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Hello Hello Hello. I see we're back for the third time to play out one of these delightful little games. As wewe have no doubt figured out, I am not Riku114. I suppose wewe can call me....Monty. Now let's get to it. May the favors be forever in your odds....uh....whatever.

As the tributes stand on their podiums, the horn sounds.

Egyptprincess rips a mace out of Springely's hands.

IAMYOURENEMY, Blackpanther, and Hplover work together to get as many supplies as possible.

Dreamtime runs away from the Cornucopia.

Kaboomgirl runs away from the Cornucopia.

Elsafrost runs away from the Cornucopia.

Summer runs away from the Cornucopia.

Zeppie runs away from the Cornucopia.

Wantadog, Abcjkl, LegendofRoxas, and Zanhar3 share everything they gathered before running.

Deathding runs away from the Cornucopia.

Candylover breaks Mallomar's nose for a basket of bread.

Sapling runs away from the Cornucopia.

8thegreat takes a handful of throwing knives.

Riku runs away from the Cornucopia.

MrWayne and Rainsoul fight for a bag. Rainsoul gives up and retreats.

Blindbandit finds a bag full of explosives.

Poulamikundu grabs a backpack, not realizing it is empty.

DAY 1!
Candylover receives fresh chakula from an unknown sponsor.

Kaboomgirl receives an explosive from an unknown sponsor.

Blackpanther thinks about home.

Elsafrost and Dreamtime work together for the day.

Wantadog picks flowers.

Poulamikundu searches for firewood.

Sapling, Riku, 8thegreat, and Egyptprincess hunt for other tributes.

Deathding argues with a squirrel

Zeppie receives fresh chakula from an unknown sponsor.

Hplover tends to Blindbandit's wounds.

Summer fishes.

LegendofRoxas makes a wooden spear.

Zanhar3 and Springely work together for the day.

Abcjkl begs for Rainsoul to kill her. She refuses, keeping Abcjkl alive.

IAMYOURENEMY constructs a shack.

MrWayne diverts Mallomar's attention and runs away.

Deathding, MrWayne, Zeppie, Blindbandit, and Summer sleep in shifts.

Candylover fends Dreamtime, 8thegreat, and Wantadog away from her fire.

Springely forces Mallomar to kill Sapling au Poulamikundu . She refuses to kill, so Springely kills her instead.

Rainsoul glares jealously at Hplover

Abcjkl passes out from exhaustion.

LegendofRoxas receives an explosive from an unknown sponsor.

Zanhar3 and Riku huddle for warmth.

IAMYOURENEMY sees a fire, but stays hidden.

Kaboomgirl attempts to start a fire, but is unsuccessful.

Egyptprincess, Blackpanther, and Elsafrost sleep in shifts.

DAY 2!
Rainsoul searches for firewood.

LegendofRoxas discovers a river.

Riku tries to spear samaki with a trident.

Candylover tends to Wantadog's wounds.

Egyptprincess tends to Poulamikundu 's wounds.

Elsafrost, IAMYOURENEMY, Zanhar3, and Hplover raid Springely's camp while he is hunting.

Sapling explores the arena.

MrWayne receives a shoka from an unknown sponsor.

Blackpanther explores the arena.

Summer tries to spear samaki with a trident.

Kaboomgirl fishes.

Deathding makes a wooden spear.

Abcjkl fishes.

8thegreat hunts for other tributes.

Dreamtime steals from Blindbandit while he isn't looking.

Zeppie tries to spear samaki with a trident.

Candylover is awoken kwa nightmares.

Sapling and Abcjkl run into each other and decide to truce for the night.

Egyptprincess maswali her sanity.

Elsafrost sets up camp for the night.

8thegreat and Rainsoul huddle for warmth.

Hplover receives fresh chakula from an unknown sponsor.

Zeppie, IAMYOURENEMY, and Wantadog sleep in shifts.

Kaboomgirl, Dreamtime, Poulamikundu , Zanhar3, and Springely sleep in shifts.

Blackpanther lets MrWayne into his shelter.

Deathding maswali his sanity.

Riku receives clean water from an unknown sponsor.

Summer destroys LegendofRoxas's supplies while he is asleep.

Blindbandit stays awake all night.

DAY 3!
Deathding diverts Blindbandit's attention and runs away.

Dreamtime receives an explosive from an unknown sponsor.

Rainsoul tries to sleep through the entire day.

8thegreat, Candylover, and Hplover hunt for other tributes.

Elsafrost, Egyptprincess, Springely, and Sapling hunt for other tributes.

Zeppie steals from Wantadog while he isn't looking.

LegendofRoxas thinks about home.

Blackpanther kicks Poulamikundu in her groin and runs off

Riku receives an explosive from an unknown sponsor.

Summer receives clean water from an unknown sponsor.

Kaboomgirl defeats Abcjkl in a fight, but spares her life.

