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Hello Hello Hello. I see we're back for the third time to play out one of these delightful little games. As wewe have no doubt figured out, I am not Riku114. I suppose wewe can call me....Monty. Now let's get to it. May the favors be forever in your odds....uh....whatever.

As the tributes stand on their podiums, the horn sounds.

Egyptprincess rips a mace out of Springely's hands.

IAMYOURENEMY, Blackpanther, and Hplover work together to get as many supplies as possible.

Dreamtime runs away from the Cornucopia.

Kaboomgirl runs away from the Cornucopia.

Elsafrost runs away from the Cornucopia.

Summer runs away from the Cornucopia.

Zeppie runs away from the Cornucopia.

Wantadog, Abcjkl, LegendofRoxas, and Zanhar3 share everything they gathered before running.

Deathding runs away from the Cornucopia.

Candylover breaks Mallomar's nose for a basket of bread.

Sapling runs away from the Cornucopia.

8thegreat takes a handful of throwing knives.

Riku runs away from the Cornucopia.

MrWayne and Rainsoul fight for a bag. Rainsoul gives up and retreats.

Blindbandit finds a bag full of explosives.

Poulamikundu grabs a backpack, not realizing it is empty.

DAY 1!
Candylover receives fresh chakula from an unknown sponsor.

Kaboomgirl receives an explosive from an unknown sponsor.

Blackpanther thinks about home.

Elsafrost and Dreamtime work together for the day.

Wantadog picks flowers.

Poulamikundu searches for firewood.

Sapling, Riku, 8thegreat, and Egyptprincess hunt for other tributes.

Deathding argues with a squirrel

Zeppie receives fresh chakula from an unknown sponsor.

Hplover tends to Blindbandit's wounds.

Summer fishes.

LegendofRoxas makes a wooden spear.

Zanhar3 and Springely work together for the day.

Abcjkl begs for Rainsoul to kill her. She refuses, keeping Abcjkl alive.

IAMYOURENEMY constructs a shack.

MrWayne diverts Mallomar's attention and runs away.

Deathding, MrWayne, Zeppie, Blindbandit, and Summer sleep in shifts.

Candylover fends Dreamtime, 8thegreat, and Wantadog away from her fire.

Springely forces Mallomar to kill Sapling au Poulamikundu . She refuses to kill, so Springely kills her instead.

Rainsoul glares jealously at Hplover

Abcjkl passes out from exhaustion.

LegendofRoxas receives an explosive from an unknown sponsor.

Zanhar3 and Riku huddle for warmth.

IAMYOURENEMY sees a fire, but stays hidden.

Kaboomgirl attempts to start a fire, but is unsuccessful.

Egyptprincess, Blackpanther, and Elsafrost sleep in shifts.

DAY 2!
Rainsoul searches for firewood.

LegendofRoxas discovers a river.

Riku tries to spear samaki with a trident.

Candylover tends to Wantadog's wounds.

Egyptprincess tends to Poulamikundu 's wounds.

Elsafrost, IAMYOURENEMY, Zanhar3, and Hplover raid Springely's camp while he is hunting.

Sapling explores the arena.

MrWayne receives a shoka from an unknown sponsor.

Blackpanther explores the arena.

Summer tries to spear samaki with a trident.

Kaboomgirl fishes.

Deathding makes a wooden spear.

Abcjkl fishes.

8thegreat hunts for other tributes.

Dreamtime steals from Blindbandit while he isn't looking.

Zeppie tries to spear samaki with a trident.

Candylover is awoken kwa nightmares.

Sapling and Abcjkl run into each other and decide to truce for the night.

Egyptprincess maswali her sanity.

Elsafrost sets up camp for the night.

8thegreat and Rainsoul huddle for warmth.

Hplover receives fresh chakula from an unknown sponsor.

Zeppie, IAMYOURENEMY, and Wantadog sleep in shifts.

Kaboomgirl, Dreamtime, Poulamikundu , Zanhar3, and Springely sleep in shifts.

