spiked through his skin).
Extremely unskilled at: Taking in his surroundings, inaonyesha his emotions, making friends.

One word character would use to describe self: Myself.

One paragraph description of how character would describe self: I am who I am. I try to keep an optimistic view on things. I have been called freaky and creepy, and maybe I enjoy that in some far off ways. I upendo to write, and I upendo to read, but I also upendo to play physical games and enjoy the rush of adrenaline I get, especially when running. I honestly have no other ways to describe myself; I just am who I am.



A. -He can ignite himself in a white flame-like (It looks like flames, but it's not) energy, which feels very cold to touch.

Elemental powers?: No.

Physical skils

Flexibility: 10 (His Bones are very misshaped and can bend in quite some abnormal ways, granting him quite a bit of flexibility)
Strength: 7
Speed: 8
Endurance: 8

Mental Skills

Memory: 8
Text-book knowledge: 9
mitaani, mtaa knowledge: 4
Computer knowledge: 2
Other Knowledge: 4

Most recognized Skills (Top most noticed, bottom least)
1. The way his Bones work.
2. His insanity
3. His personality
4. His writing


Color: Blue
Music: None
Art (Gory, nature, romantic, ect.): He likes quite a few different types of art.
Food: None.
Book: He'd never be able to decide.
Quote(s): N/A
Actor: None.
Historical character: None.
Present character: None.
Fictional character: He'd never be able to decide.
Type of transportation: He's not sure.
Physical game (Tag, Hide-and-seek, ect.): Hide-and-Seek, "Chase".
Video-Game: None.
televisheni show: None.
Movie: None.


Hometown: N/A
Did character always live there?: N/A

Basic summary of character’s life before story began: Literate got injuries quite often, which resulted him being in the hospital quite often due to broken bones. Eventually this happening so often began to make his brain go insane, to the point where his brain no long knew how to work his body, which resulted in his Bones and body mutating into what they are now. His brain also made him think that knowledge was a antidote instead of a food, and therefor he spent a lot of time kusoma and learning. His brain now makes him believe that he is a play-writer, and he now thinks that he's perfectly normal.


Does character have parents?: N/A

Does character have siblings?: No.

Aunts, Uncles, Cousins, Nephews, Nieces
Relationship with: N/A

Is there a specific special family member, au members, that character is close to, au is an important part in character’s life?: N/A


Does character have children?: No.


Job?: No, but sometimes he considers it in the very back of his mind.

Does character like current-home?: Yes.
Has Character lived other places before current-home?: N/A

Is character wealthy?: No.


Who are Character’s Marafiki (If they have any)?: He never meets very many people, and usually the only people he meets are people that he drags into his plays. He's never seen the same person twice before, but if he did see one of these people again, he may start to consider them "friend" after talking to them enough and being around them long enough.

What would character consider a friend to be?: Someone to spend time with and speak to.

Which people have influenced character the most?: Different people have done very small things, but nothing really worth noting (At least at this moment. If he made zaidi friends, he may be zaidi influenced).

Who does character openly admire?: N/A
Who does character secretly admire?: There was once a girl who participated in one of his plays, who he paid a special interest to due to her personality.

Who are character’s enemies?: That would depend on who holds a grudge against him and goes against him.
Have they always been enemies?: Most likely not.

Is there a story behind the character and their enemies?: That would depend on how they became enemies.

Is character married?: No.

If not…

Does character have a crush on someone?: Once again, there was a certain girl who caught his eye compared to the other people that he had worked with, but it was zaidi of a respect than a love, however. But, perhaps there could be something there, IF he saw this person enough, but that would be unlikely.
Does the person like character the same way?: Most likely definitely not.

Other Friendship information

Who would character consider to be their best friend: He doesn't really have any ACTUAL friends.


How others perceive character
Friend: N/A
Enemy: Annoying, a danger, freaky.
Stranger: Either sweet au absolutely terrifying depending on his INTITAL approach.
Parent: N/A
Sibling: N/A
Offspring: N/A

First impression character makes is: Once again, it would probably depend on his initial approach. If you're nice to him, he may come off rather sweet until wewe make him mad au see him when he's mad.
What happens to change this perception?: If wewe make him angry au he's already angry when he comes to you, he could seem absolutely terrifying, creepy, and/or psychotic.

What do family/friends like most about character?: Unknown.
What do family/friends like least about character?: Unknown.


Immediate goal(s): Pretty much anything that he feels needs to be accomplished.

Long range goal(s): Pretty much anything that he feels needs to be accomplished.

How does character plan to accomplish goal(s)?: In any way that he knows how.

How will other people around character be affected?: Depending on what it is, it's very likely not no one will be affected in any way.


How does character face problems?: He usually tries to face them head-on.
Kinds of problems character usually runs into: He runs into many different things depending on his situation.


Past loves: None.
Current loves: Unless wewe count that person that he had a zaidi respect than upendo for, he doesn't have a current love.

Is relationship complicated au simple?: N/A

Does character love?: He could if he found an actual upendo interest and was serious about trying to tarehe her.

Sonic- franchise-Information

Does character have contact/relationships with Cannon-characters?: No.

Can character achieve a super-form?: No.

Does character live on Mobius?: No, unless wewe count his world a Mobius due to the fact it was Mobians (I'm still trying to decide if I want to stick him in one of my own made-up worlds that already exists, au if I want to make a new world that he stays in).

Is it in future, past, au present tense?: Probably either of three depending on where the story was set. If it was sit with him now, it would be present. If it was set with a different version of him that came up over time, it would be future. If it was his backstory, it would be past.

Does character have blood-relations with cannon-characters?: No.


When Literate writes and finishes a play, he will seek out people to play in it. If they do not agree, Literate will try to actually hunt them down and force them to play in it.

Literate is not a mute, but he never normally speaks; he only speaks in nukuu that he's read in books, au just anything that he's heard in general that he likes.
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