Zanhar3 receives an explosive from an unknown sponsor.

IAMYOURENEMY searches for firewood.

MrWayne makes a wooden spear.

Hplover glares jealously at Blindbandit

Egyptprincess is unable to start a moto and sleeps without warmth.

Deathding and Poulamikundu huddle for warmth.

IAMYOURENEMY sees a fire, but stays hidden.

8thegreat receives medical supplies from an unknown sponsor.

MrWayne receives a shoka from an unknown sponsor.

Summer tends to her wounds.

Candylover, LegendofRoxas, and Abcjkl get into a fight. Abcjkl triumphantly kills them both.

Sapling climbs a mti to rest.

Dreamtime tries to treat her infection.

Rainsoul tends to Riku's wounds.

Kaboomgirl quietly hums.

Zeppie lets Elsafrost into her shelter.

Blackpanther thinks about winning.

Springely screams for help.

Zanhar3 is awoken kwa nightmares.

Wantadog receives fresh chakula from an unknown sponsor.

DAY 4!
Springely defeats Zeppie in a fight, but spares her life.

Summer tries to sleep through the entire day.

Deathding makes a slingshot.

Rainsoul is pricked kwa thorns while picking berries.

MrWayne injures himself.

Blackpanther, Egyptprincess, Kaboomgirl, 8thegreat, and Hplover hunt for other tributes.

Dreamtime forces Wantadog to kill Elsafrost au Abcjkl. He decides to kill Elsafrost.

Poulamikundu , Zanhar3, Sapling, and Riku raid IAMYOURENEMY's camp while he is hunting.

Blindbandit argues with a squirrel

Blindbandit tends to Rainsoul's wounds.

Abcjkl maswali her sanity.

Dreamtime lets IAMYOURENEMY into her shelter.

Sapling sets up camp for the night.

Summer sets up camp for the night.

Springely glares jealously at MrWayne

Blackpanther screams for help.

Kaboomgirl defeats Egyptprincess in a fight, but spares her life.

Wantadog lets Riku into his shelter.

Zeppie screams for help.

Hplover receives an explosive from an unknown sponsor.

8thegreat accidently steps on a landmine.

Deathding and Zanhar3 sleep in shifts.

Poulamikundu loses sight of where she is.

DAY 5!
IAMYOURENEMY runs away from Riku.

Blindbandit tries to spear samaki with a trident.

Abcjkl, Wantadog, Rainsoul, Egyptprincess, and Zanhar3 hunt for other tributes.

Blackpanther explores the arena.

Dreamtime falls into a frozen lake and drowns.

Zeppie spears Hplover in the abdomen.

Springely and Kaboomgirl mgawanyiko, baidisha up to tafuta for resources.

MrWayne receives clean water from an unknown sponsor.

Summer tends to Sapling's wounds.

Poulamikundu thinks about home.

Deathding searches for a water source.

Wantadog and Rainsoul run into each other and decide to truce for the night.

IAMYOURENEMY tends to his wounds.

Poulamikundu , Sapling, and Abcjkl cheerfully sing songs together.

MrWayne sets up camp for the night.

Deathding sees a fire, but stays hidden.

Blackpanther begs for Zeppie to kill him. She refuses, keeping Blackpanther alive.

Egyptprincess and Summer track down and kill Riku.

Zanhar3 is unable to start a moto and sleeps without warmth.

Blindbandit tends to Kaboomgirl's wounds.

Springely tends to his wounds.

DAY 6!
Zanhar3 tries to spear samaki with a trident.

Poulamikundu constructs a shack.

Blackpanther argues with a squirrel

MrWayne kicks Abcjkl in her groin and runs off

Zeppie stalks Blindbandit.

Wantadog searches for a water source.

Rainsoul travels to higher ground.

IAMYOURENEMY, Springely, and Summer get into a fight. IAMYOURENEMY triumphantly kills them both.

Egyptprincess tries to spear samaki with a trident.

Deathding practices his archery.

Sapling throws a kisu into Kaboomgirl's chest.

MrWayne cries himself to sleep.

Wantadog tries to treat his infection.

Abcjkl convinces Egyptprincess to snuggle with her.

Blindbandit attempts to start a fire, but is unsuccessful.

Zeppie defeats Rainsoul in a fight, but spares her life.

Blackpanther passes out from exhaustion.

Zanhar3 attempts to start a fire, but is unsuccessful.

Poulamikundu , Deathding, IAMYOURENEMY, and Sapling sleep in shifts.

DAY 7!
Blindbandit steals from Zeppie while she isn't looking.

Abcjkl thinks about home.

Rainsoul receives medical supplies from an unknown sponsor.

Blackpanther, Wantadog, Sapling, MrWayne, and Egyptprincess hunt for other tributes.

IAMYOURENEMY camouflauges himself in the bushes.

Zanhar3 stalks Deathding.