Blackpanther lets MrWayne into his shelter.

Deathding maswali his sanity.

Riku receives clean water from an unknown sponsor.

Summer destroys LegendofRoxas's supplies while he is asleep.

Blindbandit stays awake all night.

DAY 3!
Deathding diverts Blindbandit's attention and runs away.

Dreamtime receives an explosive from an unknown sponsor.

Rainsoul tries to sleep through the entire day.

8thegreat, Candylover, and Hplover hunt for other tributes.

Elsafrost, Egyptprincess, Springely, and Sapling hunt for other tributes.

Zeppie steals from Wantadog while he isn't looking.

LegendofRoxas thinks about home.

Blackpanther kicks Poulamikundu in her groin and runs off

Riku receives an explosive from an unknown sponsor.

Summer receives clean water from an unknown sponsor.

Kaboomgirl defeats Abcjkl in a fight, but spares her life.

Zanhar3 receives an explosive from an unknown sponsor.

IAMYOURENEMY searches for firewood.

MrWayne makes a wooden spear.

Hplover glares jealously at Blindbandit

Egyptprincess is unable to start a moto and sleeps without warmth.

Deathding and Poulamikundu huddle for warmth.

IAMYOURENEMY sees a fire, but stays hidden.

8thegreat receives medical supplies from an unknown sponsor.

MrWayne receives a shoka from an unknown sponsor.

Summer tends to her wounds.

Candylover, LegendofRoxas, and Abcjkl get into a fight. Abcjkl triumphantly kills them both.

Sapling climbs a mti to rest.

Dreamtime tries to treat her infection.

Rainsoul tends to Riku's wounds.

Kaboomgirl quietly hums.

Zeppie lets Elsafrost into her shelter.

Blackpanther thinks about winning.

Springely screams for help.

Zanhar3 is awoken kwa nightmares.

Wantadog receives fresh chakula from an unknown sponsor.

DAY 4!
Springely defeats Zeppie in a fight, but spares her life.

Summer tries to sleep through the entire day.

Deathding makes a slingshot.

Rainsoul is pricked kwa thorns while picking berries.

MrWayne injures himself.

Blackpanther, Egyptprincess, Kaboomgirl, 8thegreat, and Hplover hunt for other tributes.

Dreamtime forces Wantadog to kill Elsafrost au Abcjkl. He decides to kill Elsafrost.

Poulamikundu , Zanhar3, Sapling, and Riku raid IAMYOURENEMY's camp while he is hunting.

Blindbandit argues with a squirrel

Blindbandit tends to Rainsoul's wounds.

Abcjkl maswali her sanity.

Dreamtime lets IAMYOURENEMY into her shelter.

Sapling sets up camp for the night.

Summer sets up camp for the night.

Springely glares jealously at MrWayne

Blackpanther screams for help.

Kaboomgirl defeats Egyptprincess in a fight, but spares her life.

Wantadog lets Riku into his shelter.

Zeppie screams for help.

Hplover receives an explosive from an unknown sponsor.

8thegreat accidently steps on a landmine.

Deathding and Zanhar3 sleep in shifts.

Poulamikundu loses sight of where she is.

DAY 5!
IAMYOURENEMY runs away from Riku.

Blindbandit tries to spear samaki with a trident.

Abcjkl, Wantadog, Rainsoul, Egyptprincess, and Zanhar3 hunt for other tributes.

Blackpanther explores the arena.

Dreamtime falls into a frozen lake and drowns.

Zeppie spears Hplover in the abdomen.

Springely and Kaboomgirl mgawanyiko, baidisha up to tafuta for resources.

MrWayne receives clean water from an unknown sponsor.

Summer tends to Sapling's wounds.

Poulamikundu thinks about home.

Deathding searches for a water source.

Wantadog and Rainsoul run into each other and decide to truce for the night.

IAMYOURENEMY tends to his wounds.

Poulamikundu , Sapling, and Abcjkl cheerfully sing songs together.

MrWayne sets up camp for the night.

Deathding sees a fire, but stays hidden.

Blackpanther begs for Zeppie to kill him. She refuses, keeping Blackpanther alive.

Egyptprincess and Summer track down and kill Riku.

Zanhar3 is unable to start a moto and sleeps without warmth.

Blindbandit tends to Kaboomgirl's wounds.

Springely tends to his wounds.

DAY 6!
Zanhar3 tries to spear samaki with a trident.

Poulamikundu constructs a shack.

Blackpanther argues with a squirrel

MrWayne kicks Abcjkl in her groin and runs off

Zeppie stalks Blindbandit.

Wantadog searches for a water source.

Rainsoul travels to higher ground.

IAMYOURENEMY, Springely, and Summer get into a fight. IAMYOURENEMY triumphantly kills them both.

Egyptprincess tries to spear samaki with a trident.

Deathding practices his archery.

Sapling throws a kisu into Kaboomgirl's chest.

MrWayne cries himself to sleep.

Wantadog tries to treat his infection.

Abcjkl convinces Egyptprincess to snuggle with her.

Blindbandit attempts to start a fire, but is unsuccessful.

Zeppie defeats Rainsoul in a fight, but spares her life.

Blackpanther passes out from exhaustion.

Zanhar3 attempts to start a fire, but is unsuccessful.

Poulamikundu , Deathding, IAMYOURENEMY, and Sapling sleep in shifts.

DAY 7!
Blindbandit steals from Zeppie while she isn't looking.

Abcjkl thinks about home.

Rainsoul receives medical supplies from an unknown sponsor.

Blackpanther, Wantadog, Sapling, MrWayne, and Egyptprincess hunt for other tributes.

IAMYOURENEMY camouflauges himself in the bushes.

Zanhar3 stalks Deathding.

Poulamikundu receives an explosive from an unknown sponsor.

Rainsoul sees a fire, but stays hidden.

Sapling tends to Zeppie's wounds.

Wantadog forces IAMYOURENEMY to kill Blackpanther au Abcjkl. He decides to kill Abcjkl.

Blindbandit defeats Poulamikundu in a fight, but spares her life.

Deathding, Zanhar3, and MrWayne sleep in shifts.

Egyptprincess dies of dysentery.

DAY 8!
Deathding and Sapling mgawanyiko, baidisha up to tafuta for resources.

Poulamikundu tends to Zeppie's wounds.

Blackpanther is pricked kwa thorns while picking berries.

Rainsoul receives clean water from an unknown sponsor.

Wantadog sees smoke rising in the distance, but decides not to investigate.

Blindbandit and Zanhar3 hunt for other tributes.

MrWayne steals from IAMYOURENEMY while he isn't looking.

Rainsoul and Deathding talk about the tributes still alive.

MrWayne and IAMYOURENEMY fight Sapling and Blackpanther. MrWayne and IAMYOURENEMY survive.

Wantadog tries to treat his infection.

Poulamikundu , Blindbandit, and Zeppie discuss the games and what might happen in the morning.

Zanhar3 receives a shoka from an unknown sponsor.

The cornucopia is replenished with food, supplies, weapons, and memoirs from the tributes' families.

IAMYOURENEMY decides not to go to The Feast.

Poulamikundu decides not to go to The Feast.

Zanhar3, Rainsoul, Zeppie, MrWayne, and Wantadog track down and kill Deathding.

Blindbandit decides not to go to The Feast.

DAY 9!
Wantadog fishes.

Poulamikundu and MrWayne hunt for other tributes.

Rainsoul, Zanhar3, Blindbandit, and Zeppie raid IAMYOURENEMY's camp while he is hunting.

MrWayne loses sight of where he is.

IAMYOURENEMY and Wantadog tell stories about themselves to each other.

Poulamikundu screams for help.

Rainsoul tries to treat her infection.

Blindbandit thinks about winning.