Poulamikundu receives an explosive from an unknown sponsor.

Rainsoul sees a fire, but stays hidden.

Sapling tends to Zeppie's wounds.

Wantadog forces IAMYOURENEMY to kill Blackpanther au Abcjkl. He decides to kill Abcjkl.

Blindbandit defeats Poulamikundu in a fight, but spares her life.

Deathding, Zanhar3, and MrWayne sleep in shifts.

Egyptprincess dies of dysentery.

DAY 8!
Deathding and Sapling mgawanyiko, baidisha up to tafuta for resources.

Poulamikundu tends to Zeppie's wounds.

Blackpanther is pricked kwa thorns while picking berries.

Rainsoul receives clean water from an unknown sponsor.

Wantadog sees smoke rising in the distance, but decides not to investigate.

Blindbandit and Zanhar3 hunt for other tributes.

MrWayne steals from IAMYOURENEMY while he isn't looking.

Rainsoul and Deathding talk about the tributes still alive.

MrWayne and IAMYOURENEMY fight Sapling and Blackpanther. MrWayne and IAMYOURENEMY survive.

Wantadog tries to treat his infection.

Poulamikundu , Blindbandit, and Zeppie discuss the games and what might happen in the morning.

Zanhar3 receives a shoka from an unknown sponsor.

The cornucopia is replenished with food, supplies, weapons, and memoirs from the tributes' families.

IAMYOURENEMY decides not to go to The Feast.

Poulamikundu decides not to go to The Feast.

Zanhar3, Rainsoul, Zeppie, MrWayne, and Wantadog track down and kill Deathding.

Blindbandit decides not to go to The Feast.

DAY 9!
Wantadog fishes.

Poulamikundu and MrWayne hunt for other tributes.

Rainsoul, Zanhar3, Blindbandit, and Zeppie raid IAMYOURENEMY's camp while he is hunting.

MrWayne loses sight of where he is.

IAMYOURENEMY and Wantadog tell stories about themselves to each other.

Poulamikundu screams for help.

Rainsoul tries to treat her infection.

Blindbandit thinks about winning.

Zeppie loses sight of where she is.

Zanhar3 attempts to start a fire, but is unsuccessful.

DAY 10!
MrWayne, Zanhar3, Blindbandit, Wantadog, and IAMYOURENEMY hunt for other tributes.

Rainsoul searches for firewood.

Zeppie shoots a poisonous blow dart into Poulamikundu 's neck, slowly killing her.

Zanhar3 looks at the night sky.

Zeppie climbs a mti to rest.

Rainsoul tends to MrWayne's wounds.

Wantadog cooks his chakula before putting his moto out.

IAMYOURENEMY defeats Blindbandit in a fight, but spares his life.

DAY 11!
MrWayne runs away from IAMYOURENEMY.

Zanhar3, Zeppie, and Rainsoul hunt for other tributes.

Wantadog makes a wooden spear.

Blindbandit argues with a squirrel

IAMYOURENEMY stays awake all night.

Zanhar3 screams for help.

MrWayne fends Zeppie, Wantadog, and Blindbandit away from his fire.

Rainsoul cooks her chakula before putting her moto out.

DAY 12!
IAMYOURENEMY receives an explosive from an unknown sponsor.

Zeppie steals from MrWayne while he isn't looking.

Rainsoul sets an explosive off, killing Blindbandit, and Wantadog.

Zanhar3 maswali her sanity.

The arena's border begins to rapidly contract.

Rainsoul survives.

MrWayne survives.

Zanhar3 survives.


Zeppie survives.

MrWayne receives a shoka from an unknown sponsor.

IAMYOURENEMY bashes Zeppie's head in with a mace.

Zanhar3 maswali her sanity.

Rainsoul tries to treat her infection.

DAY 13!
Zanhar3, MrWayne, IAMYOURENEMY, and Rainsoul hunt for other tributes.

Zanhar3 tries to sing herself to sleep.

Rainsoul and MrWayne talk about the tributes still alive.

IAMYOURENEMY sets up camp for the night.

DAY 14!
IAMYOURENEMY practices his archery.

MrWayne steals from Zanhar3 while she isn't looking.

Rainsoul argues with a squirrel

IAMYOURENEMY climbs a mti to rest.

Rainsoul is awoken kwa nightmares.

MrWayne and Zanhar3 talk about the tributes still alive.

DAY 15!
Zanhar3 thinks about home.

Rainsoul fishes.

IAMYOURENEMY travels to higher ground.

MrWayne picks flowers.

Carnivorous squirrels start attacking the tributes.

Rainsoul survives.

Zanhar3, in agony, kills IAMYOURENEMY so he does not have to be attacked kwa the squirrels.

MrWayne tries to kills as many squirrels as he can, but there are too many.

Rainsoul dies trying to escape the arena.

The winner is Zanhar3 from District 2!

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