Zeppie loses sight of where she is.

Zanhar3 attempts to start a fire, but is unsuccessful.

DAY 10!
MrWayne, Zanhar3, Blindbandit, Wantadog, and IAMYOURENEMY hunt for other tributes.

Rainsoul searches for firewood.

Zeppie shoots a poisonous blow dart into Poulamikundu 's neck, slowly killing her.

Zanhar3 looks at the night sky.

Zeppie climbs a mti to rest.

Rainsoul tends to MrWayne's wounds.

Wantadog cooks his chakula before putting his moto out.

IAMYOURENEMY defeats Blindbandit in a fight, but spares his life.

DAY 11!
MrWayne runs away from IAMYOURENEMY.

Zanhar3, Zeppie, and Rainsoul hunt for other tributes.

Wantadog makes a wooden spear.

Blindbandit argues with a squirrel

IAMYOURENEMY stays awake all night.

Zanhar3 screams for help.

MrWayne fends Zeppie, Wantadog, and Blindbandit away from his fire.

Rainsoul cooks her chakula before putting her moto out.

DAY 12!
IAMYOURENEMY receives an explosive from an unknown sponsor.

Zeppie steals from MrWayne while he isn't looking.

Rainsoul sets an explosive off, killing Blindbandit, and Wantadog.

Zanhar3 maswali her sanity.

The arena's border begins to rapidly contract.

Rainsoul survives.

MrWayne survives.

Zanhar3 survives.


Zeppie survives.

MrWayne receives a shoka from an unknown sponsor.

IAMYOURENEMY bashes Zeppie's head in with a mace.

Zanhar3 maswali her sanity.

Rainsoul tries to treat her infection.

DAY 13!
Zanhar3, MrWayne, IAMYOURENEMY, and Rainsoul hunt for other tributes.

Zanhar3 tries to sing herself to sleep.

Rainsoul and MrWayne talk about the tributes still alive.

IAMYOURENEMY sets up camp for the night.

DAY 14!
IAMYOURENEMY practices his archery.

MrWayne steals from Zanhar3 while she isn't looking.

Rainsoul argues with a squirrel

IAMYOURENEMY climbs a mti to rest.

Rainsoul is awoken kwa nightmares.

MrWayne and Zanhar3 talk about the tributes still alive.

DAY 15!
Zanhar3 thinks about home.

Rainsoul fishes.

IAMYOURENEMY travels to higher ground.

MrWayne picks flowers.

Carnivorous squirrels start attacking the tributes.

Rainsoul survives.

Zanhar3, in agony, kills IAMYOURENEMY so he does not have to be attacked kwa the squirrels.

MrWayne tries to kills as many squirrels as he can, but there are too many.

Rainsoul dies trying to escape the arena.

The winner is Zanhar3 from District 2!

"Hey, Mom, Dad, I'm home!" Emma called from the foyer of their house. She walked into the jikoni and found her parents cooking dinner. "Hi sweetie, we're cooking vegetarian spaghetti, tambi and the sauce, your favorite!" Her mom said. "Cool! But I need to eat it fast, I need to call some Marafiki and talk, is that okay?" Emma said, walking over to her mom. "Of course, honey!" Her mom said. "And dinner's just about ready."

"Bye!" Eve mouthed to Mellissa from the sidewalk. Eve turned the corner and once she did she started running towards an alley. "Might as well take a shortcut." She muttered to herself....
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First off, I’m trying to convey that I find your statement au remark funny, even though I may au may not be laughing behind this screen. Some people are too lazy to laugh, au just do it to make them think that they like wewe in order to get something out of you. Those kind of lolers are NOT your friends, I repeat NOT. For those who are clueless about what I’m talking about, “lol” is internet slang for laugh out loud and is probably the most used word on the internet and about 90% of internet denizens use this slang word in their daily online conversations, blog posts, comments, etc....
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posted by Sylvia_Puffin
1. Empath. An empath is someone who can sense the emotions of others. They tend to feel drained after being an a crowd.
2. Shaman. Shamans can heal people and feel comfortable on nature. They sometimes feel protected kwa wild places, such as a forest.
3. Medium. Mediums can speak to the dead. They can sense the presense of a spirit and some have been visited kwa one.
4. Channeler. Someone who can act as a channel for a spirit au other otherworldly being.
5. Clair. There are a few different types of clairs, but all it means is that wewe have a very strong sense of something. For example, someone who is clairvoyant can see things miles away.
6. Telepath. Someone who can comunicate mind-to-mind with someone.
7. Dowsers au water witches. Someone who can locate water au Lost object with a rod au wand.
8. Aura readers. Aura readers can see au sense aura, au energy.
9. Animal telepath. Someone who can communicate with animals.
10. Astral projector. Someone who can leave their body.
1.Determine how many times a week wewe eat au want to eat chocolate. It must be a number between 1 and 10, including 1 au 10.

Let's say wewe eat chokoleti 8 times a week (we won't tell).

2.Multiply that number kwa 2.

8 x 2 = 16

3.Add 5 to the awali result.

16 + 5 = 21

4.Multiply that kwa 50.

21 x 50 = 1050

5.Add the current mwaka (Gregorian).

1050 + 2011 = 3061

6.Subtract 250 if you've had a birthday this year. If wewe haven't had a birthday this year, subtract 251.

(Let's say your birthday hasn't passed yet.)

3061 - 251 = 2810

7.(Assuming wewe were born in 1975...)

2810 - 1975 = 835

8.You'll end up with a 3 au 4 digit number. The last two digits are your age (if you're under 10 years old there will be a zero before your age). The remaining one au two digits will be the number of times per week wewe eat au want chokoleti (the number wewe specified in the first step).

8 pieces of chokoleti a week, 35 years of age.
posted by misscrazel
I tried to brush Dominic's hair away from his eyes. This time he let me. He had one green eye that was a completely different pattern then the black one. His eye had been replaced.
"Your lucky," I said. "I heard in 3017 they couldn't do that." I continued. "you started being able to in 3018."
"I'm not lucky." He said,"it could have just not happened."
"What did happen?"
 "It's a long story. wewe wouldn't like it anyway."
"No I really would."
"No. I don't want to talk about it."
"Ok. wewe can tell me if wewe ever want to."
"Ok. Well I won't."
posted by animelol
-Every year, nearly 4 million Cats are eaten in Asia
-On average, Cats spend 2/3 of a siku sleeping,that means a 9 mwaka old cat has been awake for 3 years of its life!
-When a cat chases its prey,it keeps its head level. mbwa and humans bob their heads up and down.
-A group of Cats is called a "clowder"
-Female Cats tend to be right pawed, while male Cats are often left pawed
-Cats make about 100 different sounds, mbwa make 10.
-Some siamese Cats appear to be cross-eyed because the nerves from its left eye go mostly to the right and the opposite with the other eye
-A Cats eyesight is both better and...
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If wewe could see inside my heart
Then wewe will understand
I'd never mean to hurt you
Baby I'm not that kind of man

I might not say I'm sorry
Yeah, I might talk tough sometimes
And I might forget the little things
Or keep wewe hanging on the line

In a world that don't know Romeo and Juliet
Boy meets girl and promises we can't forget
We are cast from Eden's gate with no regrets
Into the moto we cry

I'd die for you
I'd cry for you
I'd do anything
I'd lie for you
You know it's true
Baby I'd die for you
I'd die for you
I'd cry for you
If it came right down to me and you
You know it's true, baby I'd die for you

I might...
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In and out of love
In and out of love
In and out of love
In and out of love
In and out of love
In and out of love

Young and wired
Set to explode in the heat
You won't tire
‘Cause baby was born with the beat
Take wewe higher than you've ever known
Then drive wewe down to your knees
I pick wewe up when you've had enough
You been burned baby lessons learned

In and out of love
Hear what I'm saying
In and out of love
It's the way that we're playing
In and out of love
Too much is never enough
She's gonna get ya

Running wild
When me and my boys hit the streets
Right on time
She's here to make my night complete
Then I'm long...
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This time girl I've had enough
You're too hot to handle with kid gloves
Oh it's too late I hear a knock on the door
The game's over baby I can't take it no more

Breakout (Breakout)
Take these chains from me
You held my moyo for ransom
Baby, set it free
Breakout (Breakout)
Your lies can't hide what I see
I'm better off on my own

Promises made in the heat of the night (Whoa-oh-whoa-oh)
Those words were broken under bedroom lights (Whoa-oh)
Your lips they burn your body calls my name (Whoa-oh-whoa-oh)
I can feel the moto but it's all in vain (Whoa-oh)...
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Shot through the moyo
It's all part of the game that we call love

Would wewe be content to see me crying
After all those little games wewe put me through
After all I've done for wewe you're lying
Wouldn't it be nice to tell the truth

Didn't somebody somewhere say
You're gonna take a fall
I gave wewe everything
Now here's the curtain call

Am I’m
Shot through the moyo as I lay there alone
In the dark through the heart
It's all part of the game that we call love

Now you've come back here to say you're sorry, ha
I don't know who you're talking to
It could be the man I used to be, girl
I've grown up and now I'm...
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What zaidi can I do, there's nothing that I haven't tried
Still it's so hard for her to notice
That I've tried hard to be straight
There's nothing left I can say
If only she would look my way, hey, hujambo but

She don't know me (She don't know)
She don't see me (She don't care)
She can't hear me (She can't hear)
Can not help me (She don't want)
She don't want me (Like I want her)
Like I want her (I’ve got to tell her)
Got to tell her (That I upendo her)
That I upendo her
She doesn't even know my name

I dream of when she'll be mine
I dream of crossing that line
And holding her so tender
Dreaming it could come true
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^.^ Happy Thanksgiving, everyone!
This is NOT mine, I found it link. Thought this was funny....enjoy!
"Whew, that's one terrific spread!"

"I'm in the mood for a little dark meat."

"Tying the legs together keeps the inside moist."

"Talk about a huge breast!"

"It's Cool Whip time!"

"If I don't undo my pants, I'll burst!"

"Are wewe ready for sekunde yet?"

"Are wewe going to come again inayofuata time?"

"It's a little dry, do wewe still want to eat it?"

"Just wait your turn, you'll get some!"

"Don't play with your meat."

"Just spread the legs open & stuff it in."

"Do wewe think you'll be able to handle...
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posted by Gmillsap02
At the end of series 3, wewe never really find out what happens to Zuko's Mom, do you? well, I've got an idea, check this out:

Ozai wanted to be firelord, but Azulon wouldn't let him be inayofuata in line, yadda yadda yadda, Iroh and Lu Ten, yadda yadda yadda, Ozai has to kill his first born son. But Ursa didn't like that so she planned a plan so that Ozai would be firelord and Zuko would live, but then Ursa was banished and I THINK that Ozai killed Azulon but who knows. So, Ursa is banished, and I don't really know where she's gone....but remember when Aang was in the spirit world and he had to talk to "The Face Stealer" (Can't remember the name-sorry) and he changes his face, Right? Well wewe know that face au a girl with long dark hair? Doen't she look alot like Ursa? If wewe don't think so just have a look at how different Azula looked when she was crazy and cut her hair.

Think about it...I could be right!

So she of trapped in THE SPIRIT WORLD<--------
posted by flippy_fan210
yes, this is ripping off cupcakes. do not read of wewe don't like blood and gore. for those who don't know the characters, cadence and shining armor are at the bottom.

chapter 1: Cadence

Cadence was walking to Derpy's new bakery with Shining armor. Derpy alisema she had something extra special planned for the three of them. “where is the bakery anyways?” Cadence asked. “i think it's the one with the huge muffin, mkate ule ulikuwa mtamu on top.” Shining armor replied. “yeah, that's gotta be it.” Cadence said, walking towards it. Shining armor followed her. They walked into the bakery, at first it looked as if...
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I’m in disarray
I’m unkempt
And I upendo wewe sugar
Yeah this is what wewe do
When wewe run your fingers through my hair
In the morning I’m feeling like a sexy superstar

Wow, wow
You rock my party
Wanna make wewe stay
You’re the only one that keeps me imba la la la
I upendo to smell your t-shirt
I like the way wewe are
But most of all I like it, like it

I like what wewe do to my hair
Who knew that looking a mess could feel so good
I like what wewe do to my hair
Toss it and tease it
Run your fingers through it
Oh how wewe do it

Now go and mess it up, mess it up
Baby mess it up
Mess it up, mess it up
Do it till I can’t...
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Don’t speak
I can’t believe
This is here happening
Our situation isn’t right
Get real, who wewe playing with
I never thought you’d be like this
You were supposed to be there kwa my side

When wewe say that wewe want me, I just don’t believe it
You’re always ready to give up and never turn around

But what if I need wewe baby
Would wewe even try to save me
Or would wewe find some lame excuse to never be true
What if I alisema I upendo you
Would wewe be the one to run to
Or would wewe watch me walk away without a fight

I’m so sick of worrying that you’re gonna quit over anything
I could trip and you’d let...
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Hip shaker
Dream maker
Heart breaker
Earth quaker
I can be anything that wewe want me to

Coin spender
Mind bender
Jet setter
Go getter
Changing my get up for anything wewe choose

I don’t mind trying on someone else
I won’t mind seeing just how it felt
I might like changing my disguise
To make wewe happy

Here’s my formal invitation
You and me go masquerading
Lose ourselves in this charading
Is this upendo we’re imitating
Do we want what we got
If not I say so what
Here’s my formal invitation
La la la la

You can be my
School teacher
Mind reader
Dream weaver
Just be the one I can count on to play it out with me

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I’m a straight-up kind of girl I am
I’m a telling it like it is I am
And that’s just the kind of girl I am
Head up, hands up, tell me
You’re a honey kind of boy wewe are
You’re a talented kind of boy wewe are
And that’s just the kind of boy wewe are
Head up, hands up, these are
Headstrong, crazy days
When your mind’s made up and the muziki plays
Headstrong, can wewe feel the beat
Melt down, can wewe feel the heat
Melt down, it’s not a crush
In a hot, hot room we’re in a rush
Headstrong, can wewe feel the beat
Melt down, can wewe feel the heat
Gonna feel alive tonight I am
I’m a positive kind of...
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Something about your style got me freakin’ out
Hey boy, hujambo boy
Gotta make wewe mine and there ain’t no doubt
Hey boy, hujambo boy
You’re really laid back and wewe play it smooth
Hey boy, hujambo boy
I see the way wewe songesha from across the room and I know I’m tripping on you, oh
Boy I’m feeling something real and
I don’t know what to do
So excited, I can’t hide it
Got my eyes on you
You got me goin’ crazy
Want to be your baby
I don’t know what to do
I can’t take my eyes off you
You got me goin’ crazy
It’s just the way you’re moving
I really wish wewe knew, what wewe do
I can’t take my eyes off...
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I’m not the girl that wewe see in the magazine
Perfect face and perfect body
Never be anyone but the one I am, one I am
I can’t bend to your expectations
Live to fulfill any fantasy
If what I am is what wewe need
Love me for me
And not for someone that I would never be
‘Cause what wewe get is what wewe see
And I can’t be any zaidi than what I am
Love me for me au don’t upendo me (Or don’t upendo me)
Don’t think you’re gonna change what’s inside of me
Make me who wewe want me to be
Won’t be someone I’m not for somebody else, someone else
Love me with all my imperfections
Not for an image of your...
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